using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
* Welcome to Unity Machine Learning Agents (ML-Agents).
* The ML-Agents toolkit contains five entities: Academy, Brain, Agent, Communicator and
* Python API. The academy, and all its brains and connected agents live within
* a learning environment (herin called Environment), while the communicator
* manages the communication between the learning environment and the Python
* API. For more information on each of these entities, in addition to how to
* set-up a learning environment and train the behavior of characters in a
* Unity scene, please browse our documentation pages on GitHub:
namespace MLAgents
/// Wraps the environment-level parameters that are provided within the
/// Editor. These parameters can be provided for training and inference
/// modes separately and represent screen resolution, rendering quality and
/// frame rate.
public class EnvironmentConfiguration
[Tooltip("Width of the environment window in pixels.")]
public int width;
[Tooltip("Height of the environment window in pixels.")]
public int height;
[Tooltip("Rendering quality of environment. (Higher is better quality.)")] [Range(0, 5)]
public int qualityLevel;
[Tooltip("Speed at which environment is run. (Higher is faster.)")] [Range(1f, 100f)]
public float timeScale;
[Tooltip("Frames per second (FPS) engine attempts to maintain.")]
public int targetFrameRate;
/// Initializes a new instance of the
/// class.
/// Width of environment window (pixels).
/// Height of environment window (pixels).
/// Rendering quality of environment. Ranges from 0 to 5, with higher.
/// Speed at which environment is run. Ranges from 1 to 100, with higher
/// values representing faster speed.
/// Target frame rate (per second) that the engine tries to maintain.
public EnvironmentConfiguration(
int width, int height, int qualityLevel,
float timeScale, int targetFrameRate)
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.qualityLevel = qualityLevel;
this.timeScale = timeScale;
this.targetFrameRate = targetFrameRate;
/// An Academy is where Agent objects go to train their behaviors. More
/// specifically, an academy is a collection of Brain objects and each agent
/// in a scene is attached to one brain (a single brain may be attached to
/// multiple agents). Currently, this class is expected to be extended to
/// implement the desired academy behavior.
/// When an academy is run, it can either be in inference or training mode.
/// The mode is determined by the presence or absence of a Communicator. In
/// the presence of a communicator, the academy is run in training mode where
/// the states and observations of each agent are sent through the
/// communicator. In the absence of a communciator, the academy is run in
/// inference mode where the agent behavior is determined by the brain
/// attached to it (which may be internal, heuristic or player).
[HelpURL("" +
public abstract class Academy : MonoBehaviour
public BroadcastHub broadcastHub = new BroadcastHub();
private const string kApiVersion = "API-9";
/// Temporary storage for global gravity value
/// Used to restore oringal value when deriving Academy modifies it
private Vector3 originalGravity;
/// Temporary storage for global fixedDeltaTime value
/// Used to restore oringal value when deriving Academy modifies it
private float originalFixedDeltaTime;
/// Temporary storage for global maximumDeltaTime value
/// Used to restore oringal value when deriving Academy modifies it
private float originalMaximumDeltaTime;
// Fields provided in the Inspector
[Tooltip("Total number of steps per global episode.\nNon-positive " +
"values correspond to episodes without a maximum number of \n" +
"steps. Once the step counter reaches this maximum value, the " +
"environment will reset.")]
int maxSteps;
[Tooltip("The engine-level settings which correspond to rendering " +
"quality and engine speed during Training.")]
EnvironmentConfiguration trainingConfiguration =
new EnvironmentConfiguration(80, 80, 1, 100.0f, -1);
[Tooltip("The engine-level settings which correspond to rendering " +
"quality and engine speed during Inference.")]
EnvironmentConfiguration inferenceConfiguration =
new EnvironmentConfiguration(1280, 720, 5, 1.0f, 60);
/// Contains a mapping from parameter names to float values. They are
/// used in and
/// to modify elements in the environment at reset time.
/// Default reset parameters are specified in the academy Editor, and can
/// be modified when training with an external Brain by passinga config
/// dictionary at reset.
[Tooltip("List of custom parameters that can be changed in the " +
"environment when it resets.")]
public ResetParameters resetParameters;
public CommunicatorObjects.CustomResetParameters customResetParameters;
// Fields not provided in the Inspector.
/// Boolean flag indicating whether a communicator is accessible by the
/// environment. This also specifies whether the environment is in
/// Training or Inference mode.
bool isCommunicatorOn;
/// Keeps track of the id of the last communicator message received.
