from enum import Enum from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, NamedTuple import numpy as np from mlagents.tf_utils import tf from mlagents.trainers.exception import UnityTrainerException ActivationFunction = Callable[[tf.Tensor], tf.Tensor] EncoderFunction = Callable[ [tf.Tensor, int, ActivationFunction, int, str, bool], tf.Tensor ] EPSILON = 1e-7 class Tensor3DShape(NamedTuple): height: int width: int num_channels: int class EncoderType(Enum): SIMPLE = "simple" NATURE_CNN = "nature_cnn" RESNET = "resnet" class ScheduleType(Enum): CONSTANT = "constant" LINEAR = "linear" class NormalizerTensors(NamedTuple): update_op: tf.Operation steps: tf.Tensor running_mean: tf.Tensor running_variance: tf.Tensor class ModelUtils: # Minimum supported side for each encoder type. If refactoring an encoder, please # adjust these also. MIN_RESOLUTION_FOR_ENCODER = { EncoderType.SIMPLE: 20, EncoderType.NATURE_CNN: 36, EncoderType.RESNET: 15, } @staticmethod def create_global_steps(): """Creates TF ops to track and increment global training step.""" global_step = tf.Variable( 0, name="global_step", trainable=False, dtype=tf.int32 ) steps_to_increment = tf.placeholder( shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, name="steps_to_increment" ) increment_step = tf.assign(global_step, tf.add(global_step, steps_to_increment)) return global_step, increment_step, steps_to_increment @staticmethod def create_schedule( schedule: ScheduleType, parameter: float, global_step: tf.Tensor, max_step: int, min_value: float, ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Create a learning rate tensor. :param lr_schedule: Type of learning rate schedule. :param lr: Base learning rate. :param global_step: A TF Tensor representing the total global step. :param max_step: The maximum number of steps in the training run. :return: A Tensor containing the learning rate. """ if schedule == ScheduleType.CONSTANT: parameter_rate = tf.Variable(parameter, trainable=False) elif schedule == ScheduleType.LINEAR: parameter_rate = tf.train.polynomial_decay( parameter, global_step, max_step, min_value, power=1.0 ) else: raise UnityTrainerException(f"The schedule {schedule} is invalid.") return parameter_rate @staticmethod def scaled_init(scale): return tf.initializers.variance_scaling(scale) @staticmethod def swish(input_activation: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """Swish activation function. For more info:""" return tf.multiply(input_activation, tf.nn.sigmoid(input_activation)) @staticmethod def create_visual_input(camera_parameters: Tensor3DShape, name: str) -> tf.Tensor: """ Creates image input op. :param camera_parameters: Parameters for visual observation. :param name: Desired name of input op. :return: input op. """ o_size_h = camera_parameters.height o_size_w = camera_parameters.width c_channels = camera_parameters.num_channels visual_in = tf.placeholder( shape=[None, o_size_h, o_size_w, c_channels], dtype=tf.float32, name=name ) return visual_in @staticmethod def create_input_placeholders( observation_shapes: List[Tuple], name_prefix: str = "" ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, List[tf.Tensor]]: """ Creates input placeholders for visual inputs. :param observation_shapes: A List of tuples that specify the resolutions of the input observations. Tuples for now are restricted to 1D (vector) or 3D (Tensor) :param name_prefix: A name prefix to add to the placeholder names. This is used so that there is no conflict when creating multiple placeholder sets. :returns: A List of Tensorflow placeholders where the input iamges should be fed. """ visual_in: List[tf.Tensor] = [] vector_in_size = 0 for i, dimension in enumerate(observation_shapes): if len(dimension) == 3: _res = Tensor3DShape( height=dimension[0], width=dimension[1], num_channels=dimension[2] ) visual_input = ModelUtils.create_visual_input( _res, name=name_prefix + "visual_observation_" + str(i) ) visual_in.append(visual_input) elif len(dimension) == 1: vector_in_size += dimension[0] else: raise