using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using NUnit.Framework; using UnityEngine; using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors; using UnityEngine.TestTools; namespace Unity.MLAgents.Tests { public class RayPerceptionSensorTests { [Test] public void TestGetRayAngles() { var angles = RayPerceptionSensorComponentBase.GetRayAngles(3, 90f); var expectedAngles = new[] { 90f, 60f, 120f, 30f, 150f, 0f, 180f }; Assert.AreEqual(expectedAngles.Length, angles.Length); for (var i = 0; i < angles.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(expectedAngles[i], angles[i], .01); } } } public class RayPerception3DTests { [Test] public void TestDefaultLayersAreNegativeFive() { #if MLA_UNITY_PHYSICS_MODULE Assert.IsTrue(Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers == -5); #endif #if MLA_UNITY_PHYSICS2D_MODULE Assert.IsTrue(Physics2D.DefaultRaycastLayers == -5); #endif } #if MLA_UNITY_PHYSICS_MODULE // Use built-in tags const string k_CubeTag = "Player"; const string k_SphereTag = "Respawn"; [TearDown] public void RemoveGameObjects() { var objects = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(); foreach (var o in objects) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(o); } } void SetupScene() { /* Creates game objects in the world for testing. * C is a cube * S are spheres * @ is the agent (at the origin) * Each space or line is 5 world units, +x is right, +z is up * * C * S S * @ * * S */ var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cube.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 10); cube.tag = k_CubeTag; = "cube"; var sphere1 = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); sphere1.transform.position = new Vector3(-5, 0, 5); sphere1.tag = k_SphereTag; = "sphere1"; var sphere2 = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); sphere2.transform.position = new Vector3(5, 0, 5); // No tag for sphere2 = "sphere2"; var sphere3 = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); sphere3.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, -10); sphere3.tag = k_SphereTag; = "sphere3"; Physics.SyncTransforms(); } [Test] public void TestRaycasts() { SetupScene(); var obj = new GameObject("agent"); var perception = obj.AddComponent(); perception.RaysPerDirection = 1; perception.MaxRayDegrees = 45; perception.RayLength = 20; perception.DetectableTags = new List(); perception.DetectableTags.Add(k_CubeTag); perception.DetectableTags.Add(k_SphereTag); var radii = new[] { 0f, .5f }; foreach (var castRadius in radii) { perception.SphereCastRadius = castRadius; var sensor = perception.CreateSensors()[0]; var expectedObs = (2 * perception.RaysPerDirection + 1) * (perception.DetectableTags.Count + 2); Assert.AreEqual(sensor.GetObservationSpec().Shape[0], expectedObs); var outputBuffer = new float[expectedObs]; ObservationWriter writer = new ObservationWriter(); writer.SetTarget(outputBuffer, sensor.GetObservationSpec(), 0); var numWritten = sensor.Write(writer); Assert.AreEqual(numWritten, expectedObs); // Expected hits: // ray 0 should hit the cube at roughly halfway // ray 1 should hit a sphere but no tag // ray 2 should hit a sphere with the k_SphereTag tag // The hit fraction should be the same for rays 1 and // Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, outputBuffer[0]); // hit cube Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, outputBuffer[1]); // missed sphere Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, outputBuffer[2]); // missed unknown tag // Hit is at z=9.0 in world space, ray length is 20 Assert.That( outputBuffer[3], Is.EqualTo((9.5f - castRadius) / perception.RayLength).Within(.0005f) ); // Spheres are at 5,0,5 and 5,0,-5, so 5*sqrt(2) units from origin // Minus 1.0 for the sphere radius to get the length of the hit. var expectedHitLengthWorldSpace = 5.0f * Mathf.Sqrt(2.0f) - 0.5f - castRadius; Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, outputBuffer[4]); // missed cube Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, outputBuffer[5]); // missed sphere Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, outputBuffer[6]); // hit unknown tag -> all 0 