from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import torch import numpy as np from torch import nn from mlagents.trainers.torch.encoders import ( SimpleVisualEncoder, ResNetVisualEncoder, NatureVisualEncoder, VectorEncoder, VectorAndUnnormalizedInputEncoder, ) from mlagents.trainers.settings import EncoderType from mlagents.trainers.exception import UnityTrainerException class ModelUtils: # Minimum supported side for each encoder type. If refactoring an encoder, please # adjust these also. MIN_RESOLUTION_FOR_ENCODER = { EncoderType.SIMPLE: 20, EncoderType.NATURE_CNN: 36, EncoderType.RESNET: 15, } @staticmethod def swish(input_activation: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Swish activation function. For more info:""" return torch.mul(input_activation, torch.sigmoid(input_activation)) @staticmethod def get_encoder_for_type(encoder_type: EncoderType) -> nn.Module: ENCODER_FUNCTION_BY_TYPE = { EncoderType.SIMPLE: SimpleVisualEncoder, EncoderType.NATURE_CNN: NatureVisualEncoder, EncoderType.RESNET: ResNetVisualEncoder, } return ENCODER_FUNCTION_BY_TYPE.get(encoder_type) @staticmethod def _check_resolution_for_encoder( vis_in: torch.Tensor, vis_encoder_type: EncoderType ) -> None: min_res = ModelUtils.MIN_RESOLUTION_FOR_ENCODER[vis_encoder_type] height = vis_in.shape[1] width = vis_in.shape[2] if height < min_res or width < min_res: raise UnityTrainerException( f"Visual observation resolution ({width}x{height}) is too small for" f"the provided EncoderType ({vis_encoder_type.value}). The min dimension is {min_res}" ) @staticmethod def create_encoders( observation_shapes: List[Tuple[int, ...]], h_size: int, num_layers: int, vis_encode_type: EncoderType, unnormalized_inputs: int = 0, normalize: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[nn.ModuleList, nn.ModuleList]: """ Creates visual and vector encoders, along with their normalizers. :param observation_shapes: List of Tuples that represent the action dimensions. :param action_size: Number of additional un-normalized inputs to each vector encoder. Used for conditioining network on other values (e.g. actions for a Q function) :param h_size: Number of hidden units per layer. :param num_layers: Depth of MLP per encoder. :param vis_encode_type: Type of visual encoder to use. :param unnormalized_inputs: Vector inputs that should not be normalized, and added to the vector obs. :param normalize: Normalize all vector inputs. :return: Tuple of visual encoders and vector encoders each as a list. """ visual_encoders: List[nn.Module] = [] vector_encoders: List[nn.Module] = [] visual_encoder_class = ModelUtils.get_encoder_for_type(vis_encode_type) vector_size = 0 for i, dimension in enumerate(observation_shapes): if len(dimension) == 3: visual_encoders.append( visual_encoder_class( dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2], h_size ) ) elif len(dimension) == 1: vector_size += dimension[0] else: raise UnityTrainerException( f"Unsupported shape of {dimension} for observation {i}" ) if unnormalized_inputs > 0: vector_encoders.append( VectorAndUnnormalizedInputEncoder( vector_size, h_size, unnormalized_inputs, num_layers, normalize ) ) else: vector_encoders.append( VectorEncoder(vector_size, h_size, num_layers, normalize) ) return nn.ModuleList(visual_encoders), nn.ModuleList(vector_encoders) @staticmethod def list_to_tensor( ndarray_list: List[np.ndarray], dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Converts a list of numpy arrays into a tensor. MUCH faster than calling as_tensor on the list directly. """ return torch.as_tensor(np.asanyarray(ndarray_list), dtype=dtype) @staticmethod def break_into_branches( concatenated_logits: torch.Tensor, action_size: List[int] ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Takes a concatenated set of logits that represent multiple discrete action branches and breaks it up into one Tensor per branch. :param concatenated_logits: Tensor that represents the concatenated action branches :param action_size: List of ints containing the number of possible actions for each branch. :return: A List of Tensors containing one tensor per branch. """ action_idx = [0] + list(np.cumsum(action_size)) branched_logits = [ concatenated_logits[:, action_idx[i] : action_idx[i + 1]] for i in range(len(action_size)) ] return branched_logits @staticmethod def actions_to_onehot( discrete_actions: torch.Tensor, action_size: List[int] ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: onehot_branches = [ torch.nn.functional.one_hot(_act.T, action_size[i]) for i, _act in enumerate(discrete_actions.T) ] return onehot_branches