from typing import List, Optional, NamedTuple, Dict from mlagents.torch_utils import torch import numpy as np from mlagents.trainers.torch.utils import ModelUtils from mlagents_envs.base_env import _ActionTupleBase class LogProbsTuple(_ActionTupleBase): """ An object whose fields correspond to the log probs of actions of different types. Continuous and discrete are numpy arrays Dimensions are of (n_agents, continuous_size) and (n_agents, discrete_size), respectively. Note, this also holds when continuous or discrete size is zero. """ @property def discrete_dtype(self) -> np.dtype: """ The dtype of a discrete log probability. """ return np.float32 class ActionLogProbs(NamedTuple): """ A NamedTuple containing the tensor for continuous log probs and list of tensors for discrete log probs of individual actions as well as all the log probs for an entire branch. Utility functions provide numpy <=> tensor conversions to be used by the optimizers. :param continuous_tensor: Torch tensor corresponding to log probs of continuous actions :param discrete_list: List of Torch tensors each corresponding to log probs of the discrete actions that were sampled. :param all_discrete_list: List of Torch tensors each corresponding to all log probs of a discrete action branch, even the discrete actions that were not sampled. all_discrete_list is a list of Tensors, each Tensor corresponds to one discrete branch log probabilities. """ continuous_tensor: torch.Tensor discrete_list: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]] all_discrete_list: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]] @property def discrete_tensor(self): """ Returns the discrete log probs list as a stacked tensor """ return torch.stack(self.discrete_list, dim=-1) @property def all_discrete_tensor(self): """ Returns the discrete log probs of each branch as a tensor """ return, dim=1) def to_log_probs_tuple(self) -> LogProbsTuple: """ Returns a LogProbsTuple. Only adds if tensor is not None. Otherwise, LogProbsTuple uses a default. """ log_probs_tuple = LogProbsTuple() if self.continuous_tensor is not None: continuous = ModelUtils.to_numpy(self.continuous_tensor) log_probs_tuple.add_continuous(continuous) if self.discrete_list is not None: discrete = ModelUtils.to_numpy(self.discrete_tensor) log_probs_tuple.add_discrete(discrete) return log_probs_tuple def _to_tensor_list(self) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Returns the tensors in the ActionLogProbs as a flat List of torch Tensors. This is private and serves as a utility for self.flatten() """ tensor_list: List[torch.Tensor] = [] if self.continuous_tensor is not None: tensor_list.append(self.continuous_tensor) if self.discrete_list is not None: tensor_list.append(self.discrete_tensor) return tensor_list def flatten(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ A utility method that returns all log probs in ActionLogProbs as a flattened tensor. This is useful for algorithms like PPO which can treat all log probs in the same way. """ return, dim=1) @staticmethod def from_dict(buff: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> "ActionLogProbs": """ A static method that accesses continuous and discrete log probs fields in an AgentBuffer and constructs the corresponding ActionLogProbs from the retrieved np arrays. """ continuous: torch.Tensor = None discrete: List[torch.Tensor] = None # type: ignore if "continuous_log_probs" in buff: continuous = ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(buff["continuous_log_probs"]) if "discrete_log_probs" in buff: discrete_tensor = ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(buff["discrete_log_probs"]) # This will keep discrete_list = None which enables flatten() if discrete_tensor.shape[1] > 0: discrete = [ discrete_tensor[..., i] for i in range(discrete_tensor.shape[-1]) ] return ActionLogProbs(continuous, discrete, None)