using Unity.MLAgents.Integrations.Match3; namespace Unity.MLAgentsExamples { public class Match3ExampleActuator : Match3Actuator { private Match3Board m_Board; Match3Board Board => m_Board; public Match3ExampleActuator(Match3Board board, bool forceHeuristic, string name, int seed ) : base(board, forceHeuristic, seed, name) { m_Board = board; } protected override int EvalMovePoints(Move move) { var pointsByType = new[] { Board.BasicCellPoints, Board.SpecialCell1Points, Board.SpecialCell2Points }; // Counts the expected points for making the move. var moveVal = Board.GetCellType(move.Row, move.Column); var moveSpecial = Board.GetSpecialType(move.Row, move.Column); var (otherRow, otherCol) = move.OtherCell(); var oppositeVal = Board.GetCellType(otherRow, otherCol); var oppositeSpecial = Board.GetSpecialType(otherRow, otherCol); int movePoints = EvalHalfMove( otherRow, otherCol, moveVal, moveSpecial, move.Direction, pointsByType ); int otherPoints = EvalHalfMove( move.Row, move.Column, oppositeVal, oppositeSpecial, move.OtherDirection(), pointsByType ); return movePoints + otherPoints; } int EvalHalfMove(int newRow, int newCol, int newValue, int newSpecial, Direction incomingDirection, int[] pointsByType) { // This is a essentially a duplicate of AbstractBoard.CheckHalfMove but also counts the points for the move. var currentBoardSize = Board.GetCurrentBoardSize(); int matchedLeft = 0, matchedRight = 0, matchedUp = 0, matchedDown = 0; int scoreLeft = 0, scoreRight = 0, scoreUp = 0, scoreDown = 0; if (incomingDirection != Direction.Right) { for (var c = newCol - 1; c >= 0; c--) { if (Board.GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue) { matchedLeft++; scoreLeft += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(newRow, c)]; } else break; } } if (incomingDirection != Direction.Left) { for (var c = newCol + 1; c < currentBoardSize.Columns; c++) { if (Board.GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue) { matchedRight++; scoreRight += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(newRow, c)]; } else break; } } if (incomingDirection != Direction.Down) { for (var r = newRow + 1; r < currentBoardSize.Rows; r++) { if (Board.GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue) { matchedUp++; scoreUp += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(r, newCol)]; } else break; } } if (incomingDirection != Direction.Up) { for (var r = newRow - 1; r >= 0; r--) { if (Board.GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue) { matchedDown++; scoreDown += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(r, newCol)]; } else break; } } if ((matchedUp + matchedDown >= 2) || (matchedLeft + matchedRight >= 2)) { // It's a match. Start from counting the piece being moved var totalScore = pointsByType[newSpecial]; if (matchedUp + matchedDown >= 2) { totalScore += scoreUp + scoreDown; } if (matchedLeft + matchedRight >= 2) { totalScore += scoreLeft + scoreRight; } return totalScore; } return 0; } } }