using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; /*! \mainpage ML-Agents Index Page * Welcome to Unity Machine Learning Agents documentation. */ [System.Serializable] public class ScreenConfiguration { public int width; public int height; [Range(0, 5)] public int qualityLevel; [Range(1f, 100f)] public float timeScale; public int targetFrameRate; public ScreenConfiguration(int w, int h, int q, float ts, int tf) { width = w; height = h; qualityLevel = q; timeScale = ts; targetFrameRate = tf; } } /** Create a child class to implement InitializeAcademy(), AcademyStep() * and AcademyReset(). The child class script must be attached to an empty game * object in your scene, and there can only be one such object within the scene. */ public abstract class Academy : MonoBehaviour { [System.Serializable] private struct ResetParameter { public string key; public float value; } [SerializeField] private int maxSteps; [SerializeField] private int frameToSkip; [SerializeField] private float waitTime; [HideInInspector] public bool isInference = true; /**< \brief Do not modify : If true, the Academy will use inference * settings. */ private bool _isCurrentlyInference; [SerializeField] private ScreenConfiguration trainingConfiguration = new ScreenConfiguration(80, 80, 1, 100.0f, -1); [SerializeField] private ScreenConfiguration inferenceConfiguration = new ScreenConfiguration(1280, 720, 5, 1.0f, 60); [SerializeField] private ResetParameter[] defaultResetParameters; public Dictionary resetParameters; /**< \brief Contains a mapping from parameter names to float values. */ /**< You can specify the Default Reset Parameters in the Inspector of the * Academy. You can modify these parameters when training with an External * brain by passing a config dictionary at reset. Reference resetParameters * in your AcademyReset() or AcademyStep() to modify elements in your * environment at reset time. */ [HideInInspector] private List brains = new List(); ExternalCommand externalCommand; private bool acceptingSteps; private int framesSinceAction; private bool skippingFrames = true; [HideInInspector] public bool done; /**< \brief The done flag of the Academy. */ /**< When set to true, the Academy will call AcademyReset() instead of * AcademyStep() at step time. * If true, all agents done flags will be set to true.*/ [HideInInspector] public int episodeCount; /**< \brief Increments each time the environment is reset. */ [HideInInspector] public int currentStep; /**< \brief Increments each time a step is taken in the environment. Is * reset to 0 during AcademyReset(). */ public Communicator communicator; /**< \brief Do not modify : pointer to the communicator currently in * use by the Academy. */ private float timeAtStep; void Awake() { resetParameters = new Dictionary(); foreach (ResetParameter kv in defaultResetParameters) { resetParameters[kv.key] = kv.value; } GetBrains(gameObject, brains); InitializeAcademy(); communicator = new ExternalCommunicator(this); if (!communicator.CommunicatorHandShake()) { communicator = null; } foreach (Brain brain in brains) { brain.InitializeBrain(); } if (communicator != null) { communicator.InitializeCommunicator(); externalCommand = communicator.GetCommand(); } isInference = (communicator == null); _isCurrentlyInference = !isInference; done = true; acceptingSteps = true; } /// Environment specific initialization. /** * Implemented in environment-specific child class. * This method is called once when the environment is loaded. */ public virtual void InitializeAcademy() { } private void ConfigureEngine() { if ((!isInference)) { Screen.SetResolution(trainingConfiguration.width, trainingConfiguration.height, false); QualitySettings.SetQualityLevel(trainingConfiguration.qualityLevel, true); Time.timeScale = trainingConfiguration.timeScale; Application.targetFrameRate = trainingConfiguration.targetFrameRate; QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; Monitor.SetActive(false); } else { Screen.SetResolution(inferenceConfiguration.width, inferenceConfiguration.height, false); QualitySettings.SetQualityLevel(inferenceConfiguration.qualityLevel, true); Time.timeScale = inferenceConfiguration.timeScale; Application.targetFrameRate = inferenceConfiguration.targetFrameRate; } } /// Environment specific step logic. /** * Implemented in environment-specific child class. * This method is called at every step. */ public virtual void AcademyStep() { } /// Environment specific reset logic. /** * Implemented in environment-specific child class. * This method is called everytime the Academy resets (when the global done * flag is set to true). */ public virtual void AcademyReset() { } // Called after AcademyStep(). internal void Step() { // Reset all agents whose flags are set to done. foreach (Brain brain in brains) { // Set all agents to done if academy is done. if (done) { brain.SendDone(); } brain.ResetIfDone(); } SendState(); foreach (Brain brain in brains) { brain.ResetDoneAndReward(); } } // Called before AcademyReset(). internal void Reset() { currentStep = 0; episodeCount++; done = false; AcademyReset(); foreach (Brain brain in brains) { brain.Reset(); brain.ResetDoneAndReward(); } } // Instructs all brains to collect states from their agents. private void SendState() { foreach (Brain brain in brains) { brain.SendState(); } } // Instructs all brains to process states to produce actions. private void DecideAction() { if (communicator != null) { communicator.UpdateActions(); } foreach (Brain brain in brains) { brain.DecideAction(); } framesSinceAction = 0; } void FixedUpdate() { if (acceptingSteps) { RunMdp(); } } // Contains logic for taking steps in environment simulation. /** Based on presence of communicator, inference mode, and frameSkip, * decides whether the environment should be stepped or reset. */ void RunMdp() { if (isInference != _isCurrentlyInference) { ConfigureEngine(); _isCurrentlyInference = isInference; } if ((isInference) && (timeAtStep + waitTime > Time.time)) { return; } timeAtStep = Time.time; framesSinceAction += 1; currentStep += 1; if ((currentStep >= maxSteps) && maxSteps > 0) { done = true; } if ((framesSinceAction > frameToSkip) || done) { skippingFrames = false; framesSinceAction = 0; } else { skippingFrames = true; } if (skippingFrames == false) { if (communicator != null) { if (externalCommand == ExternalCommand.STEP) { Step(); externalCommand = communicator.GetCommand(); } if (externalCommand == ExternalCommand.RESET) { Dictionary NewResetParameters = communicator.GetResetParameters(); foreach (KeyValuePair kv in NewResetParameters) { resetParameters[kv.Key] = kv.Value; } Reset(); externalCommand = ExternalCommand.STEP; RunMdp(); return; } if (externalCommand == ExternalCommand.QUIT) { Application.Quit(); return; } } else { if (done) { Reset(); RunMdp(); return; } else { Step(); } } DecideAction(); } AcademyStep(); foreach (Brain brain in brains) { brain.Step(); } } private static void GetBrains(GameObject gameObject, List brains) { var transform = gameObject.transform; for (var i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { var child = transform.GetChild(i); var brain = child.GetComponent(); if (brain != null) brains.Add(brain); } } }