using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Barracuda;
using Unity.MLAgents.Inference;
using Unity.MLAgents.Policies;
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Analytics;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Analytics;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Analytics
internal class InferenceAnalytics
const string k_VendorKey = "";
const string k_EventName = "ml_agents_inferencemodelset";
const int k_EventVersion = 1;
/// Whether or not we've registered this particular event yet
static bool s_EventRegistered = false;
/// Hourly limit for this event name
const int k_MaxEventsPerHour = 1000;
/// Maximum number of items in this event.
const int k_MaxNumberOfElements = 1000;
/// Models that we've already sent events for.
private static HashSet s_SentModels;
static bool EnableAnalytics()
if (s_EventRegistered)
return true;
AnalyticsResult result = EditorAnalytics.RegisterEventWithLimit(k_EventName, k_MaxEventsPerHour, k_MaxNumberOfElements, k_VendorKey, k_EventVersion);
AnalyticsResult result = AnalyticsResult.UnsupportedPlatform;
if (result == AnalyticsResult.Ok)
s_EventRegistered = true;
if (s_EventRegistered && s_SentModels == null)
s_SentModels = new HashSet();
return s_EventRegistered;
public static bool IsAnalyticsEnabled()
return EditorAnalytics.enabled;
return false;
/// Send an analytics event for the NNModel when it is set up for inference.
/// No events will be sent if analytics are disabled, and at most one event
/// will be sent per model instance.
/// The NNModel being used for inference.
/// The BehaviorName of the Agent using the model
/// Whether inference is being performed on the CPU or GPU
/// List of ISensors for the Agent. Used to generate information about the observation space.
/// BrainParameters for the Agent. Used to generate information about the action space.
public static void InferenceModelSet(
NNModel nnModel,
string behaviorName,
InferenceDevice inferenceDevice,
IList sensors,
BrainParameters brainParameters
// The event shouldn't be able to report if this is disabled but if we know we're not going to report
// Lets early out and not waste time gathering all the data
if (!IsAnalyticsEnabled())
if (!EnableAnalytics())
var added = s_SentModels.Add(nnModel);
if (!added)
// We previously added this model. Exit so we don't resend.
var data = GetEventForModel(nnModel, behaviorName, inferenceDevice, sensors, brainParameters);
// Note - to debug, use JsonUtility.ToJson on the event.
//Debug.Log(JsonUtility.ToJson(data, true));
if (AnalyticsUtils.s_SendEditorAnalytics)
EditorAnalytics.SendEventWithLimit(k_EventName, data, k_EventVersion);
/// Generate an InferenceEvent for the model.
internal static InferenceEvent GetEventForModel(
NNModel nnModel,
string behaviorName,
InferenceDevice inferenceDevice,
IList sensors,
BrainParameters brainParameters
var barracudaModel = ModelLoader.Load(nnModel);
var inferenceEvent = new InferenceEvent();
// Hash the behavior name so that there's no concern about PII or "secret" data being leaked.
inferenceEvent.BehaviorName = AnalyticsUtils.Hash(behaviorName);
inferenceEvent.BarracudaModelSource = barracudaModel.IrSource;
inferenceEvent.BarracudaModelVersion = barracudaModel.IrVersion;
inferenceEvent.BarracudaModelProducer = barracudaModel.ProducerName;
inferenceEvent.MemorySize = (int)barracudaModel.GetTensorByName(TensorNames.MemorySize)[0];
inferenceEvent.InferenceDevice = (int)inferenceDevice;
if (barracudaModel.ProducerName == "Script")
// .nn files don't have these fields set correctly. Assign some placeholder values.
inferenceEvent.BarracudaModelSource = "NN";
inferenceEvent.BarracudaModelProducer = "";
var barracudaPackageInfo = UnityEditor.PackageManager.PackageInfo.FindForAssembly(typeof(Tensor).Assembly);
inferenceEvent.BarracudaPackageVersion = barracudaPackageInfo.version;
inferenceEvent.BarracudaPackageVersion = null;
inferenceEvent.ActionSpec = EventActionSpec.FromBrainParameters(brainParameters);
inferenceEvent.ObservationSpecs = new List(sensors.Count);
foreach (var sensor in sensors)
inferenceEvent.TotalWeightSizeBytes = GetModelWeightSize(barracudaModel);
inferenceEvent.ModelHash = GetModelHash(barracudaModel);
return inferenceEvent;
/// Compute the total model weight size in bytes.
/// This corresponds to the "Total weight size" display in the Barracuda inspector,
/// and the calculations are the same.
static long GetModelWeightSize(Model barracudaModel)
long totalWeightsSizeInBytes = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < barracudaModel.layers.Count; ++l)
for (var d = 0; d < barracudaModel.layers[l].datasets.Length; ++d)
totalWeightsSizeInBytes += barracudaModel.layers[l].datasets[d].length;
return totalWeightsSizeInBytes;
/// Wrapper around Hash128 that supports Append(float[], int, int)
struct MLAgentsHash128
private Hash128 m_Hash;
public void Append(float[] values, int count)
if (values == null)
// Pre-2020 versions of Unity don't have Hash128.Append() (can only hash strings and scalars)
// For these versions, we'll hash element by element.
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
m_Hash.Append(values, 0, count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
var tempHash = new Hash128();
HashUtilities.ComputeHash128(ref values[i], ref tempHash);
HashUtilities.AppendHash(ref tempHash, ref m_Hash);
public void Append(string value)
var tempHash = Hash128.Compute(value);
HashUtilities.AppendHash(ref tempHash, ref m_Hash);
public override string ToString()
return m_Hash.ToString();
/// Compute a hash of the model's layer data and return it as a string.
/// A subset of the layer weights are used for performance.
/// This increases the chance of a collision, but this should still be extremely rare.
static string GetModelHash(Model barracudaModel)
var hash = new MLAgentsHash128();
// Limit the max number of float bytes that we hash for performance.
const int kMaxFloats = 256;
foreach (var layer in barracudaModel.layers)
var numFloatsToHash = Mathf.Min(layer.weights.Length, kMaxFloats);
hash.Append(layer.weights, numFloatsToHash);
return hash.ToString();