/// Remains 0 if there are no communicators. Is used to ensure that
/// the same message is not used multiple times.
private ulong lastCommunicatorMessageNumber;
/// If true, the Academy will use inference settings. This field is
/// initialized in depending on the presence
/// or absence of a communicator. Furthermore, it can be modified by an
/// external Brain during reset via .
bool isInference = true;
/// The done flag of the academy. When set to true, the academy will
/// call instead of
/// at step time. If true, all agents done flags will be set to true.
bool done;
/// Whether the academy has reached the maximum number of steps for the
/// current episode.
bool maxStepReached;
/// The number of episodes completed by the environment. Incremented
/// each time the environment is reset.
int episodeCount;
/// The number of steps completed within the current episide. Incremented
/// each time a step is taken in the environment. Is reset to 0 during
/// .
int stepCount;
/// The number of total number of steps completed during the whole simulation. Incremented
/// each time a step is taken in the environment.
int totalStepCount;
/// Flag that indicates whether the inference/training mode of the
/// environment was switched by the external Brain. This impacts the
/// engine settings at the next environment step.
bool modeSwitched;
/// Pointer to the batcher currently in use by the Academy.
MLAgents.Batcher brainBatcher;
/// Used to write error messages.
StreamWriter logWriter;
/// The path to where the log should be written.
string logPath;
// Flag used to keep track of the first time the Academy is reset.
bool firstAcademyReset;
// The Academy uses a series of events to communicate with agents and
// brains to facilitate synchronization. More specifically, it ensure
// that all the agents performs their steps in a consistent order (i.e. no
// agent can act based on a decision before another agent has had a chance
// to request a decision).
// Signals to all the Brains at each environment step so they can decide
// actions for their agents.
public event System.Action BrainDecideAction;
// Signals to all the listeners that the academy is being destroyed
public event System.Action DestroyAction;
// Signals to all the agents at each environment step along with the
// Academy's maxStepReached, done and stepCount values. The agents rely
// on this event to update their own values of max step reached and done
// in addition to aligning on the step count of the global episode.
public event System.Action AgentSetStatus;
// Signals to all the agents at each environment step so they can reset
// if their flag has been set to done (assuming the agent has requested a
// decision).
public event System.Action AgentResetIfDone;
// Signals to all the agents at each environment step so they can send
// their state to their Brain if they have requested a decision.
public event System.Action AgentSendState;
// Signals to all the agents at each environment step so they can act if
// they have requested a decision.
public event System.Action AgentAct;
// Sigals to all the agents each time the Academy force resets.
public event System.Action AgentForceReset;
/// Monobehavior function called at the very beginning of environment
/// creation. Academy uses this time to initialize internal data
/// structures, initialize the environment and check for the existence
/// of a communicator.
void Awake()
// Used to read Python-provided environment parameters
private int ReadArgs()
var args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
var inputPort = "";
for (var i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
if (args[i] == "--port")
inputPort = args[i + 1];
return int.Parse(inputPort);
/// Initializes the environment, configures it and initialized the Academy.
private void InitializeEnvironment()
originalGravity = Physics.gravity;
originalFixedDeltaTime = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
originalMaximumDeltaTime = Time.maximumDeltaTime;
Communicator communicator = null;
var exposedBrains = broadcastHub.broadcastingBrains.Where(x => x != null).ToList();;
var controlledBrains = broadcastHub.broadcastingBrains.Where(
x => x != null && x is LearningBrain && broadcastHub.IsControlled(x));
foreach (LearningBrain brain in controlledBrains)
// Try to launch the communicator by usig the arguments passed at launch
communicator = new RPCCommunicator(
new CommunicatorParameters
port = ReadArgs()
// If it fails, we check if there are any external brains in the scene
// If there are : Launch the communicator on the default port
// If there arn't, there is no need for a communicator and it is set
// to null
communicator = null;
if (controlledBrains.ToList().Count > 0)
communicator = new RPCCommunicator(
new CommunicatorParameters
port = 5005
brainBatcher = new Batcher(communicator);
foreach (var trainingBrain in exposedBrains)
if (communicator != null)
isCommunicatorOn = true;
var academyParameters =
new CommunicatorObjects.UnityRLInitializationOutput();
academyParameters.Name =;
academyParameters.Version = kApiVersion;
foreach (var brain in exposedBrains)
var bp = brain.brainParameters;
bp.ToProto(, broadcastHub.IsControlled(brain)));
academyParameters.EnvironmentParameters =
new CommunicatorObjects.EnvironmentParametersProto();
foreach (var key in resetParameters.Keys)
key, resetParameters[key]
var pythonParameters = brainBatcher.SendAcademyParameters(academyParameters);
Application.logMessageReceived += HandleLog;
logPath = Path.GetFullPath(".") + "/UnitySDK.log";
using (var fs = File.Open(logPath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite))
logWriter = new StreamWriter(fs);
logWriter.WriteLine(" ");
// If a communicator is enabled/provided, then we assume we are in
// training mode. In the absence of a communicator, we assume we are
// in inference mode.
