import logging import os from typing import List, Tuple import numpy as np from mlagents.trainers.buffer import AgentBuffer from mlagents.trainers.brain import BrainParameters from mlagents.trainers.brain_conversion_utils import group_spec_to_brain_parameters from mlagents_envs.communicator_objects.agent_info_action_pair_pb2 import ( AgentInfoActionPairProto, ) from mlagents.trainers.trajectory import SplitObservations from mlagents_envs.rpc_utils import ( agent_group_spec_from_proto, batched_step_result_from_proto, ) from mlagents_envs.base_env import AgentGroupSpec from mlagents_envs.communicator_objects.brain_parameters_pb2 import BrainParametersProto from mlagents_envs.communicator_objects.demonstration_meta_pb2 import ( DemonstrationMetaProto, ) from mlagents_envs.timers import timed, hierarchical_timer from google.protobuf.internal.decoder import _DecodeVarint32 # type: ignore logger = logging.getLogger("mlagents.trainers") @timed def make_demo_buffer( pair_infos: List[AgentInfoActionPairProto], group_spec: AgentGroupSpec, sequence_length: int, ) -> AgentBuffer: # Create and populate buffer using experiences demo_raw_buffer = AgentBuffer() demo_processed_buffer = AgentBuffer() for idx, current_pair_info in enumerate(pair_infos): if idx > len(pair_infos) - 2: break next_pair_info = pair_infos[idx + 1] current_step_info = batched_step_result_from_proto( [current_pair_info.agent_info], group_spec ) next_step_info = batched_step_result_from_proto( [next_pair_info.agent_info], group_spec ) previous_action = ( np.array(pair_infos[idx].action_info.vector_actions, dtype=np.float32) * 0 ) if idx > 0: previous_action = np.array( pair_infos[idx - 1].action_info.vector_actions, dtype=np.float32 ) agent_id = current_step_info.agent_id[0] current_agent_step_info = current_step_info.get_agent_step_result(agent_id) next_agent_step_info = next_step_info.get_agent_step_result(agent_id) demo_raw_buffer["done"].append(next_agent_step_info.done) demo_raw_buffer["rewards"].append(next_agent_step_info.reward) split_obs = SplitObservations.from_observations(current_agent_step_info.obs) for i, obs in enumerate(split_obs.visual_observations): demo_raw_buffer["visual_obs%d" % i].append(obs) demo_raw_buffer["vector_obs"].append(split_obs.vector_observations) demo_raw_buffer["actions"].append(current_pair_info.action_info.vector_actions) demo_raw_buffer["prev_action"].append(previous_action) if next_step_info.done: demo_raw_buffer.resequence_and_append( demo_processed_buffer, batch_size=None, training_length=sequence_length ) demo_raw_buffer.reset_agent() demo_raw_buffer.resequence_and_append( demo_processed_buffer, batch_size=None, training_length=sequence_length ) return demo_processed_buffer @timed def demo_to_buffer( file_path: str, sequence_length: int ) -> Tuple[BrainParameters, AgentBuffer]: """ Loads demonstration file and uses it to fill training buffer. :param file_path: Location of demonstration file (.demo). :param sequence_length: Length of trajectories to fill buffer. :return: """ group_spec, info_action_pair, _ = load_demonstration(file_path) demo_buffer = make_demo_buffer(info_action_pair, group_spec, sequence_length) brain_params = group_spec_to_brain_parameters("DemoBrain", group_spec) return brain_params, demo_buffer def get_demo_files(path: str) -> List[str]: """ Retrieves the demonstration file(s) from a path. :param path: Path of demonstration file or directory. :return: List of demonstration files Raises errors if |path| is invalid. """ if os.path.isfile(path): if not path.endswith(".demo"): raise ValueError("The path provided is not a '.demo' file.") return [path] elif os.path.isdir(path): paths = [ os.path.join(path, name) for name in os.listdir(path) if name.endswith(".demo") ] if not paths: raise ValueError("There are no '.demo' files in the provided directory.") return paths else: raise FileNotFoundError( f"The demonstration file or directory {path} does not exist." ) @timed def load_demonstration( file_path: str ) -> Tuple[BrainParameters, List[AgentInfoActionPairProto], int]: """ Loads and parses a demonstration file. :param file_path: Location of demonstration file (.demo). :return: BrainParameter and list of AgentInfoActionPairProto containing demonstration data. """ # First 32 bytes of file dedicated to meta-data. INITIAL_POS = 33 file_paths = get_demo_files(file_path) group_spec = None brain_param_proto = None info_action_pairs = [] total_expected = 0 for _file_path in file_paths: with open(_file_path, "rb") as fp: with hierarchical_timer("read_file"): data = next_pos, pos, obs_decoded = 0, 0, 0 while pos < len(data): next_pos, pos = _DecodeVarint32(data, pos) if obs_decoded == 0: meta_data_proto = DemonstrationMetaProto() meta_data_proto.ParseFromString(data[pos : pos + next_pos]) total_expected += meta_data_proto.number_steps pos = INITIAL_POS if obs_decoded == 1: brain_param_proto = BrainParametersProto() brain_param_proto.ParseFromString(data[pos : pos + next_pos]) pos += next_pos if obs_decoded > 1: agent_info_action = AgentInfoActionPairProto() agent_info_action.ParseFromString(data[pos : pos + next_pos]) if group_spec is None: group_spec = agent_group_spec_from_proto( brain_param_proto, agent_info_action.agent_info ) info_action_pairs.append(agent_info_action) if len(info_action_pairs) == total_expected: break pos += next_pos obs_decoded += 1 if not group_spec: raise RuntimeError( f"No BrainParameters found in demonstration file at {file_path}." ) return group_spec, info_action_pairs, total_expected