using UnityEngine;
namespace MLAgents
/// This class contains logic for locomotion agents with joints which might make contact with the ground.
/// By attaching this as a component to those joints, their contact with the ground can be used as either
/// an observation for that agent, and/or a means of punishing the agent for making undesirable contact.
public class GroundContact : MonoBehaviour
[HideInInspector] public Agent agent;
[Header("Ground Check")] public bool agentDoneOnGroundContact; // Whether to reset agent on ground contact.
public bool penalizeGroundContact; // Whether to penalize on contact.
public float groundContactPenalty; // Penalty amount (ex: -1).
public bool touchingGround;
const string k_Ground = "ground"; // Tag of ground object.
/// Check for collision with ground, and optionally penalize agent.
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
if (col.transform.CompareTag(k_Ground))
touchingGround = true;
if (penalizeGroundContact)
if (agentDoneOnGroundContact)
/// Check for end of ground collision and reset flag appropriately.
void OnCollisionExit(Collision other)
if (other.transform.CompareTag(k_Ground))
touchingGround = false;