Assert.That( outputBuffer[7], Is.EqualTo(expectedHitLengthWorldSpace / perception.RayLength).Within(.0005f) ); Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, outputBuffer[8]); // missed cube Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, outputBuffer[9]); // hit sphere Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, outputBuffer[10]); // missed unknown tag Assert.That( outputBuffer[11], Is.EqualTo(expectedHitLengthWorldSpace / perception.RayLength).Within(.0005f) ); } } [Test] public void TestRaycastMiss() { var obj = new GameObject("agent"); var perception = obj.AddComponent(); perception.RaysPerDirection = 0; perception.MaxRayDegrees = 45; perception.RayLength = 20; perception.DetectableTags = new List(); perception.DetectableTags.Add(k_CubeTag); perception.DetectableTags.Add(k_SphereTag); var sensor = perception.CreateSensors()[0]; var expectedObs = (2 * perception.RaysPerDirection + 1) * (perception.DetectableTags.Count + 2); Assert.AreEqual(sensor.GetObservationSpec().Shape[0], expectedObs); var outputBuffer = new float[expectedObs]; ObservationWriter writer = new ObservationWriter(); writer.SetTarget(outputBuffer, sensor.GetObservationSpec(), 0); var numWritten = sensor.Write(writer); Assert.AreEqual(numWritten, expectedObs); // Everything missed Assert.AreEqual(new float[] { 0, 0, 1, 1 }, outputBuffer); } [Test] public void TestRayFilter() { var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cube.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 10); cube.tag = k_CubeTag; = "cubeFar"; var cubeFiltered = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cubeFiltered.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 5); cubeFiltered.tag = k_CubeTag; = "cubeNear"; cubeFiltered.layer = 7; Physics.SyncTransforms(); var obj = new GameObject("agent"); var perception = obj.AddComponent(); perception.RaysPerDirection = 0; perception.RayLength = 20; perception.DetectableTags = new List(); var filterCubeLayers = new[] { false, true }; foreach (var filterCubeLayer in filterCubeLayers) { // Set the layer mask to either the default, or one that ignores the close cube's layer var layerMask = Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers; if (filterCubeLayer) { layerMask &= ~(1 << cubeFiltered.layer); } perception.RayLayerMask = layerMask; var sensor = perception.CreateSensors()[0]; var expectedObs = (2 * perception.RaysPerDirection + 1) * (perception.DetectableTags.Count + 2); Assert.AreEqual(sensor.GetObservationSpec().Shape[0], expectedObs); var outputBuffer = new float[expectedObs]; ObservationWriter writer = new ObservationWriter(); writer.SetTarget(outputBuffer, sensor.GetObservationSpec(), 0); var numWritten = sensor.Write(writer); Assert.AreEqual(numWritten, expectedObs); if (filterCubeLayer) { // Hit the far cube because close was filtered. Assert.That(outputBuffer[outputBuffer.Length - 1], Is.EqualTo((9.5f - perception.SphereCastRadius) / perception.RayLength).Within(.0005f) ); } else { // Hit the close cube because not filtered. Assert.That(outputBuffer[outputBuffer.Length - 1], Is.EqualTo((4.5f - perception.SphereCastRadius) / perception.RayLength).Within(.0005f) ); } } } [Test] public void TestRaycastsScaled() { SetupScene(); var obj = new GameObject("agent"); var perception = obj.AddComponent(); obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(2, 2, 2); perception.RaysPerDirection = 0; perception.MaxRayDegrees = 45; perception.RayLength = 20; perception.DetectableTags = new List(); perception.DetectableTags.Add(k_CubeTag); var radii = new[] { 0f, .5f }; foreach (var castRadius in radii) { perception.SphereCastRadius = castRadius; var sensor = perception.CreateSensors()[0]; var expectedObs = (2 * perception.RaysPerDirection + 1) * (perception.DetectableTags.Count + 2); Assert.AreEqual(sensor.GetObservationSpec().Shape[0], expectedObs); var outputBuffer = new float[expectedObs]; ObservationWriter writer = new ObservationWriter(); writer.SetTarget(outputBuffer, sensor.GetObservationSpec(), 0); var numWritten = sensor.Write(writer); Assert.AreEqual(numWritten, expectedObs); // Expected hits: // ray 0 should hit the cube at roughly 1/4 way // Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, outputBuffer[0]); // hit cube Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, outputBuffer[1]); // missed unknown tag // Hit is at z=9.0 in world space, ray length was 20 // But scale increases the cast size and the ray length var scaledRayLength = 2 * perception.RayLength; var scaledCastRadius = 2 * castRadius; Assert.That( outputBuffer[2], Is.EqualTo((9.5f - scaledCastRadius) / scaledRayLength).Within(.0005f) ); } } [Test] public void TestRayZeroLength() { // Place the cube touching the origin var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cube.