# variables # GRPC-TOOLS required. Install with `nuget install Grpc.Tools`. # Then un-comment and replace [DIRECTORY] with location of files. # For example, on macOS, you might have something like: COMPILER=Grpc.Tools.1.14.1/tools/macosx_x64 # COMPILER=[DIRECTORY] SRC_DIR=proto/mlagents/envs/communicator_objects DST_DIR_C=cs/CommunicatorObjects DST_DIR_P=python PROTO_PATH=proto PYTHON_PACKAGE=mlagents/envs/communicator_objects # clean rm -rf $DST_DIR_C rm -rf $DST_DIR_P mkdir -p $DST_DIR_C mkdir -p $DST_DIR_P/$PYTHON_PACKAGE # generate proto objects in python and C# protoc --proto_path=proto --csharp_out=$DST_DIR_C $SRC_DIR/*.proto protoc --proto_path=proto --python_out=$DST_DIR_P $SRC_DIR/*.proto # grpc GRPC=unity_to_external.proto $COMPILER/protoc --proto_path=proto --csharp_out $DST_DIR_C --grpc_out $DST_DIR_C $SRC_DIR/$GRPC --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$COMPILER/grpc_csharp_plugin python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=proto --python_out=$DST_DIR_P --grpc_python_out=$DST_DIR_P $SRC_DIR/$GRPC # Generate the init file for the python module # rm -f $DST_DIR_P/$PYTHON_PACKAGE/__init__.py for FILE in $DST_DIR_P/$PYTHON_PACKAGE/*.py do FILE=${FILE##*/} # echo from .$(basename $FILE) import \* >> $DST_DIR_P/$PYTHON_PACKAGE/__init__.py echo from .${FILE%.py} import \* >> $DST_DIR_P/$PYTHON_PACKAGE/__init__.py done