from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict from mlagents.torch_utils import torch, nn from mlagents.trainers.torch.layers import LinearEncoder, Initialization import numpy as np from mlagents.trainers.torch.encoders import ( SimpleVisualEncoder, ResNetVisualEncoder, NatureVisualEncoder, SmallVisualEncoder, VectorInput, ) from mlagents.trainers.settings import EncoderType, ScheduleType from mlagents.trainers.torch.attention import EntityEmbedding, ResidualSelfAttention from mlagents.trainers.exception import UnityTrainerException from mlagents_envs.base_env import ObservationSpec, DimensionProperty class ModelUtils: # Minimum supported side for each encoder type. If refactoring an encoder, please # adjust these also. MIN_RESOLUTION_FOR_ENCODER = { EncoderType.MATCH3: 5, EncoderType.SIMPLE: 20, EncoderType.NATURE_CNN: 36, EncoderType.RESNET: 15, } VALID_VISUAL_PROP = frozenset( [ ( DimensionProperty.TRANSLATIONAL_EQUIVARIANCE, DimensionProperty.TRANSLATIONAL_EQUIVARIANCE, DimensionProperty.NONE, ), (DimensionProperty.UNSPECIFIED,) * 3, ] ) VALID_VECTOR_PROP = frozenset( [(DimensionProperty.NONE,), (DimensionProperty.UNSPECIFIED,)] ) VALID_VAR_LEN_PROP = frozenset( [(DimensionProperty.VARIABLE_SIZE, DimensionProperty.NONE)] ) @staticmethod def update_learning_rate(optim: torch.optim.Optimizer, lr: float) -> None: """ Apply a learning rate to a torch optimizer. :param optim: Optimizer :param lr: Learning rate """ for param_group in optim.param_groups: param_group["lr"] = lr class DecayedValue: def __init__( self, schedule: ScheduleType, initial_value: float, min_value: float, max_step: int, ): """ Object that represnets value of a parameter that should be decayed, assuming it is a function of global_step. :param schedule: Type of learning rate schedule. :param initial_value: Initial value before decay. :param min_value: Decay value to this value by max_step. :param max_step: The final step count where the return value should equal min_value. :param global_step: The current step count. :return: The value. """ self.schedule = schedule self.initial_value = initial_value self.min_value = min_value self.max_step = max_step def get_value(self, global_step: int) -> float: """ Get the value at a given global step. :param global_step: Step count. :returns: Decayed value at this global step. """ if self.schedule == ScheduleType.CONSTANT: return self.initial_value elif self.schedule == ScheduleType.LINEAR: return ModelUtils.polynomial_decay( self.initial_value, self.min_value, self.max_step, global_step ) else: raise UnityTrainerException(f"The schedule {self.schedule} is invalid.") @staticmethod def polynomial_decay( initial_value: float, min_value: float, max_step: int, global_step: int, power: float = 1.0, ) -> float: """ Get a decayed value based on a polynomial schedule, with respect to the current global step. :param initial_value: Initial value before decay. :param min_value: Decay value to this value by max_step. :param max_step: The final step count where the return value should equal min_value. :param global_step: The current step count. :param power: Power of polynomial decay. 1.0 (default) is a linear decay. :return: The current decayed value. """ global_step = min(global_step, max_step) decayed_value = (initial_value - min_value) * ( 1 - float(global_step) / max_step ) ** (power) + min_value return decayed_value @staticmethod def get_encoder_for_type(encoder_type: EncoderType) -> nn.Module: ENCODER_FUNCTION_BY_TYPE = { EncoderType.SIMPLE: SimpleVisualEncoder, EncoderType.NATURE_CNN: NatureVisualEncoder, EncoderType.RESNET: ResNetVisualEncoder, EncoderType.MATCH3: SmallVisualEncoder, } return ENCODER_FUNCTION_BY_TYPE.get(encoder_type) @staticmethod def _check_resolution_for_encoder( height: int, width: int, vis_encoder_type: EncoderType ) -> None: min_res = ModelUtils.MIN_RESOLUTION_FOR_ENCODER[vis_encoder_type] if height < min_res or width < min_res: raise UnityTrainerException( f"Visual observation resolution ({width}x{height}) is too small for" f"the provided EncoderType ({vis_encoder_type.value}). The min dimension is {min_res}" ) @staticmethod def get_encoder_for_obs( obs_spec: ObservationSpec, normalize: bool, h_size: int, attention_embedding_size: int, vis_encode_type: EncoderType, ) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]: """ Returns the encoder and the size of the appropriate encoder. :param shape: Tuples that represent the observation dimension. :param normalize: Normalize all vector inputs. :param h_size: Number of hidden units per layer excluding attention layers. :param attention_embedding_size: Number of hidden units per attention layer. :param vis_encode_type: Type of visual encoder to use. """ shape = obs_spec.shape dim_prop = obs_spec.dimension_property # VISUAL if dim_prop in ModelUtils.VALID_VISUAL_PROP: visual_encoder_class = ModelUtils.get_encoder_for_type(vis_encode_type) ModelUtils._check_resolution_for_encoder( shape[0], shape[1], vis_encode_type ) return (visual_encoder_class(shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], h_size), h_size) # VECTOR if dim_prop in ModelUtils.VALID_VECTOR_PROP: return (VectorInput(shape[0], normalize), shape[0]) # VARIABLE LENGTH if dim_prop in ModelUtils.VALID_VAR_LEN_PROP: return ( EntityEmbedding( entity_size=shape[1], entity_num_max_elements=shape[0], embedding_size=attention_embedding_size, ), 0, ) # OTHER raise UnityTrainerException(f"Unsupported Sensor with specs {obs_spec}") @staticmethod def create_input_processors( observation_specs: List[ObservationSpec], h_size: int, vis_encode_type: EncoderType, attention_embedding_size: int, normalize: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[nn.ModuleList, List[int]]: """ Creates visual and vector encoders, along with their normalizers. :param observation_specs: List of ObservationSpec that represent the observation dimensions. :param action_size: Number of additional un-normalized inputs to each vector encoder. Used for conditioning network on other values (e.g. actions for a Q function) :param h_size: Number of hidden units per layer excluding attention layers. :param attention_embedding_size: Number of hidden units per attention layer. :param vis_encode_type: Type of visual encoder to use. :param unnormalized_inputs: Vector inputs that should not be normalized, and added to the vector obs. :param normalize: Normalize all vector inputs. :return: Tuple of : - ModuleList of the encoders - A list of embedding sizes (0 if the input requires to be processed with a variable length observation encoder) """ encoders: List[nn.Module] = [] embedding_sizes: List[int] = [] for obs_spec in observation_specs: encoder, embedding_size = ModelUtils.get_encoder_for_obs( obs_spec, normalize, h_size, attention_embedding_size, vis_encode_type ) encoders.append(encoder) embedding_sizes.append(embedding_size) x_self_size = sum(embedding_sizes) # The size of the "self" embedding if x_self_size > 0: for enc in encoders: if isinstance(enc, EntityEmbedding): enc.add_self_embedding(attention_embedding_size) return (nn.ModuleList(encoders), embedding_sizes) @staticmethod def list_to_tensor( ndarray_list: List[np.ndarray], dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = torch.float32 ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Converts a list of numpy arrays into a tensor. MUCH faster than calling as_tensor on the list directly. """ return torch.as_tensor(np.asanyarray(ndarray_list), dtype=dtype) @staticmethod def list_to_tensor_list( ndarray_list: List[np.ndarray], dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = torch.float32 ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Converts a list of numpy arrays into a list of tensors. MUCH faster than calling as_tensor on the list directly. """ return [ torch.as_tensor(np.asanyarray(_arr), dtype=dtype) for _arr in ndarray_list ] @staticmethod def to_numpy(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts a Torch Tensor to a numpy array. If the Tensor is on the GPU, it will be brought to the CPU. """ return tensor.detach().cpu().numpy() @staticmethod def break_into_branches( concatenated_logits: torch.Tensor, action_size: List[int] ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Takes a concatenated set of logits that represent multiple discrete action branches and breaks it up into one Tensor per branch. :param concatenated_logits: Tensor that represents the concatenated action branches :param action_size: List of ints containing the number of possible actions for each branch. :return: A List of Tensors containing one tensor per branch. """ action_idx = [0] + list(np.cumsum(action_size)) branched_logits = [ concatenated_logits[:, action_idx[i] : action_idx[i + 1]] for i in range(len(action_size)) ] return branched_logits @staticmethod def actions_to_onehot( discrete_actions: torch.Tensor, action_size: List[int] ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Takes a tensor of discrete actions and turns it into a List of onehot encoding for each action. :param discrete_actions: Actions in integer form. :param action_size: List of branch sizes. Should be of same size as discrete_actions' last dimension. :return: List of one-hot tensors, one representing each branch. """ onehot_branches = [ torch.nn.functional.one_hot(_act.T, action_size[i]).float() for i, _act in enumerate(discrete_actions.long().T) ] return onehot_branches @staticmethod def dynamic_partition( data: torch.Tensor, partitions: torch.Tensor, num_partitions: int ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Torch implementation of dynamic_partition : Splits the data Tensor input into num_partitions Tensors according to the indices in partitions. :param data: The Tensor data that will be split into partitions. :param partitions: An indices tensor