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, .5f); cube.tag = k_CubeTag; Physics.SyncTransforms(); var obj = new GameObject("agent"); var perception = obj.AddComponent(); perception.RaysPerDirection = 0; perception.RayLength = 0.0f; perception.SphereCastRadius = .5f; perception.DetectableTags = new List(); perception.DetectableTags.Add(k_CubeTag); { // Set the layer mask to either the default, or one that ignores the close cube's layer var sensor = perception.CreateSensors()[0]; var expectedObs = (2 * perception.RaysPerDirection + 1) * (perception.DetectableTags.Count + 2); Assert.AreEqual(sensor.GetObservationSpec().Shape[0], expectedObs); var outputBuffer = new float[expectedObs]; ObservationWriter writer = new ObservationWriter(); writer.SetTarget(outputBuffer, sensor.GetObservationSpec(), 0); var numWritten = sensor.Write(writer); Assert.AreEqual(numWritten, expectedObs); // hit fraction is arbitrary but should be finite in [0,1] Assert.GreaterOrEqual(outputBuffer[2], 0.0f); Assert.LessOrEqual(outputBuffer[2], 1.0f); } } [Test] public void TestStaticPerceive() { SetupScene(); var obj = new GameObject("agent"); var perception = obj.AddComponent(); perception.RaysPerDirection = 0; // single ray perception.MaxRayDegrees = 45; perception.RayLength = 20; perception.DetectableTags = new List(); perception.DetectableTags.Add(k_CubeTag); perception.DetectableTags.Add(k_SphereTag); var radii = new[] { 0f, .5f }; foreach (var castRadius in radii) { perception.SphereCastRadius = castRadius; var castInput = perception.GetRayPerceptionInput(); var castOutput = RayPerceptionSensor.Perceive(castInput); Assert.AreEqual(1, castOutput.RayOutputs.Length); // Expected to hit the cube Assert.AreEqual("cube", castOutput.RayOutputs[0]; Assert.AreEqual(0, castOutput.RayOutputs[0].HitTagIndex); } } [Test] public void TestStaticPerceiveInvalidTags() { SetupScene(); var obj = new GameObject("agent"); var perception = obj.AddComponent(); perception.RaysPerDirection = 0; // single ray perception.MaxRayDegrees = 45; perception.RayLength = 20; perception.DetectableTags = new List(); perception.DetectableTags.Add("Bad tag"); perception.DetectableTags.Add(null); perception.DetectableTags.Add(""); perception.DetectableTags.Add(k_CubeTag); var radii = new[] { 0f, .5f }; foreach (var castRadius in radii) { perception.SphereCastRadius = castRadius; var castInput = perception.GetRayPerceptionInput(); // There's no clean way that I can find to check for a defined tag without // logging an error. LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, "Tag: Bad tag is not defined."); var castOutput = RayPerceptionSensor.Perceive(castInput); Assert.AreEqual(1, castOutput.RayOutputs.Length); // Expected to hit the cube Assert.AreEqual("cube", castOutput.RayOutputs[0]; Assert.AreEqual(3, castOutput.RayOutputs[0].HitTagIndex); } } [Test] public void TestStaticPerceiveNoTags() { SetupScene(); var obj = new GameObject("agent"); var perception = obj.AddComponent(); perception.RaysPerDirection = 0; // single ray perception.MaxRayDegrees = 45; perception.RayLength = 20; perception.DetectableTags = null; var radii = new[] { 0f, .5f }; foreach (var castRadius in radii) { perception.SphereCastRadius = castRadius; var castInput = perception.GetRayPerceptionInput(); var castOutput = RayPerceptionSensor.Perceive(castInput); Assert.AreEqual(1, castOutput.RayOutputs.Length); // Expected to hit the cube Assert.AreEqual("cube", castOutput.RayOutputs[0]; Assert.AreEqual(-1, castOutput.RayOutputs[0].HitTagIndex); } } #endif } }