using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf.Collections; using MLAgents.CommunicatorObjects; using MLAgents.Sensor; using UnityEngine; namespace MLAgents { public static class GrpcExtensions { /// /// Converts a AgentInfo to a protobuf generated AgentInfoActionPairProto /// /// The protobuf version of the AgentInfoActionPairProto. public static AgentInfoActionPairProto ToInfoActionPairProto(this AgentInfo ai) { var agentInfoProto = ai.ToAgentInfoProto(); var agentActionProto = new AgentActionProto { VectorActions = { ai.storedVectorActions } }; return new AgentInfoActionPairProto { AgentInfo = agentInfoProto, ActionInfo = agentActionProto }; } /// /// Converts a AgentInfo to a protobuf generated AgentInfoProto /// /// The protobuf version of the AgentInfo. public static AgentInfoProto ToAgentInfoProto(this AgentInfo ai) { var agentInfoProto = new AgentInfoProto { Reward = ai.reward, MaxStepReached = ai.maxStepReached, Done = ai.done, Id =, }; if (ai.actionMasks != null) { agentInfoProto.ActionMask.AddRange(ai.actionMasks); } if (ai.observations != null) { foreach (var obs in ai.observations) { agentInfoProto.Observations.Add(obs.ToProto()); } } return agentInfoProto; } /// /// Converts a Brain into to a Protobuf BrainInfoProto so it can be sent /// /// The BrainInfoProto generated. /// The instance of BrainParameter to extend. /// The name of the brain. /// Whether or not the Brain is training. public static BrainParametersProto ToProto(this BrainParameters bp, string name, bool isTraining) { var brainParametersProto = new BrainParametersProto { VectorActionSize = { bp.vectorActionSize }, VectorActionSpaceType = (SpaceTypeProto)bp.vectorActionSpaceType, BrainName = name, IsTraining = isTraining }; brainParametersProto.VectorActionDescriptions.AddRange(bp.vectorActionDescriptions); return brainParametersProto; } /// /// Convert metadata object to proto object. /// public static DemonstrationMetaProto ToProto(this DemonstrationMetaData dm) { var demoProto = new DemonstrationMetaProto { ApiVersion = DemonstrationMetaData.ApiVersion, MeanReward = dm.meanReward, NumberSteps = dm.numberExperiences, NumberEpisodes = dm.numberEpisodes, DemonstrationName = dm.demonstrationName }; return demoProto; } /// /// Initialize metadata values based on proto object. /// public static DemonstrationMetaData ToDemonstrationMetaData(this DemonstrationMetaProto demoProto) { var dm = new DemonstrationMetaData { numberEpisodes = demoProto.NumberEpisodes, numberExperiences = demoProto.NumberSteps, meanReward = demoProto.MeanReward, demonstrationName = demoProto.DemonstrationName }; if (demoProto.ApiVersion != DemonstrationMetaData.ApiVersion) { throw new Exception("API versions of demonstration are incompatible."); } return dm; } /// /// Convert a BrainParametersProto to a BrainParameters struct. /// /// An instance of a brain parameters protobuf object. /// A BrainParameters struct. public static BrainParameters ToBrainParameters(this BrainParametersProto bpp) { var bp = new BrainParameters { vectorActionSize = bpp.VectorActionSize.ToArray(), vectorActionDescriptions = bpp.VectorActionDescriptions.ToArray(), vectorActionSpaceType = (SpaceType)bpp.VectorActionSpaceType }; return bp; } public static UnityRLInitParameters ToUnityRLInitParameters(this UnityRLInitializationInputProto inputProto) { return new UnityRLInitParameters { seed = inputProto.Seed }; } public static AgentAction ToAgentAction(this AgentActionProto aap) { return new AgentAction { vectorActions = aap.VectorActions.ToArray(), value = aap.Value, }; } public static List ToAgentActionList(this UnityRLInputProto.Types.ListAgentActionProto proto) { var agentActions = new List(proto.Value.Count); foreach (var ap in proto.Value) { agentActions.Add(ap.ToAgentAction()); } return agentActions; } public static ObservationProto ToProto(this Observation obs) { ObservationProto obsProto = null; if (obs.CompressedData != null) { // Make sure that uncompressed data is empty if (obs.FloatData.Count != 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Observation has both compressed and uncompressed data set. Using compressed."); } obsProto = new ObservationProto { CompressedData = ByteString.CopyFrom(obs.CompressedData), CompressionType = (CompressionTypeProto)obs.CompressionType, }; } else { var floatDataProto = new ObservationProto.Types.FloatData { Data = { obs.FloatData }, }; obsProto = new ObservationProto { FloatData = floatDataProto, CompressionType = (CompressionTypeProto)obs.CompressionType, }; } obsProto.Shape.AddRange(obs.Shape); return obsProto; } } }