UnityTrainerException( f"Unsupported shape of {dimension} for observation {i}" ) vector_in = tf.placeholder( shape=[None, vector_in_size], dtype=tf.float32, name=name_prefix + "vector_observation", ) return vector_in, visual_in @staticmethod def create_vector_input( vec_obs_size: int, name: str = "vector_observation" ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Creates ops for vector observation input. :param vec_obs_size: Size of stacked vector observation. :param name: Name of the placeholder op. :return: Placeholder for vector observations. """ vector_in = tf.placeholder( shape=[None, vec_obs_size], dtype=tf.float32, name=name ) return vector_in @staticmethod def normalize_vector_obs( vector_obs: tf.Tensor, running_mean: tf.Tensor, running_variance: tf.Tensor, normalization_steps: tf.Tensor, ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Create a normalized version of an input tensor. :param vector_obs: Input vector observation tensor. :param running_mean: Tensorflow tensor representing the current running mean. :param running_variance: Tensorflow tensor representing the current running variance. :param normalization_steps: Tensorflow tensor representing the current number of normalization_steps. :return: A normalized version of vector_obs. """ normalized_state = tf.clip_by_value( (vector_obs - running_mean) / tf.sqrt( running_variance / (tf.cast(normalization_steps, tf.float32) + 1) ), -5, 5, name="normalized_state", ) return normalized_state @staticmethod def create_normalizer(vector_obs: tf.Tensor) -> NormalizerTensors: """ Creates the normalizer and the variables required to store its state. :param vector_obs: A Tensor representing the next value to normalize. When the update operation is called, it will use vector_obs to update the running mean and variance. :return: A NormalizerTensors tuple that holds running mean, running variance, number of steps, and the update operation. """ vec_obs_size = vector_obs.shape[1] steps = tf.get_variable( "normalization_steps", [], trainable=False, dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), ) running_mean = tf.get_variable( "running_mean", [vec_obs_size], trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), ) running_variance = tf.get_variable( "running_variance", [vec_obs_size], trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.ones_initializer(), ) update_normalization = ModelUtils.create_normalizer_update( vector_obs, steps, running_mean, running_variance ) return NormalizerTensors( update_normalization, steps, running_mean, running_variance ) @staticmethod def create_normalizer_update( vector_input: tf.Tensor, steps: tf.Tensor, running_mean: tf.Tensor, running_variance: tf.Tensor, ) -> tf.Operation: """ Creates the update operation for the normalizer. :param vector_input: Vector observation to use for updating the running mean and variance. :param running_mean: Tensorflow tensor representing the current running mean. :param running_variance: Tensorflow tensor representing the current running variance. :param steps: Tensorflow tensor representing the current number of steps that have been normalized. :return: A TF operation that updates the normalization based on vector_input. """ # Based on Welford's algorithm for running mean and standard deviation, for batch updates. Discussion here: # steps_increment = tf.shape(vector_input)[0] total_new_steps = tf.add(steps, steps_increment) # Compute the incremental update and divide by the number of new steps. input_to_old_mean = tf.subtract(vector_input, running_mean) new_mean = running_mean + tf.reduce_sum( input_to_old_mean / tf.cast(total_new_steps, dtype=tf.float32), axis=0 ) # Compute difference of input to the new mean for Welford update input_to_new_mean = tf.subtract(vector_input, new_mean) new_variance = running_variance + tf.reduce_sum( input_to_new_mean * input_to_old_mean, axis=0 ) update_mean = tf.assign(running_mean, new_mean) update_variance = tf.assign(running_variance, new_variance) update_norm_step = tf.assign(steps, total_new_steps) return[update_mean, update_variance, update_norm_step]) @staticmethod