rem variables rem GRPC-TOOLS required. Install with `nuget install Grpc.Tools`. rem Then un-comment and replace [DIRECTORY] with location of files. rem For example, on Windows, you might have something like: rem set COMPILER=Grpc.Tools.1.14.1\tools\windows_x64 set SRC_DIR=proto\mlagents\envs\communicator_objects set DST_DIR_C=..\UnitySDK\Assets\ML-Agents\Scripts\CommunicatorObjects set DST_DIR_P=..\ml-agents-envs set PROTO_PATH=proto set PYTHON_PACKAGE=mlagents\envs\communicator_objects rem clean rd /s /q %DST_DIR_C% rd /s /q %DST_DIR_P%\%PYTHON_PACKAGE% mkdir %DST_DIR_C% mkdir %DST_DIR_P%\%PYTHON_PACKAGE% rem generate proto objects in python and C# for %%i in (%SRC_DIR%\*.proto) do ( %COMPILER%\protoc --proto_path=proto --csharp_out=%DST_DIR_C% %%i %COMPILER%\protoc --proto_path=proto --python_out=%DST_DIR_P% %%i ) rem grpc set GRPC=unity_to_external.proto %COMPILER%\protoc --proto_path=proto --csharp_out %DST_DIR_C% --grpc_out %DST_DIR_C% %SRC_DIR%\%GRPC% --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=%COMPILER%\grpc_csharp_plugin.exe python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=proto --python_out=%DST_DIR_P% --grpc_python_out=%DST_DIR_P% %SRC_DIR%\%GRPC% rem Generate the init file for the python module rem rm -f $DST_DIR_P/$PYTHON_PACKAGE/ setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for %%i in (%DST_DIR_P%\%PYTHON_PACKAGE%\*.py) do ( set FILE=%%~ni rem echo from .$(basename $FILE) import * >> $DST_DIR_P/$PYTHON_PACKAGE/ echo from .!FILE! import * >> %DST_DIR_P%\%PYTHON_PACKAGE%\ )