# Background: TensorFlow **Work In Progress** ## TensorFlow [TensorFlow](https://www.tensorflow.org/) is a deep learning library. Link to Arthur's content? A few words about TensorFlow and why/how it is relevant would be nice. TensorFlow is used for training the machine learning models in ML-Agents. Unless you are implementing new algorithms, the use of TensorFlow is mostly abstracted away and behind the scenes. ## TensorBoard One component of training models with TensorFlow is setting the values of certain model attributes (called _hyperparameters_). Finding the right values of these hyperparameters can require a few iterations. Consequently, we leverage a visualization tool within TensorFlow called [TensorBoard](https://www.tensorflow.org/programmers_guide/summaries_and_tensorboard). It allows the visualization of certain agent attributes (e.g. reward) throughout training which can be helpful in both building intuitions for the different hyperparameters and setting the optimal values for your Unity environment. We provide more details on setting the hyperparameters in later parts of the documentation, but, in the meantime, if you are unfamiliar with TensorBoard we recommend this [tutorial](https://github.com/dandelionmane/tf-dev-summit-tensorboard-tutorial). ## TensorFlowSharp Third-party used in Internal Brain mode.