# Limitations ## Unity SDK ### Headless Mode If you enable Headless mode, you will not be able to collect visual observations from your agents. ### Rendering Speed and Synchronization Currently the speed of the game physics can only be increased to 100x real-time. The Academy also moves in time with FixedUpdate() rather than Update(), so game behavior implemented in Update() may be out of sync with the agent decision making. See [Execution Order of Event Functions](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ExecutionOrder.html) for more information. You can control the frequency of Academy stepping by calling `Academy.Instance.DisableAutomaticStepping()`, and then calling `Academy.Instance.EnvironmentStep()` ### Unity Inference Engine Models Currently, only models created with our trainers are supported for running ML-Agents with a neural network behavior. ## Python API ### Python version As of version 0.3, we no longer support Python 2.