isInference = !isCommunicatorOn;
BrainDecideAction += () => { };
DestroyAction += () => { };
AgentSetStatus += (m, d, i) => { };
AgentResetIfDone += () => { };
AgentSendState += () => { };
AgentAct += () => { };
AgentForceReset += () => { };
// Configure the environment using the configurations provided by
// the developer in the Editor.
private void UpdateResetParameters()
var newResetParameters = brainBatcher.GetEnvironmentParameters();
if (newResetParameters != null)
foreach (var kv in newResetParameters.FloatParameters)
resetParameters[kv.Key] = kv.Value;
customResetParameters = newResetParameters.CustomResetParameters;
void HandleLog(string logString, string stackTrace, LogType type)
using (var fs = File.Open(logPath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite))
logWriter = new StreamWriter(fs);
/// Configures the environment settings depending on the training/inference
/// mode and the corresponding parameters passed in the Editor.
void ConfigureEnvironment()
if (isInference)
/// Helper method for initializing the environment based on the provided
/// configuration.
/// Environment configuration (specified in the Editor).
static void ConfigureEnvironmentHelper(EnvironmentConfiguration config)
Screen.SetResolution(config.width, config.height, false);
QualitySettings.SetQualityLevel(config.qualityLevel, true);
Time.timeScale = config.timeScale;
Time.captureFramerate = 60;
Application.targetFrameRate = config.targetFrameRate;
/// Initializes the academy and environment. Called during the waking-up
/// phase of the environment before any of the scene objects/agents have
/// been initialized.
public virtual void InitializeAcademy()
/// Specifies the academy behavior at every step of the environment.
public virtual void AcademyStep()
/// Specifies the academy behavior when being reset (i.e. at the completion
/// of a global episode).
public virtual void AcademyReset()
/// Returns the flag.
/// true, if current mode is inference, false if training.
public bool GetIsInference()
return isInference;
/// Sets the flag to the provided value. If
/// the new flag differs from the current flag value, this signals that
/// the environment configuration needs to be updated.
/// Environment mode, if true then inference, otherwise training.
public void SetIsInference(bool isInference)
if (this.isInference != isInference)
this.isInference = isInference;
// This signals to the academy that at the next environment step
// the engine configurations need updating to the respective mode
// (i.e. training vs inference) configuraiton.
modeSwitched = true;
/// Returns the current episode counter.
/// Current episode number.
public int GetEpisodeCount()
return episodeCount;
/// Returns the current step counter (within the current episode).
/// Current step count.
public int GetStepCount()
return stepCount;
/// Returns the total step counter.
/// Total step count.
public int GetTotalStepCount()
return totalStepCount;
/// Sets the done flag to true.
public void Done()
done = true;
/// Returns whether or not the academy is done.
/// true, if academy is done, false otherwise.
public bool IsDone()
return done;
/// Returns whether or not the communicator is on.
/// true, if communicator is on, false otherwise.
public bool IsCommunicatorOn()
return isCommunicatorOn;
/// Forces the full reset. The done flags are not affected. Is either
/// called the first reset at inference and every external reset
/// at training.
void ForcedFullReset()
firstAcademyReset = true;
/// Performs a single environment update to the Academy, Brain and Agent
/// objects within the environment.
void EnvironmentStep()
if (modeSwitched)
modeSwitched = false;
if ((isCommunicatorOn) &&
(lastCommunicatorMessageNumber != brainBatcher.GetNumberMessageReceived()))
lastCommunicatorMessageNumber = brainBatcher.GetNumberMessageReceived();
if (brainBatcher.GetCommand() ==
if (brainBatcher.GetCommand() ==
EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;
else if (!firstAcademyReset)
if ((stepCount >= maxSteps) && maxSteps > 0)
maxStepReached = true;
AgentSetStatus(maxStepReached, done, stepCount);
if (done)
stepCount += 1;
totalStepCount += 1;
/// Resets the environment, including the Academy.
void EnvironmentReset()
stepCount = 0;
done = false;
maxStepReached = false;
/// Monobehavior function that dictates each environment step.
void FixedUpdate()
/// Cleanup function
protected virtual void OnDestroy()
Physics.gravity = originalGravity;
Time.fixedDeltaTime = originalFixedDeltaTime;
Time.maximumDeltaTime = originalMaximumDeltaTime;
// Signal to listeners that the academy is being destroyed now