def create_vector_observation_encoder( observation_input: tf.Tensor, h_size: int, activation: ActivationFunction, num_layers: int, scope: str, reuse: bool, ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Builds a set of hidden state encoders. :param reuse: Whether to re-use the weights within the same scope. :param scope: Graph scope for the encoder ops. :param observation_input: Input vector. :param h_size: Hidden layer size. :param activation: What type of activation function to use for layers. :param num_layers: number of hidden layers to create. :return: List of hidden layer tensors. """ with tf.variable_scope(scope): hidden = observation_input for i in range(num_layers): hidden = tf.layers.dense( hidden, h_size, activation=activation, reuse=reuse, name=f"hidden_{i}", kernel_initializer=tf.initializers.variance_scaling(1.0), ) return hidden @staticmethod def create_visual_observation_encoder( image_input: tf.Tensor, h_size: int, activation: ActivationFunction, num_layers: int, scope: str, reuse: bool, ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Builds a set of resnet visual encoders. :param image_input: The placeholder for the image input to use. :param h_size: Hidden layer size. :param activation: What type of activation function to use for layers. :param num_layers: number of hidden layers to create. :param scope: The scope of the graph within which to create the ops. :param reuse: Whether to re-use the weights within the same scope. :return: List of hidden layer tensors. """ with tf.variable_scope(scope): conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d( image_input, 16, kernel_size=[8, 8], strides=[4, 4], activation=tf.nn.elu, reuse=reuse, name="conv_1", ) conv2 = tf.layers.conv2d( conv1, 32, kernel_size=[4, 4], strides=[2, 2], activation=tf.nn.elu, reuse=reuse, name="conv_2", ) hidden = tf.layers.flatten(conv2) with tf.variable_scope(scope + "/" + "flat_encoding"): hidden_flat = ModelUtils.create_vector_observation_encoder( hidden, h_size, activation, num_layers, scope, reuse ) return hidden_flat @staticmethod def create_nature_cnn_visual_observation_encoder( image_input: tf.Tensor, h_size: int, activation: ActivationFunction, num_layers: int, scope: str, reuse: bool, ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Builds a set of resnet visual encoders. :param image_input: The placeholder for the image input to use. :param h_size: Hidden layer size. :param activation: What type of activation function to use for layers. :param num_layers: number of hidden layers to create. :param scope: The scope of the graph within which to create the ops. :param reuse: Whether to re-use the weights within the same scope. :return: List of hidden layer tensors. """ with tf.variable_scope(scope): conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d( image_input, 32, kernel_size=[8, 8], strides=[4, 4], activation=tf.nn.elu, reuse=reuse, name="conv_1", ) conv2 = tf.layers.conv2d( conv1, 64, kernel_size=[4, 4], strides=[2, 2], activation=tf.nn.elu, reuse=reuse, name="conv_2", ) conv3 = tf.layers.conv2d( conv2, 64, kernel_size=[3, 3], strides=[1, 1], activation=tf.nn.elu, reuse=reuse, name="conv_3", ) hidden = tf.layers.flatten(conv3) with tf.variable_scope(scope + "/" + "flat_encoding"): hidden_flat = ModelUtils.create_vector_observation_encoder( hidden, h_size, activation, num_layers, scope, reuse ) return hidden_flat @staticmethod def create_resnet_visual_observation_encoder( image_input: tf.Tensor, h_size: int, activation: ActivationFunction, num_layers: int, scope: str, reuse: bool, ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Builds a set of resnet visual encoders. :param image_input: The placeholder for the image input to use. :param h_size: Hidden layer size. :param activation: What type of activation function to use for layers. :param num_layers: number of hidden layers to create. :param scope: The scope of the graph within which to create the ops. :param reuse: Whether to re-use the weights within the