that determines in which partition each element of data will be in. :param num_partitions: The number of partitions to output. Corresponds to the maximum possible index in the partitions argument. :return: A list of Tensor partitions (Their indices correspond to their partition index). """ res: List[torch.Tensor] = [] for i in range(num_partitions): res += [data[(partitions == i).nonzero().squeeze(1)]] return res @staticmethod def masked_mean(tensor: torch.Tensor, masks: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns the mean of the tensor but ignoring the values specified by masks. Used for masking out loss functions. :param tensor: Tensor which needs mean computation. :param masks: Boolean tensor of masks with same dimension as tensor. """ return (tensor.T * masks).sum() / torch.clamp( (torch.ones_like(tensor.T) * masks).float().sum(), min=1.0 ) @staticmethod def soft_update(source: nn.Module, target: nn.Module, tau: float) -> None: """ Performs an in-place polyak update of the target module based on the source, by a ratio of tau. Note that source and target modules must have the same parameters, where: target = tau * source + (1-tau) * target :param source: Source module whose parameters will be used. :param target: Target module whose parameters will be updated. :param tau: Percentage of source parameters to use in average. Setting tau to 1 will copy the source parameters to the target. """ with torch.no_grad(): for source_param, target_param in zip( source.parameters(), target.parameters() ): - tau) torch.add(,, alpha=tau,, ) @staticmethod def create_residual_self_attention( input_processors: nn.ModuleList, embedding_sizes: List[int], hidden_size: int ) -> Tuple[Optional[ResidualSelfAttention], Optional[LinearEncoder]]: """ Creates an RSA if there are variable length observations found in the input processors. :param input_processors: A ModuleList of input processors as returned by the function create_input_processors(). :param embedding sizes: A List of embedding sizes as returned by create_input_processors(). :param hidden_size: The hidden size to use for the RSA. :returns: A Tuple of the RSA itself, a self encoder, and the embedding size after the RSA. Returns None for the RSA and encoder if no var len inputs are detected. """ rsa, x_self_encoder = None, None entity_num_max: int = 0 var_processors = [p for p in input_processors if isinstance(p, EntityEmbedding)] for processor in var_processors: entity_max: int = processor.entity_num_max_elements # Only adds entity max if it was known at construction if entity_max > 0: entity_num_max += entity_max if len(var_processors) > 0: if sum(embedding_sizes): x_self_encoder = LinearEncoder( sum(embedding_sizes), 1, hidden_size, kernel_init=Initialization.Normal, kernel_gain=(0.125 / hidden_size) ** 0.5, ) rsa = ResidualSelfAttention(hidden_size, entity_num_max) return rsa, x_self_encoder @staticmethod def trust_region_value_loss( values: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], old_values: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], returns: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], epsilon: float, loss_masks: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Evaluates value loss, clipping to stay within a trust region of old value estimates. Used for PPO and POCA. :param values: Value output of the current network. :param old_values: Value stored with experiences in buffer. :param returns: Computed returns. :param epsilon: Clipping value for value estimate. :param loss_mask: Mask for losses. Used with LSTM to ignore 0'ed out experiences. """ value_losses = [] for name, head in values.items(): old_val_tensor = old_values[name] returns_tensor = returns[name] clipped_value_estimate = old_val_tensor + torch.clamp( head - old_val_tensor, -1 * epsilon, epsilon ) v_opt_a = (returns_tensor - head) ** 2 v_opt_b = (returns_tensor - clipped_value_estimate) ** 2 value_loss = ModelUtils.masked_mean(torch.max(v_opt_a, v_opt_b), loss_masks) value_losses.append(value_loss) value_loss = torch.mean(torch.stack(value_losses)) return value_loss @staticmethod def trust_region_policy_loss( advantages: torch.Tensor, log_probs: torch.Tensor, old_log_probs: torch.Tensor, loss_masks: torch.Tensor, epsilon: float, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Evaluate policy loss clipped to stay within a trust region. Used for PPO and POCA. :param advantages: Computed advantages. :param log_probs: Current policy probabilities :param old_log_probs: Past policy probabilities :param loss_masks: Mask for losses. Used with LSTM to ignore 0'ed out experiences. """ advantage = advantages.unsqueeze(-1) r_theta = torch.exp(log_probs - old_log_probs) p_opt_a = r_theta * advantage p_opt_b = torch.clamp(r_theta, 1.0 - epsilon, 1.0 + epsilon) * advantage policy_loss = -1 * ModelUtils.masked_mean( torch.min(p_opt_a, p_opt_b), loss_masks ) return policy_loss