using Unity.Barracuda;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Sensors
/// This is the simplest approach, but there's possible user error if Shape.Length != DimensionProperties.Length
public struct ObservationSpec
public ObservationType ObservationType;
public int[] Shape;
public DimensionProperty[] DimensionProperties;
/// Create an Observation spec with default DimensionProperties and ObservationType from the shape.
public static ObservationSpec FromShape(params int[] shape)
DimensionProperty[] dimProps = null;
if (shape.Length == 1)
dimProps = new[] { DimensionProperty.None };
else if (shape.Length == 2)
// NOTE: not sure if I like this - might leave Unspecified and make BufferSensor set it
dimProps = new[] { DimensionProperty.VariableSize, DimensionProperty.None };
else if (shape.Length == 3)
dimProps = new[]
dimProps = new DimensionProperty[shape.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < dimProps.Length; i++)
dimProps[i] = DimensionProperty.Unspecified;
return new ObservationSpec
ObservationType = ObservationType.Default,
Shape = shape,
DimensionProperties = dimProps
public ObservationSpec Clone()
return new ObservationSpec
Shape = (int[])Shape.Clone(),
DimensionProperties = (DimensionProperty[])DimensionProperties.Clone(),
ObservationType = ObservationType
/// Information about a single dimension. Future per-dimension properties can go here.
/// This is nicer because it ensures the shape and dimension properties that the same size
public struct DimensionInfo
public int Rank;
public DimensionProperty DimensionProperty;
public struct ObservationSpecAlternativeOne
public ObservationType ObservationType;
public DimensionInfo[] DimensionInfos;
// Similar ObservationSpec.FromShape() as above
/// Uses Barracuda's TensorShape struct instead of an int[] for the shape.
/// This doesn't fully avoid allocations because of DimensionProperty, so we'd need more supporting code.
/// I don't like explicitly depending on Barracuda in one of our central interfaces, but listing as an alternative.
public struct ObservationSpecAlternativeTwo
public ObservationType ObservationType;
public TensorShape Shape;
public DimensionProperty[] DimensionProperties;