# # Unity ML-Agents Toolkit # ## ML-Agent Learning (Behavioral Cloning) # Contains an implementation of Behavioral Cloning Algorithm import logging import numpy as np from mlagents.envs.brain import BrainInfo from mlagents.envs.action_info import ActionInfoOutputs from mlagents.trainers.bc.policy import BCPolicy from mlagents.trainers.buffer import Buffer from mlagents.trainers.trainer import Trainer logger = logging.getLogger("mlagents.trainers") class BCTrainer(Trainer): """The BCTrainer is an implementation of Behavioral Cloning.""" def __init__(self, brain, trainer_parameters, training, load, seed, run_id): """ Responsible for collecting experiences and training PPO model. :param trainer_parameters: The parameters for the trainer (dictionary). :param training: Whether the trainer is set for training. :param load: Whether the model should be loaded. :param seed: The seed the model will be initialized with :param run_id: The identifier of the current run """ super(BCTrainer, self).__init__(brain, trainer_parameters, training, run_id) self.policy = BCPolicy(seed, brain, trainer_parameters, load) self.n_sequences = 1 self.cumulative_rewards = {} self.episode_steps = {} self.stats = { "Losses/Cloning Loss": [], "Environment/Episode Length": [], "Environment/Cumulative Reward": [], } self.batches_per_epoch = trainer_parameters["batches_per_epoch"] self.demonstration_buffer = Buffer() self.evaluation_buffer = Buffer() def add_experiences( self, curr_info: BrainInfo, next_info: BrainInfo, take_action_outputs: ActionInfoOutputs, ) -> None: """ Adds experiences to each agent's experience history. :param curr_info: Current BrainInfo :param next_info: Next BrainInfo :param take_action_outputs: The outputs of the take action method. """ # Used to collect information about student performance. for agent_id in curr_info.agents: self.evaluation_buffer[agent_id].last_brain_info = curr_info for agent_id in next_info.agents: stored_next_info = self.evaluation_buffer[agent_id].last_brain_info if stored_next_info is None: continue else: next_idx = next_info.agents.index(agent_id) if agent_id not in self.cumulative_rewards: self.cumulative_rewards[agent_id] = 0 self.cumulative_rewards[agent_id] += next_info.rewards[next_idx] if not next_info.local_done[next_idx]: if agent_id not in self.episode_steps: self.episode_steps[agent_id] = 0 self.episode_steps[agent_id] += 1 def process_experiences( self, current_info: BrainInfo, next_info: BrainInfo ) -> None: """ Checks agent histories for processing condition, and processes them as necessary. Processing involves calculating value and advantage targets for model updating step. :param current_info: Current BrainInfo :param next_info: Next BrainInfo """ for l in range(len(next_info.agents)): if next_info.local_done[l]: agent_id = next_info.agents[l] self.stats["Environment/Cumulative Reward"].append( self.cumulative_rewards.get(agent_id, 0) ) self.stats["Environment/Episode Length"].append( self.episode_steps.get(agent_id, 0) ) self.reward_buffer.appendleft(self.cumulative_rewards.get(agent_id, 0)) self.cumulative_rewards[agent_id] = 0 self.episode_steps[agent_id] = 0 def end_episode(self): """ A signal that the Episode has ended. The buffer must be reset. Get only called when the academy resets. """ self.evaluation_buffer.reset_local_buffers() for agent_id in self.cumulative_rewards: self.cumulative_rewards[agent_id] = 0 for agent_id in self.episode_steps: self.episode_steps[agent_id] = 0 def is_ready_update(self): """ Returns whether or not the trainer has enough elements to run update model :return: A boolean corresponding to whether or not update_model() can be run """ return ( len(self.demonstration_buffer.update_buffer["actions"]) > self.n_sequences ) def update_policy(self): """ Updates the policy. """ self.demonstration_buffer.update_buffer.shuffle(self.policy.sequence_length) batch_losses = [] num_batches = min( len(self.demonstration_buffer.update_buffer["actions"]) // self.n_sequences, self.batches_per_epoch, ) batch_size = self.n_sequences * self.policy.sequence_length for i in range(0, num_batches * batch_size, batch_size): update_buffer = self.demonstration_buffer.update_buffer mini_batch = update_buffer.make_mini_batch(i, i + batch_size) run_out = self.policy.update(mini_batch, self.n_sequences) loss = run_out["policy_loss"] batch_losses.append(loss) if len(batch_losses) > 0: self.stats["Losses/Cloning Loss"].append(np.mean(batch_losses)) else: self.stats["Losses/Cloning Loss"].append(0)