using System.Collections.Generic;
using MLAgents;
using MLAgents.Policies;
using MLAgents.Sensors;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
namespace MLAgentsExamples
/// The purpose of these tests is to make sure that we can do basic operations like creating
/// an Agent and adding components from code without requiring access to internal methods.
/// The tests aren't intended to add extra test coverage (although they might) and might
/// not check any conditions.
public class PublicApiValidation
public void CheckSetupCameraSensorComponent()
var gameObject = new GameObject();
var width = 24;
var height = 16;
var sensorComponent = gameObject.AddComponent(); = Camera.main;
sensorComponent.sensorName = "camera1";
sensorComponent.width = width;
sensorComponent.height = height;
sensorComponent.grayscale = true;
// Make sure the sets actually applied
Assert.AreEqual("camera1", sensorComponent.sensorName);
Assert.AreEqual(width, sensorComponent.width);
Assert.AreEqual(height, sensorComponent.height);
public void CheckSetupRenderTextureSensorComponent()
var gameObject = new GameObject();
var sensorComponent = gameObject.AddComponent();
var width = 24;
var height = 16;
var texture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0);
sensorComponent.renderTexture = texture;
sensorComponent.sensorName = "rtx1";
sensorComponent.grayscale = true;
// Make sure the sets actually applied
Assert.AreEqual("rtx1", sensorComponent.sensorName);
public void CheckSetupRayPerceptionSensorComponent()
var gameObject = new GameObject();
var sensorComponent = gameObject.AddComponent();
sensorComponent.sensorName = "ray3d";
sensorComponent.detectableTags = new List { "Player", "Respawn" };
sensorComponent.raysPerDirection = 3;
sensorComponent.maxRayDegrees = 30;
sensorComponent.sphereCastRadius = .1f;
sensorComponent.rayLayerMask = 0;
sensorComponent.observationStacks = 2;