using System.Collections.Generic; using MLAgents.InferenceBrain.Utils; namespace MLAgents.InferenceBrain { /// /// The Applier for the Continuous Action output tensor. Tensor is assumed to contain the /// continuous action data of the agents in the batch. /// public class ContinuousActionOutputApplier : TensorApplier.Applier { public void Apply(Tensor tensor, Dictionary agentInfo) { var tensorDataAction = tensor.Data as float[,]; var actionSize = tensor.Shape[1]; var agentIndex = 0; foreach (var agent in agentInfo.Keys) { var action = new float[actionSize]; for (var j = 0; j < actionSize; j++) { action[j] = tensorDataAction[agentIndex, j]; } agent.UpdateVectorAction(action); agentIndex++; } } } /// /// The Applier for the Discrete Action output tensor. Uses multinomial to sample discrete /// actions from the logits contained in the tensor. /// public class DiscreteActionOutputApplier : TensorApplier.Applier { private int[] _actionSize; private Multinomial _multinomial; public DiscreteActionOutputApplier(int[] actionSize, int seed) { _actionSize = actionSize; _multinomial = new Multinomial(seed); } public void Apply(Tensor tensor, Dictionary agentInfo) { var tensorDataProbabilities = tensor.Data as float[,]; var batchSize = agentInfo.Keys.Count; var actions = new float[batchSize, _actionSize.Length]; var startActionIndices = Utilities.CumSum(_actionSize); for (var actionIndex=0; actionIndex < _actionSize.Length; actionIndex++) { var nBranchAction = _actionSize[actionIndex]; var actionProbs = new float[batchSize, nBranchAction]; for (var batchIndex = 0; batchIndex < batchSize; batchIndex++) { for (var branchActionIndex = 0; branchActionIndex < nBranchAction; branchActionIndex++) { actionProbs[batchIndex, branchActionIndex] = tensorDataProbabilities[ batchIndex, startActionIndices[actionIndex] + branchActionIndex]; } } var inputTensor = new Tensor() { ValueType = Tensor.TensorType.FloatingPoint, Shape = new long[]{batchSize, _actionSize[actionIndex]}, Data = actionProbs }; var outputTensor = new Tensor() { ValueType = Tensor.TensorType.FloatingPoint, Shape = new long[]{batchSize, 1}, Data = new float[batchSize, 1] }; _multinomial.Eval(inputTensor, outputTensor); var outTensor = outputTensor.Data as float[,]; for (var ii = 0; ii < batchSize; ii++) { actions[ii, actionIndex] = outTensor[ii, 0]; } } var agentIndex = 0; foreach (var agent in agentInfo.Keys) { var action = new float[_actionSize.Length]; for (var j = 0; j < _actionSize.Length; j++) { action[j] = actions[agentIndex, j]; } agent.UpdateVectorAction(action); agentIndex++; } } } /// /// The Applier for the Memory output tensor. Tensor is assumed to contain the new /// memory data of the agents in the batch. /// public class MemoryOutputApplier : TensorApplier.Applier { public void Apply(Tensor tensor, Dictionary agentInfo) { var tensorDataMemory = tensor.Data as float[,]; var agentIndex = 0; var memorySize = tensor.Shape[1]; foreach (var agent in agentInfo.Keys) { var memory = new List(); for (var j = 0; j < memorySize; j++) { memory.Add(tensorDataMemory[agentIndex, j]); } agent.UpdateMemoriesAction(memory); agentIndex++; } } } /// /// The Applier for the Value Estimate output tensor. Tensor is assumed to contain the /// value estimates of the agents in the batch. /// public class ValueEstimateApplier : TensorApplier.Applier { public void Apply(Tensor tensor, Dictionary agentInfo) { var tensorDataValue = tensor.Data as float[,]; var agentIndex = 0; foreach (var agent in agentInfo.Keys) { agent.UpdateValueAction(tensorDataValue[agentIndex, 0]); agentIndex++; } } } }