from typing import Any, Dict, List import numpy as np from mlagents.envs.brain import BrainInfo from mlagents.trainers.buffer import Buffer from mlagents.trainers.components.reward_signals import RewardSignal, RewardSignalResult from mlagents.trainers.components.reward_signals.curiosity.model import CuriosityModel from mlagents.trainers.tf_policy import TFPolicy class CuriosityRewardSignal(RewardSignal): def __init__( self, policy: TFPolicy, strength: float, gamma: float, encoding_size: int = 128, learning_rate: float = 3e-4, num_epoch: int = 3, ): """ Creates the Curiosity reward generator :param policy: The Learning Policy :param strength: The scaling parameter for the reward. The scaled reward will be the unscaled reward multiplied by the strength parameter :param gamma: The time discounting factor used for this reward. :param encoding_size: The size of the hidden encoding layer for the ICM :param learning_rate: The learning rate for the ICM. :param num_epoch: The number of epochs to train over the training buffer for the ICM. """ super().__init__(policy, strength, gamma) self.model = CuriosityModel( policy.model, encoding_size=encoding_size, learning_rate=learning_rate ) self.num_epoch = num_epoch self.update_dict = { "forward_loss": self.model.forward_loss, "inverse_loss": self.model.inverse_loss, "update": self.model.update_batch, } self.has_updated = False def evaluate( self, current_info: BrainInfo, next_info: BrainInfo ) -> RewardSignalResult: """ Evaluates the reward for the agents present in current_info given the next_info :param current_info: The current BrainInfo. :param next_info: The BrainInfo from the next timestep. :return: a RewardSignalResult of (scaled intrinsic reward, unscaled intrinsic reward) provided by the generator """ if len(current_info.agents) == 0: return [] feed_dict = { self.policy.model.batch_size: len(next_info.vector_observations), self.policy.model.sequence_length: 1, } feed_dict = self.policy.fill_eval_dict(feed_dict, brain_info=current_info) if self.policy.use_continuous_act: feed_dict[ self.policy.model.selected_actions ] = next_info.previous_vector_actions else: feed_dict[ self.policy.model.action_holder ] = next_info.previous_vector_actions for i in range(self.policy.model.vis_obs_size): feed_dict[self.model.next_visual_in[i]] = next_info.visual_observations[i] if self.policy.use_vec_obs: feed_dict[self.model.next_vector_in] = next_info.vector_observations if self.policy.use_recurrent: if current_info.memories.shape[1] == 0: current_info.memories = self.policy.make_empty_memory( len(current_info.agents) ) feed_dict[self.policy.model.memory_in] = current_info.memories unscaled_reward = self.model.intrinsic_reward, feed_dict=feed_dict ) scaled_reward = np.clip( unscaled_reward * float(self.has_updated) * self.strength, 0, 1 ) return RewardSignalResult(scaled_reward, unscaled_reward) @classmethod def check_config( cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any], param_keys: List[str] = None ) -> None: """ Checks the config and throw an exception if a hyperparameter is missing. Curiosity requires strength, gamma, and encoding size at minimum. """ param_keys = ["strength", "gamma", "encoding_size"] super().check_config(config_dict, param_keys) def update(self, update_buffer: Buffer, num_sequences: int) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Updates Curiosity model using training buffer. Divides training buffer into mini batches and performs gradient descent. :param update_buffer: Update buffer from which to pull data from. :param num_sequences: Number of sequences in the update buffer. :return: Dict of stats that should be reported to Tensorboard. """ forward_total: List[float] = [] inverse_total: List[float] = [] for _ in range(self.num_epoch): update_buffer.shuffle() buffer = update_buffer for l in range(len(update_buffer["actions"]) // num_sequences): start = l * num_sequences end = (l + 1) * num_sequences run_out_curio = self._update_batch( buffer.make_mini_batch(start, end), num_sequences ) inverse_total.append(run_out_curio["inverse_loss"]) forward_total.append(run_out_curio["forward_loss"]) update_stats = { "Losses/Curiosity Forward Loss": np.mean(forward_total), "Losses/Curiosity Inverse Loss": np.mean(inverse_total), } return update_stats def _update_batch( self, mini_batch: Dict[str, np.ndarray], num_sequences: int ) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Updates model using buffer. :param num_sequences: Number of trajectories in batch. :param mini_batch: Experience batch. :return: Output from update process. """ feed_dict = { self.policy.model.batch_size: num_sequences, self.policy.model.sequence_length: self.policy.sequence_length, self.policy.model.mask_input: mini_batch["masks"].flatten(), self.policy.model.advantage: mini_batch["advantages"].reshape([-1, 1]), self.policy.model.all_old_log_probs: mini_batch["action_probs"].reshape( [-1, sum(self.policy.model.act_size)] ), } if self.policy.use_continuous_act: feed_dict[self.policy.model.output_pre] = mini_batch["actions_pre"].reshape( [-1, self.policy.model.act_size[0]] ) feed_dict[self.policy.model.epsilon] = mini_batch[ "random_normal_epsilon" ].reshape([-1, self.policy.model.act_size[0]]) else: feed_dict[self.policy.model.action_holder] = mini_batch["actions"].reshape( [-1, len(self.policy.model.act_size)] ) if self.policy.use_recurrent: feed_dict[self.policy.model.prev_action] = mini_batch[ "prev_action" ].reshape([-1, len(self.policy.model.act_size)]) feed_dict[self.policy.model.action_masks] = mini_batch[ "action_mask" ].reshape([-1, sum(self.policy.brain.vector_action_space_size)]) if self.policy.use_vec_obs: feed_dict[self.policy.model.vector_in] = mini_batch["vector_obs"].reshape( [-1, self.policy.vec_obs_size] ) feed_dict[self.model.next_vector_in] = mini_batch["next_vector_in"].reshape( [-1, self.policy.vec_obs_size] ) if self.policy.model.vis_obs_size > 0: for i, _ in enumerate(self.policy.model.visual_in): _obs = mini_batch["visual_obs%d" % i] if self.policy.sequence_length > 1 and self.policy.use_recurrent: (_batch, _seq, _w, _h, _c) = _obs.shape feed_dict[self.policy.model.visual_in[i]] = _obs.reshape( [-1, _w, _h, _c] ) else: feed_dict[self.policy.model.visual_in[i]] = _obs for i, _ in enumerate(self.policy.model.visual_in): _obs = mini_batch["next_visual_obs%d" % i] if self.policy.sequence_length > 1 and self.policy.use_recurrent: (_batch, _seq, _w, _h, _c) = _obs.shape feed_dict[self.model.next_visual_in[i]] = _obs.reshape( [-1, _w, _h, _c] ) else: feed_dict[self.model.next_visual_in[i]] = _obs if self.policy.use_recurrent: mem_in = mini_batch["memory"][:, 0, :] feed_dict[self.policy.model.memory_in] = mem_in self.has_updated = True run_out = self.policy._execute_model(feed_dict, self.update_dict) return run_out