from typing import Any, Dict, List import numpy as np import torch import os from torch import onnx from mlagents.model_serialization import SerializationSettings from mlagents.trainers.action_info import ActionInfo from mlagents.trainers.behavior_id_utils import get_global_agent_id from mlagents.trainers.policy import Policy from mlagents_envs.base_env import DecisionSteps, BehaviorSpec from mlagents_envs.timers import timed from mlagents.trainers.settings import TrainerSettings, TestingConfiguration from mlagents.trainers.trajectory import SplitObservations from mlagents.trainers.torch.networks import SharedActorCritic, SeparateActorCritic from mlagents.trainers.torch.utils import ModelUtils EPSILON = 1e-7 # Small value to avoid divide by zero class TorchPolicy(Policy): def __init__( self, seed: int, behavior_spec: BehaviorSpec, trainer_settings: TrainerSettings, model_path: str, load: bool = False, tanh_squash: bool = False, reparameterize: bool = False, separate_critic: bool = True, condition_sigma_on_obs: bool = True, ): """ Policy that uses a multilayer perceptron to map the observations to actions. Could also use a CNN to encode visual input prior to the MLP. Supports discrete and continuous action spaces, as well as recurrent networks. :param seed: Random seed. :param brain: Assigned BrainParameters object. :param trainer_settings: Defined training parameters. :param load: Whether a pre-trained model will be loaded or a new one created. :param tanh_squash: Whether to use a tanh function on the continuous output, or a clipped output. :param reparameterize: Whether we are using the resampling trick to update the policy in continuous output. """ super().__init__( seed, behavior_spec, trainer_settings, model_path, load, tanh_squash, reparameterize, condition_sigma_on_obs, ) self.global_step = 0 self.grads = None if TestingConfiguration.device != "cpu": torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) else: torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.FloatTensor) reward_signal_configs = trainer_settings.reward_signals reward_signal_names = [key.value for key, _ in reward_signal_configs.items()] self.stats_name_to_update_name = { "Losses/Value Loss": "value_loss", "Losses/Policy Loss": "policy_loss", } if separate_critic: ac_class = SeparateActorCritic else: ac_class = SharedActorCritic self.actor_critic = ac_class( observation_shapes=self.behavior_spec.observation_shapes, network_settings=trainer_settings.network_settings, act_type=behavior_spec.action_type, act_size=self.act_size, stream_names=reward_signal_names, conditional_sigma=self.condition_sigma_on_obs, tanh_squash=tanh_squash, ) def split_decision_step(self, decision_requests): vec_vis_obs = SplitObservations.from_observations(decision_requests.obs) mask = None if not self.use_continuous_act: mask = torch.ones([len(decision_requests), np.sum(self.act_size)]) if decision_requests.action_mask is not None: mask = torch.as_tensor( 1 - np.concatenate(decision_requests.action_mask, axis=1) ) return vec_vis_obs.vector_observations, vec_vis_obs.visual_observations, mask def update_normalization(self, vector_obs: np.ndarray) -> None: """ If this policy normalizes vector observations, this will update the norm values in the graph. :param vector_obs: The vector observations to add to the running estimate of the distribution. """ vector_obs = [torch.as_tensor(vector_obs)] if self.use_vec_obs and self.normalize: self.actor_critic.update_normalization(vector_obs) @timed def sample_actions( self, vec_obs, vis_obs, masks=None, memories=None, seq_len=1, all_log_probs=False, ): """ :param all_log_probs: Returns (for discrete actions) a tensor of log probs, one for each action. """ dists, value_heads, memories = self.actor_critic.get_dist_and_value( vec_obs, vis_obs, masks, memories, seq_len ) action_list = self.actor_critic.sample_action(dists) log_probs, entropies, all_logs = ModelUtils.get_probs_and_entropy( action_list, dists ) actions = torch.stack(action_list, dim=-1) if self.use_continuous_act: actions = actions[:, :, 0] else: actions = actions[:, 0, :] return ( actions, all_logs if all_log_probs else log_probs, entropies, value_heads, memories, ) def evaluate_actions( self, vec_obs, vis_obs, actions, masks=None, memories=None, seq_len=1 ): dists, value_heads, _ = self.actor_critic.get_dist_and_value( vec_obs, vis_obs, masks, memories, seq_len ) if len(actions.shape) <= 2: actions = actions.unsqueeze(-1) action_list = [actions[..., i] for i in range(actions.shape[2])] log_probs, entropies, _ = ModelUtils.get_probs_and_entropy(action_list, dists) return log_probs, entropies, value_heads @timed def evaluate( self, decision_requests: DecisionSteps, global_agent_ids: List[str] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Evaluates policy for the agent experiences provided. :param global_agent_ids: :param decision_requests: DecisionStep object containing inputs. :return: Outputs from network as defined by self.inference_dict. """ vec_obs, vis_obs, masks = self.split_decision_step(decision_requests) vec_obs = [torch.as_tensor(vec_obs)] vis_obs = [torch.as_tensor(vis_ob) for vis_ob in vis_obs] memories = torch.as_tensor(self.retrieve_memories(global_agent_ids)).unsqueeze( 0 ) run_out = {} with torch.no_grad(): action, log_probs, entropy, value_heads, memories = self.sample_actions( vec_obs, vis_obs, masks=masks, memories=memories ) run_out["action"] = action.detach().cpu().numpy() run_out["pre_action"] = action.detach().cpu().numpy() # Todo - make pre_action difference run_out["log_probs"] = log_probs.detach().cpu().numpy() run_out["entropy"] = entropy.detach().cpu().numpy() run_out["value_heads"] = { name: t.detach().cpu().numpy() for name, t in value_heads.items() } run_out["value"] = np.mean(list(run_out["value_heads"].values()), 0) run_out["learning_rate"] = 0.0 if self.use_recurrent: run_out["memories"] = memories.detach().cpu().numpy() return run_out def get_action( self, decision_requests: DecisionSteps, worker_id: int = 0 ) -> ActionInfo: """ Decides actions given observations information, and takes them in environment. :param worker_id: :param decision_requests: A dictionary of brain names and BrainInfo from environment. :return: an ActionInfo containing action, memories, values and an object to be passed to add experiences """ if len(decision_requests) == 0: return ActionInfo.empty() global_agent_ids = [ get_global_agent_id(worker_id, int(agent_id)) for agent_id in decision_requests.agent_id ] # For 1-D array, the iterator order is correct. run_out = self.evaluate( decision_requests, global_agent_ids ) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return self.save_memories(global_agent_ids, run_out.get("memory_out")) return ActionInfo( action=run_out.get("action"), value=run_out.get("value"), outputs=run_out, agent_ids=list(decision_requests.agent_id), ) def checkpoint(self, checkpoint_path: str, settings: SerializationSettings) -> None: """ Checkpoints the policy on disk. :param checkpoint_path: filepath to write the checkpoint :param settings: SerializationSettings for exporting the model. """ if not os.path.exists(self.model_path): os.makedirs(self.model_path), f"{checkpoint_path}.pt") def save(self, output_filepath: str, settings: SerializationSettings) -> None: self.export_model(self.global_step) def load_model(self, step=0): # TODO: this doesn't work load_path = self.model_path + "/model-" + str(step) + ".pt" self.actor_critic.load_state_dict(torch.load(load_path)) def export_model(self, step=0): fake_vec_obs = [torch.zeros([1] + [self.vec_obs_size])] fake_vis_obs = [torch.zeros([1] + [84, 84, 3])] fake_masks = torch.ones([1] + self.actor_critic.act_size) # fake_memories = torch.zeros([1] + [self.m_size]) export_path = "./model-" + str(step) + ".onnx" output_names = ["action", "action_probs"] input_names = ["vector_observation", "action_mask"] dynamic_axes = {"vector_observation": [0], "action": [0], "action_probs": [0]} onnx.export( self.actor_critic, (fake_vec_obs, fake_vis_obs, fake_masks), export_path, verbose=True, opset_version=12, input_names=input_names, output_names=output_names, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, ) @property def use_vis_obs(self): return self.vis_obs_size > 0 @property def use_vec_obs(self): return self.vec_obs_size > 0 def get_current_step(self): """ Gets current model step. :return: current model step. """ step = self.global_step return step def increment_step(self, n_steps): """ Increments model step. """ self.global_step += n_steps return self.get_current_step() def load_weights(self, values: List[np.ndarray]) -> None: pass def init_load_weights(self) -> None: pass def get_weights(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: return []