same scope. :return: List of hidden layer tensors. """ n_channels = [16, 32, 32] # channel for each stack n_blocks = 2 # number of residual blocks with tf.variable_scope(scope): hidden = image_input for i, ch in enumerate(n_channels): hidden = tf.layers.conv2d( hidden, ch, kernel_size=[3, 3], strides=[1, 1], reuse=reuse, name="layer%dconv_1" % i, ) hidden = tf.layers.max_pooling2d( hidden, pool_size=[3, 3], strides=[2, 2], padding="same" ) # create residual blocks for j in range(n_blocks): block_input = hidden hidden = tf.nn.relu(hidden) hidden = tf.layers.conv2d( hidden, ch, kernel_size=[3, 3], strides=[1, 1], padding="same", reuse=reuse, name="layer%d_%d_conv1" % (i, j), ) hidden = tf.nn.relu(hidden) hidden = tf.layers.conv2d( hidden, ch, kernel_size=[3, 3], strides=[1, 1], padding="same", reuse=reuse, name="layer%d_%d_conv2" % (i, j), ) hidden = tf.add(block_input, hidden) hidden = tf.nn.relu(hidden) hidden = tf.layers.flatten(hidden) with tf.variable_scope(scope + "/" + "flat_encoding"): hidden_flat = ModelUtils.create_vector_observation_encoder( hidden, h_size, activation, num_layers, scope, reuse ) return hidden_flat @staticmethod def get_encoder_for_type(encoder_type: EncoderType) -> EncoderFunction: ENCODER_FUNCTION_BY_TYPE = { EncoderType.SIMPLE: ModelUtils.create_visual_observation_encoder, EncoderType.NATURE_CNN: ModelUtils.create_nature_cnn_visual_observation_encoder, EncoderType.RESNET: ModelUtils.create_resnet_visual_observation_encoder, } return ENCODER_FUNCTION_BY_TYPE.get( encoder_type, ModelUtils.create_visual_observation_encoder ) @staticmethod def break_into_branches( concatenated_logits: tf.Tensor, action_size: List[int] ) -> List[tf.Tensor]: """ Takes a concatenated set of logits that represent multiple discrete action branches and breaks it up into one Tensor per branch. :param concatenated_logits: Tensor that represents the concatenated action branches :param action_size: List of ints containing the number of possible actions for each branch. :return: A List of Tensors containing one tensor per branch. """ action_idx = [0] + list(np.cumsum(action_size)) branched_logits = [ concatenated_logits[:, action_idx[i] : action_idx[i + 1]] for i in range(len(action_size)) ] return branched_logits @staticmethod def create_discrete_action_masking_layer( branches_logits: List[tf.Tensor], action_masks: tf.Tensor, action_size: List[int], ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """ Creates a masking layer for the discrete actions :param branches_logits: A List of the unnormalized action probabilities for each branch :param action_masks: The mask for the logits. Must be of dimension [None x total_number_of_action] :param action_size: A list containing the number of possible actions for each branch :return: The action output dimension [batch_size, num_branches], the concatenated normalized probs (after softmax) and the concatenated normalized log probs """ branch_masks = ModelUtils.break_into_branches(action_masks, action_size) raw_probs = [ tf.multiply(tf.nn.softmax(branches_logits[k]) + EPSILON, branch_masks[k]) for k in range(len(action_size)) ] normalized_probs = [ tf.divide(raw_probs[k], tf.reduce_sum(raw_probs[k], axis=1, keepdims=True)) for k in range(len(action_size)) ] output = tf.concat( [ tf.multinomial(tf.log(normalized_probs[k] + EPSILON), 1) for k in range(len(action_size)) ], axis=1, ) return ( output, tf.concat([normalized_probs[k] for k in range(len(action_size))], axis=1), tf.concat( [ tf.log(normalized_probs[k] + EPSILON) for k in range(len(action_size)) ], axis=1, ), ) @staticmethod def _check_resolution_for_encoder( vis_in: tf.Tensor, vis_encoder_type: EncoderType ) -> None: min_res = ModelUtils.MIN_RESOLUTION_FOR_ENCODER[vis_encoder_type] height = vis_in.shape[1] width = vis_in.shape[2] if height < min_res or width < min_res: raise UnityTrainerException( f"Visual observation resolution ({width}x{height}) is too small for" f"the provided EncoderType ({vis_encoder_type.value}). The min dimension is {min_res}" ) @staticmethod def