using System.IO.Abstractions;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using Unity.MLAgents.Policies;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Demonstrations
/// The Demonstration Recorder component facilitates the recording of demonstrations
/// used for imitation learning.
/// Add this component to the [GameObject] containing an
/// to enable recording the agent for imitation learning. You must implement the
/// function of the agent to provide manual control
/// in order to record demonstrations.
/// See [Imitation Learning - Recording Demonstrations] for more information.
/// [GameObject]:
/// [Imitation Learning - Recording Demonstrations]:
[AddComponentMenu("ML Agents/Demonstration Recorder", (int)MenuGroup.Default)]
public class DemonstrationRecorder : MonoBehaviour
/// Whether or not to record demonstrations.
[Tooltip("Whether or not to record demonstrations.")]
public bool Record;
/// Base demonstration file name. If multiple files are saved, the additional filenames
/// will have a sequence of unique numbers appended.
[Tooltip("Base demonstration file name. If multiple files are saved, the additional " +
"filenames will have a unique number appended.")]
public string DemonstrationName;
/// Directory to save the demo files. Will default to a "Demonstrations/" folder in the
/// Application data path if not specified.
[Tooltip("Directory to save the demo files. Will default to " +
"{Application.dataPath}/Demonstrations if not specified.")]
public string DemonstrationDirectory;
DemonstrationWriter m_DemoWriter;
internal const int MaxNameLength = 16;
const string k_ExtensionType = ".demo";
const string k_DefaultDirectoryName = "Demonstrations";
IFileSystem m_FileSystem;
Agent m_Agent;
void OnEnable()
m_Agent = GetComponent();
void Update()
if (Record)
/// Creates demonstration store for use in recording.
/// Has no effect if the demonstration store was already created.
internal DemonstrationWriter LazyInitialize(IFileSystem fileSystem = null)
if (m_DemoWriter != null)
return m_DemoWriter;
if (m_Agent == null)
m_Agent = GetComponent();
m_FileSystem = fileSystem ?? new FileSystem();
var behaviorParams = GetComponent();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DemonstrationName))
DemonstrationName = behaviorParams.BehaviorName;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DemonstrationDirectory))
DemonstrationDirectory = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, k_DefaultDirectoryName);
DemonstrationName = SanitizeName(DemonstrationName, MaxNameLength);
var filePath = MakeDemonstrationFilePath(m_FileSystem, DemonstrationDirectory, DemonstrationName);
var stream = m_FileSystem.File.Create(filePath);
m_DemoWriter = new DemonstrationWriter(stream);
return m_DemoWriter;
/// Removes all characters except alphanumerics from demonstration name.
/// Shorten name if it is longer than the maxNameLength.
internal static string SanitizeName(string demoName, int maxNameLength)
var rgx = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]");
demoName = rgx.Replace(demoName, "");
// If the string is too long, it will overflow the metadata.
if (demoName.Length > maxNameLength)
demoName = demoName.Substring(0, maxNameLength);
return demoName;
/// Gets a unique path for the DemonstrationName in the DemonstrationDirectory.
internal static string MakeDemonstrationFilePath(
IFileSystem fileSystem, string demonstrationDirectory, string demonstrationName
// Create the directory if it doesn't already exist
if (!fileSystem.Directory.Exists(demonstrationDirectory))
var literalName = demonstrationName;
var filePath = Path.Combine(demonstrationDirectory, literalName + k_ExtensionType);
var uniqueNameCounter = 0;
while (fileSystem.File.Exists(filePath))
// TODO should we use a timestamp instead of a counter here? This loops an increasing number of times
// as the number of demos increases.
literalName = demonstrationName + "_" + uniqueNameCounter;
filePath = Path.Combine(demonstrationDirectory, literalName + k_ExtensionType);
return filePath;
/// Close the DemonstrationWriter and remove it from the Agent.
/// Has no effect if the DemonstrationWriter is already closed (or wasn't opened)
public void Close()
if (m_DemoWriter != null)
m_DemoWriter = null;
/// Clean up the DemonstrationWriter when shutting down or destroying the Agent.
void OnDestroy()
/// Add additional DemonstrationWriter to the Agent. It is still up to the user to Close this
/// DemonstrationWriters when recording is done.
public void AddDemonstrationWriterToAgent(DemonstrationWriter demoWriter)
var behaviorParams = GetComponent();
/// Remove additional DemonstrationWriter to the Agent. It is still up to the user to Close this
/// DemonstrationWriters when recording is done.
public void RemoveDemonstrationWriterFromAgent(DemonstrationWriter demoWriter)