using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Match3
public abstract class AbstractBoard : MonoBehaviour
/// Number of rows on the board
public int Rows;
/// Number of columns on the board
public int Columns;
/// Maximum number of different types of cells (colors, pieces, etc).
public int NumCellTypes;
/// Maximum number of special types. This can be zero, in which case
/// all cells of the same type are assumed to be equivalent.
public int NumSpecialTypes;
/// Returns the "color" of the piece at the given row and column.
/// This should be between 0 and NumCellTypes-1 (inclusive).
/// The actual order of the values doesn't matter.
public abstract int GetCellType(int row, int col);
/// Returns the special type of the piece at the given row and column.
/// This should be between 0 and NumSpecialTypes (inclusive).
/// The actual order of the values doesn't matter.
public abstract int GetSpecialType(int row, int col);
/// Check whether the particular Move is valid for the game.
/// The actual results will depend on the rules of the game, but we provide SimpleIsMoveValid()
/// that handles basic match3 rules with no special or immovable pieces.
public abstract bool IsMoveValid(Move m);
/// Instruct the game to make the given move. Returns true if the move was made.
/// Note that during training, a move that was marked as invalid may occasionally still be
/// requested. If this happens, it is safe to do nothing and request another move.
public abstract bool MakeMove(Move m);
/// Return the total number of moves possible for the board.
public int NumMoves()
return Move.NumPotentialMoves(Rows, Columns);
/// An optional callback for when the all moves are invalid. Ideally, the game state should
/// be changed before this happens, but this is a way to get notified if not.
public Action OnNoValidMovesAction;
/// Iterate through all Moves on the board.
public IEnumerable AllMoves()
var currentMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, Rows, Columns);
for (var i = 0; i < NumMoves(); i++)
yield return currentMove;
currentMove.Next(Rows, Columns);
/// Iterate through all valid Moves on the board.
public IEnumerable ValidMoves()
var currentMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, Rows, Columns);
for (var i = 0; i < NumMoves(); i++)
if (IsMoveValid(currentMove))
yield return currentMove;
currentMove.Next(Rows, Columns);
/// Iterate through all invalid Moves on the board.
public IEnumerable InvalidMoves()
var currentMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, Rows, Columns);
for (var i = 0; i < NumMoves(); i++)
if (!IsMoveValid(currentMove))
yield return currentMove;
currentMove.Next(Rows, Columns);
/// Returns true if swapped the cells specified by the move would result in
/// 3 or more cells of the same type in a row. This assumes that all pieces are allowed
/// to be moved; to add extra logic, incorporate it into you IsMoveValid() method.
public bool SimpleIsMoveValid(Move move)
using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("SimpleIsMoveValid"))
var moveVal = GetCellType(move.Row, move.Column);
var (otherRow, otherCol) = move.OtherCell();
var oppositeVal = GetCellType(otherRow, otherCol);
// Simple check - if the values are the same, don't match
// This might not be valid for all games
if (moveVal == oppositeVal)
return false;
bool moveMatches = CheckHalfMove(otherRow, otherCol, moveVal, move.Direction);
if (moveMatches)
// early out
return true;
bool otherMatches = CheckHalfMove(move.Row, move.Column, oppositeVal, move.OtherDirection());
return otherMatches;
/// Check if one of the cells that is swapped during a move matches 3 or more.
/// Since these checks are similar for each cell, we consider the Move as two "half moves".
bool CheckHalfMove(int newRow, int newCol, int newValue, Direction incomingDirection)
int matchedLeft = 0, matchedRight = 0, matchedUp = 0, matchedDown = 0;
if (incomingDirection != Direction.Right)
for (var c = newCol - 1; c >= 0; c--)
if (GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue)
if (incomingDirection != Direction.Left)
for (var c = newCol + 1; c < Columns; c++)
if (GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue)
if (incomingDirection != Direction.Down)
for (var r = newRow + 1; r < Rows; r++)
if (GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue)
if (incomingDirection != Direction.Up)
for (var r = newRow - 1; r >= 0; r--)
if (GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue)
if ((matchedUp + matchedDown >= 2) || (matchedLeft + matchedRight >= 2))
return true;
return false;