using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; [System.Serializable] public class PlayerState { public int playerIndex; public Rigidbody agentRB; public Vector3 startingPos; public AgentSoccer agentScript; public float ballPosReward; } public class SoccerFieldArea : MonoBehaviour { public Transform redGoal; public Transform blueGoal; public AgentSoccer redStriker; public AgentSoccer blueStriker; public AgentSoccer redGoalie; public AgentSoccer blueGoalie; public GameObject ball; [HideInInspector] public Rigidbody ballRB; public GameObject ground; public GameObject centerPitch; SoccerBallController ballController; public List playerStates = new List(); [HideInInspector] public Vector3 ballStartingPos; public bool drawSpawnAreaGizmo; Vector3 spawnAreaSize; public float goalScoreByTeamReward; public float goalScoreAgainstTeamReward; public GameObject goalTextUI; public float totalPlayers; [HideInInspector] public bool canResetBall; public bool useSpawnPoint; public Transform spawnPoint; Material groundMaterial; Renderer groundRenderer; SoccerAcademy academy; public float blueBallPosReward; public float redBallPosReward; public IEnumerator GoalScoredSwapGroundMaterial(Material mat, float time) { groundRenderer.material = mat; yield return new WaitForSeconds(time); groundRenderer.material = groundMaterial; } void Awake() { academy = FindObjectOfType(); groundRenderer = centerPitch.GetComponent(); groundMaterial = groundRenderer.material; canResetBall = true; if (goalTextUI) { goalTextUI.SetActive(false); } ballRB = ball.GetComponent(); ballController = ball.GetComponent(); ballController.area = this; ballStartingPos = ball.transform.position; Mesh mesh = ground.GetComponent().mesh; } IEnumerator ShowGoalUI() { if (goalTextUI) goalTextUI.SetActive(true); yield return new WaitForSeconds(.25f); if (goalTextUI) goalTextUI.SetActive(false); } public void AllPlayersDone(float reward) { foreach (PlayerState ps in playerStates) { if (ps.agentScript.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { if (reward != 0) { ps.agentScript.AddReward(reward); } ps.agentScript.Done(); } } } public void GoalTouched(AgentSoccer.Team scoredTeam) { foreach (PlayerState ps in playerStates) { if ( == scoredTeam) { RewardOrPunishPlayer(ps, academy.strikerReward, academy.goalieReward); } else { RewardOrPunishPlayer(ps, academy.strikerPunish, academy.goaliePunish); } if (academy.randomizePlayersTeamForTraining) { ps.agentScript.ChooseRandomTeam(); } if (scoredTeam == AgentSoccer.Team.Red) { StartCoroutine(GoalScoredSwapGroundMaterial(academy.redMaterial, 1)); } else { StartCoroutine(GoalScoredSwapGroundMaterial(academy.blueMaterial, 1)); } if (goalTextUI) { StartCoroutine(ShowGoalUI()); } } } public void RewardOrPunishPlayer(PlayerState ps, float striker, float goalie) { if (ps.agentScript.agentRole == AgentSoccer.AgentRole.Striker) { ps.agentScript.AddReward(striker); } if (ps.agentScript.agentRole == AgentSoccer.AgentRole.Goalie) { ps.agentScript.AddReward(goalie); } ps.agentScript.Done(); //all agents need to be reset } public Vector3 GetRandomSpawnPos(AgentSoccer.AgentRole role, AgentSoccer.Team team) { float xOffset = 0f; if (role == AgentSoccer.AgentRole.Goalie) { xOffset = 13f; } if (role == AgentSoccer.AgentRole.Striker) { xOffset = 7f; } if (team == AgentSoccer.Team.Blue) { xOffset = xOffset * -1f; } var randomSpawnPos = ground.transform.position + new Vector3(xOffset, 0f, 0f) + (Random.insideUnitSphere * 2); randomSpawnPos.y = ground.transform.position.y + 2; return randomSpawnPos; } public Vector3 GetBallSpawnPosition() { var randomSpawnPos = ground.transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f) + (Random.insideUnitSphere * 2); randomSpawnPos.y = ground.transform.position.y + 2; return randomSpawnPos; } void SpawnObjAtPos(GameObject obj, Vector3 pos) { obj.transform.position = pos; } public void ResetBall() { ball.transform.position = GetBallSpawnPosition(); ballRB.velocity =; ballRB.angularVelocity =; } }