using System.IO; using Google.Protobuf; using System.Collections.Generic; using MLAgents.Sensors; namespace MLAgents { /// /// Responsible for writing demonstration data to stream (typically a file stream). /// public class DemonstrationWriter { /// /// Number of bytes reserved for the Demonstration metadata at the start of the demo file. /// internal const int MetaDataBytes = 32; DemonstrationMetaData m_MetaData; Stream m_Writer; float m_CumulativeReward; WriteAdapter m_WriteAdapter = new WriteAdapter(); /// /// Create a DemonstrationWriter that will write to the specified stream. /// The stream must support writes and seeking. /// /// public DemonstrationWriter(Stream stream) { m_Writer = stream; } /// /// Writes the initial data to the stream. /// /// Base name of the demonstration file(s). /// The name of the Brain the agent is attached to. /// The parameters of the Brain the agent is attached to. public void Initialize( string demonstrationName, BrainParameters brainParameters, string brainName) { if (m_Writer == null) { // Already closed return; } m_MetaData = new DemonstrationMetaData { demonstrationName = demonstrationName }; var metaProto = m_MetaData.ToProto(); metaProto.WriteDelimitedTo(m_Writer); WriteBrainParameters(brainName, brainParameters); } /// /// Writes meta-data. Note that this is called at the *end* of recording, but writes to the /// beginning of the file. /// void WriteMetadata() { if (m_Writer == null) { // Already closed return; } var metaProto = m_MetaData.ToProto(); var metaProtoBytes = metaProto.ToByteArray(); m_Writer.Write(metaProtoBytes, 0, metaProtoBytes.Length); m_Writer.Seek(0, 0); metaProto.WriteDelimitedTo(m_Writer); } /// /// Writes brain parameters to file. /// /// The name of the Brain the agent is attached to. /// The parameters of the Brain the agent is attached to. void WriteBrainParameters(string brainName, BrainParameters brainParameters) { if (m_Writer == null) { // Already closed return; } // Writes BrainParameters to file. m_Writer.Seek(MetaDataBytes + 1, 0); var brainProto = brainParameters.ToProto(brainName, false); brainProto.WriteDelimitedTo(m_Writer); } /// /// Write AgentInfo experience to file. /// /// for the agent being recorded. /// List of sensors to record for the agent. internal void Record(AgentInfo info, List sensors) { if (m_Writer == null) { // Already closed return; } // Increment meta-data counters. m_MetaData.numberExperiences++; m_CumulativeReward += info.reward; if (info.done) { EndEpisode(); } // Generate observations and add AgentInfo to file. var agentProto = info.ToInfoActionPairProto(); foreach (var sensor in sensors) { agentProto.AgentInfo.Observations.Add(sensor.GetObservationProto(m_WriteAdapter)); } agentProto.WriteDelimitedTo(m_Writer); } /// /// Performs all clean-up necessary. /// public void Close() { if (m_Writer == null) { // Already closed return; } EndEpisode(); m_MetaData.meanReward = m_CumulativeReward / m_MetaData.numberEpisodes; WriteMetadata(); m_Writer.Close(); m_Writer = null; } /// /// Performs necessary episode-completion steps. /// void EndEpisode() { m_MetaData.numberEpisodes += 1; } } }