namespace Unity.MLAgents.Sensors
/// The compression setting for visual/camera observations.
public enum SensorCompressionType
/// No compression. Data is preserved as float arrays.
/// PNG format. Data will be stored in binary format.
/// Sensor interface for generating observations.
/// For custom implementations, it is recommended to instead.
public interface ISensor
/// Returns the size of the observations that will be generated.
/// For example, a sensor that observes the velocity of a rigid body (in 3D) would return
/// new {3}. A sensor that returns an RGB image would return new [] {Height, Width, 3}
/// Size of the observations that will be generated.
int[] GetObservationShape();
/// Write the observation data directly to the .
/// This is considered an advanced interface; for a simpler approach, use
/// and override instead.
/// Note that this (and ) may
/// be called multiple times per agent step, so should not mutate any internal state.
/// Where the observations will be written to.
/// The number of elements written.
int Write(ObservationWriter writer);
/// Return a compressed representation of the observation. For small observations,
/// this should generally not be implemented. However, compressing large observations
/// (such as visual results) can significantly improve model training time.
/// Compressed observation.
byte[] GetCompressedObservation();
/// Update any internal state of the sensor. This is called once per each agent step.
void Update();
/// Resets the internal states of the sensor. This is called at the end of an Agent's episode.
/// Most implementations can leave this empty.
void Reset();
/// Return the compression type being used. If no compression is used, return
/// .
/// Compression type used by the sensor.
SensorCompressionType GetCompressionType();
/// Get the name of the sensor. This is used to ensure deterministic sorting of the sensors
/// on an Agent, so the naming must be consistent across all sensors and agents.
/// The name of the sensor.
string GetName();
/// Helper methods to be shared by all classes that implement .
public static class SensorExtensions
/// Get the total number of elements in the ISensor's observation (i.e. the product of the
/// shape elements).
public static int ObservationSize(this ISensor sensor)
var shape = sensor.GetObservationShape();
var count = 1;
foreach (var dim in shape)
count *= dim;
return count;