using UnityEngine;
public class PushBlockWithInputSettings : MonoBehaviour
/// The "walking speed" of the agents in the scene.
public float agentRunSpeed;
/// The agent rotation speed.
/// Every agent will use this setting.
public float agentRotationSpeed;
public float agentJumpForce;
public float agentJumpCoolDown;
/// The spawn area margin multiplier.
/// ex: .9 means 90% of spawn area will be used.
/// .1 margin will be left (so players don't spawn off of the edge).
/// The higher this value, the longer training time required.
public float spawnAreaMarginMultiplier;
/// When a goal is scored the ground will switch to this
/// material for a few seconds.
public Material goalScoredMaterial;
/// When an agent fails, the ground will turn this material for a few seconds.
public Material failMaterial;