create_observation_streams( visual_in: List[tf.Tensor], vector_in: tf.Tensor, num_streams: int, h_size: int, num_layers: int, vis_encode_type: EncoderType = EncoderType.SIMPLE, stream_scopes: List[str] = None, ) -> List[tf.Tensor]: """ Creates encoding stream for observations. :param num_streams: Number of streams to create. :param h_size: Size of hidden linear layers in stream. :param num_layers: Number of hidden linear layers in stream. :param stream_scopes: List of strings (length == num_streams), which contains the scopes for each of the streams. None if all under the same TF scope. :return: List of encoded streams. """ activation_fn = ModelUtils.swish vector_observation_input = vector_in final_hiddens = [] for i in range(num_streams): # Pick the encoder function based on the EncoderType create_encoder_func = ModelUtils.get_encoder_for_type(vis_encode_type) visual_encoders = [] hidden_state, hidden_visual = None, None _scope_add = stream_scopes[i] if stream_scopes else "" if len(visual_in) > 0: for j, vis_in in enumerate(visual_in): ModelUtils._check_resolution_for_encoder(vis_in, vis_encode_type) encoded_visual = create_encoder_func( vis_in, h_size, activation_fn, num_layers, f"{_scope_add}main_graph_{i}_encoder{j}", # scope False, # reuse ) visual_encoders.append(encoded_visual) hidden_visual = tf.concat(visual_encoders, axis=1) if vector_in.get_shape()[-1] > 0: # Don't encode non-existant or 0-shape inputs hidden_state = ModelUtils.create_vector_observation_encoder( vector_observation_input, h_size, activation_fn, num_layers, scope=f"{_scope_add}main_graph_{i}", reuse=False, ) if hidden_state is not None and hidden_visual is not None: final_hidden = tf.concat([hidden_visual, hidden_state], axis=1) elif hidden_state is None and hidden_visual is not None: final_hidden = hidden_visual elif hidden_state is not None and hidden_visual is None: final_hidden = hidden_state else: raise Exception( "No valid network configuration possible. " "There are no states or observations in this brain" ) final_hiddens.append(final_hidden) return final_hiddens @staticmethod def create_recurrent_encoder(input_state, memory_in, sequence_length, name="lstm"): """ Builds a recurrent encoder for either state or observations (LSTM). :param sequence_length: Length of sequence to unroll. :param input_state: The input tensor to the LSTM cell. :param memory_in: The input memory to the LSTM cell. :param name: The scope of the LSTM cell. """ s_size = input_state.get_shape().as_list()[1] m_size = memory_in.get_shape().as_list()[1] lstm_input_state = tf.reshape(input_state, shape=[-1, sequence_length, s_size]) memory_in = tf.reshape(memory_in[:, :], [-1, m_size]) half_point = int(m_size / 2) with tf.variable_scope(name): rnn_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(half_point) lstm_vector_in = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple( memory_in[:, :half_point], memory_in[:, half_point:] ) recurrent_output, lstm_state_out = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( rnn_cell, lstm_input_state, initial_state=lstm_vector_in ) recurrent_output = tf.reshape(recurrent_output, shape=[-1, half_point]) return recurrent_output, tf.concat([lstm_state_out.c, lstm_state_out.h], axis=1) @staticmethod def create_value_heads( stream_names: List[str], hidden_input: tf.Tensor ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, tf.Tensor], tf.Tensor]: """ Creates one value estimator head for each reward signal in stream_names. Also creates the node corresponding to the mean of all the value heads in self.value. self.value_head is a dictionary of stream name to node containing the value estimator head for that signal. :param stream_names: The list of reward signal names :param hidden_input: The last layer of the Critic. The heads will consist of one dense hidden layer on top of the hidden input. """ value_heads = {} for name in stream_names: value = tf.layers.dense(hidden_input, 1, name=f"{name}_value") value_heads[name] = value value = tf.reduce_mean(list(value_heads.values()), 0) return value_heads, value