# # Unity ML Agents # ## ML-Agent Learning # Launches unitytrainers for each External Brains in a Unity Environment import logging import numpy as np import os import re import tensorflow as tf import yaml from tensorflow.python.tools import freeze_graph from unitytrainers.ppo.trainer import PPOTrainer from unitytrainers.bc.trainer import BehavioralCloningTrainer from unityagents import UnityEnvironment, UnityEnvironmentException class TrainerController(object): def __init__(self, env_path, run_id, save_freq, curriculum_file, fast_simulation, load, train, worker_id, keep_checkpoints, lesson, seed, docker_target_name, trainer_config_path): """ :param env_path: Location to the environment executable to be loaded. :param run_id: The sub-directory name for model and summary statistics :param save_freq: Frequency at which to save model :param curriculum_file: Curriculum json file for environment :param fast_simulation: Whether to run the game at training speed :param load: Whether to load the model or randomly initialize :param train: Whether to train model, or only run inference :param worker_id: Number to add to communication port (5005). Used for multi-environment :param keep_checkpoints: How many model checkpoints to keep :param lesson: Start learning from this lesson :param seed: Random seed used for training. :param docker_target_name: Name of docker volume that will contain all data. :param trainer_config_path: Fully qualified path to location of trainer configuration file """ self.trainer_config_path = trainer_config_path env_path = (env_path.strip() .replace('.app', '') .replace('.exe', '') .replace('.x86_64', '') .replace('.x86', '')) # Strip out executable extensions if passed # Recognize and use docker volume if one is passed as an argument if docker_target_name == '': self.docker_training = False self.model_path = './models/{run_id}'.format(run_id=run_id) self.curriculum_file = curriculum_file self.summaries_dir = './summaries' else: self.docker_training = True self.model_path = '/{docker_target_name}/models/{run_id}'.format( docker_target_name=docker_target_name, run_id=run_id) env_path = '/{docker_target_name}/{env_name}'.format(docker_target_name=docker_target_name, env_name=env_path) if curriculum_file is None: self.curriculum_file = None else: self.curriculum_file = '/{docker_target_name}/{curriculum_file}'.format( docker_target_name=docker_target_name, curriculum_file=curriculum_file) self.summaries_dir = '/{docker_target_name}/summaries'.format(docker_target_name=docker_target_name) self.logger = logging.getLogger("unityagents") self.run_id = run_id self.save_freq = save_freq self.lesson = lesson self.fast_simulation = fast_simulation self.load_model = load self.train_model = train self.worker_id = worker_id self.keep_checkpoints = keep_checkpoints self.trainers = {} if seed == -1: seed = np.random.randint(0, 999999) self.seed = seed np.random.seed(self.seed) tf.set_random_seed(self.seed) self.env = UnityEnvironment(file_name=env_path, worker_id=self.worker_id, curriculum=self.curriculum_file, seed=self.seed, docker_training=self.docker_training) self.env_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(env_path)) # Extract out name of environment def _get_progress(self): if self.curriculum_file is not None: progress = 0 if self.env.curriculum.measure_type == "progress": for brain_name in self.env.external_brain_names: progress += self.trainers[brain_name].get_step / self.trainers[brain_name].get_max_steps return progress / len(self.env.external_brain_names) elif self.env.curriculum.measure_type == "reward": for brain_name in self.env.external_brain_names: progress += self.trainers[brain_name].get_last_reward return progress else: return None else: return None def _process_graph(self): nodes = [] scopes = [] for brain_name in self.trainers.keys(): if self.trainers[brain_name].graph_scope is not None: scope = self.trainers[brain_name].graph_scope + '/' if scope == '/': scope = '' scopes += [scope] if self.trainers[brain_name].parameters["trainer"] == "imitation": nodes += [scope + x for x in ["action"]] elif not self.trainers[brain_name].parameters["use_recurrent"]: nodes += [scope + x for x in ["action", "value_estimate", "action_probs"]] else: node_list = ["action", "value_estimate", "action_probs", "recurrent_out", "memory_size"] nodes += [scope + x for x in node_list] if len(scopes) > 1: self.logger.info("List of available scopes :") for scope in scopes: self.logger.info("\t" + scope) self.logger.info("List of nodes to export :") for n in nodes: self.logger.info("\t" + n) return nodes def _save_model(self, sess, saver, steps=0): """ Saves current model to checkpoint folder. :param sess: Current Tensorflow session. :param steps: Current number of steps in training process. :param saver: Tensorflow saver for session. """ last_checkpoint = self.model_path + '/model-' + str(steps) + '.cptk' saver.save(sess, last_checkpoint) tf.train.write_graph(sess.graph_def, self.model_path, 'raw_graph_def.pb', as_text=False) self.logger.info("Saved Model") def _export_graph(self): """ Exports latest saved model to .bytes format for Unity embedding. """ target_nodes = ','.join(self._process_graph()) ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(self.model_path) freeze_graph.freeze_graph(input_graph=self.model_path + '/raw_graph_def.pb', input_binary=True, input_checkpoint=ckpt.model_checkpoint_path, output_node_names=target_nodes, output_graph=self.model_path + '/' + self.env_name + "_" + self.run_id + '.bytes', clear_devices=True, initializer_nodes="", input_saver="", restore_op_name="save/restore_all", filename_tensor_name="save/Const:0") def _initialize_trainers(self, trainer_config, sess): trainer_parameters_dict = {} self.trainers = {} for brain_name in self.env.external_brain_names: trainer_parameters = trainer_config['default'].copy() if len(self.env.external_brain_names) > 1: graph_scope = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '-', brain_name) trainer_parameters['graph_scope'] = graph_scope trainer_parameters['summary_path'] = '{basedir}/{name}'.format( basedir=self.summaries_dir, name=str(self.run_id) + '_' + graph_scope) else: trainer_parameters['graph_scope'] = '' trainer_parameters['summary_path'] = '{basedir}/{name}'.format( basedir=self.summaries_dir, name=str(self.run_id)) if brain_name in trainer_config: _brain_key = brain_name while not isinstance(trainer_config[_brain_key], dict): _brain_key = trainer_config[_brain_key] for k in trainer_config[_brain_key]: trainer_parameters[k] = trainer_config[_brain_key][k] trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name] = trainer_parameters.copy() for brain_name in self.env.external_brain_names: if trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]['trainer'] == "imitation": self.trainers[brain_name] = BehavioralCloningTrainer(sess, self.env, brain_name, trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name], self.train_model, self.seed) elif trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]['trainer'] == "ppo": self.trainers[brain_name] = PPOTrainer(sess, self.env, brain_name, trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name], self.train_model, self.seed) else: raise UnityEnvironmentException("The trainer config contains an unknown trainer type for brain {}" .format(brain_name)) def _load_config(self): try: with open(self.trainer_config_path) as data_file: trainer_config = yaml.load(data_file) return trainer_config except IOError: raise UnityEnvironmentException("""Parameter file could not be found here {}. Will use default Hyper parameters""" .format(self.trainer_config_path)) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise UnityEnvironmentException("There was an error decoding Trainer Config from this path : {}" .format(self.trainer_config_path)) @staticmethod def _create_model_path(model_path): try: if not os.path.exists(model_path): os.makedirs(model_path) except Exception: raise UnityEnvironmentException("The folder {} containing the generated model could not be accessed." " Please make sure the permissions are set correctly." .format(model_path)) def start_learning(self): self.env.curriculum.set_lesson_number(self.lesson) trainer_config = self._load_config() self._create_model_path(self.model_path) tf.reset_default_graph() with tf.Session() as sess: self._initialize_trainers(trainer_config, sess) for k, t in self.trainers.items(): self.logger.info(t) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=self.keep_checkpoints) # Instantiate model parameters if self.load_model: self.logger.info('Loading Model...') ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(self.model_path) if ckpt is None: self.logger.info('The model {0} could not be found. Make sure you specified the right ' '--run-id'.format(self.model_path)) saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) else: sess.run(init) global_step = 0 # This is only for saving the model self.env.curriculum.increment_lesson(self._get_progress()) curr_info = self.env.reset(train_mode=self.fast_simulation) if self.train_model: for brain_name, trainer in self.trainers.items(): trainer.write_tensorboard_text('Hyperparameters', trainer.parameters) try: while any([t.get_step <= t.get_max_steps for k, t in self.trainers.items()]) or not self.train_model: if self.env.global_done: self.env.curriculum.increment_lesson(self._get_progress()) curr_info = self.env.reset(train_mode=self.fast_simulation) for brain_name, trainer in self.trainers.items(): trainer.end_episode() # Decide and take an action take_action_vector, take_action_memories, take_action_text, take_action_outputs = {}, {}, {}, {} for brain_name, trainer in self.trainers.items(): (take_action_vector[brain_name], take_action_memories[brain_name], take_action_text[brain_name], take_action_outputs[brain_name]) = trainer.take_action(curr_info) new_info = self.env.step(vector_action=take_action_vector, memory=take_action_memories, text_action=take_action_text) for brain_name, trainer in self.trainers.items(): trainer.add_experiences(curr_info, new_info, take_action_outputs[brain_name]) trainer.process_experiences(curr_info, new_info) if trainer.is_ready_update() and self.train_model and trainer.get_step <= trainer.get_max_steps: # Perform gradient descent with experience buffer trainer.update_model() # Write training statistics to Tensorboard. trainer.write_summary(self.env.curriculum.lesson_number) if self.train_model and trainer.get_step <= trainer.get_max_steps: trainer.increment_step() trainer.update_last_reward() if self.train_model and trainer.get_step <= trainer.get_max_steps: global_step += 1 if global_step % self.save_freq == 0 and global_step != 0 and self.train_model: # Save Tensorflow model self._save_model(sess, steps=global_step, saver=saver) curr_info = new_info # Final save Tensorflow model if global_step != 0 and self.train_model: self._save_model(sess, steps=global_step, saver=saver) except KeyboardInterrupt: if self.train_model: self.logger.info("Learning was interrupted. Please wait while the graph is generated.") self._save_model(sess, steps=global_step, saver=saver) pass self.env.close() if self.train_model: self._export_graph()