from typing import Optional, Dict, List import numpy as np from mlagents.torch_utils import torch, default_device from mlagents.trainers.buffer import AgentBuffer from mlagents.trainers.torch.components.reward_providers.base_reward_provider import ( BaseRewardProvider, ) from mlagents.trainers.settings import GAILSettings from mlagents_envs.base_env import BehaviorSpec from mlagents.trainers.torch.utils import ModelUtils from mlagents.trainers.torch.agent_action import AgentAction from mlagents.trainers.torch.action_flattener import ActionFlattener from mlagents.trainers.torch.networks import NetworkBody from mlagents.trainers.torch.layers import linear_layer, Initialization from mlagents.trainers.settings import NetworkSettings, EncoderType from mlagents.trainers.demo_loader import demo_to_buffer from mlagents.trainers.trajectory import ObsUtil class GAILRewardProvider(BaseRewardProvider): def __init__(self, specs: BehaviorSpec, settings: GAILSettings) -> None: super().__init__(specs, settings) self._ignore_done = True self._discriminator_network = DiscriminatorNetwork(specs, settings) _, self._demo_buffer = demo_to_buffer( settings.demo_path, 1, specs ) # This is supposed to be the sequence length but we do not have access here params = list(self._discriminator_network.parameters()) self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, lr=settings.learning_rate) def evaluate(self, mini_batch: AgentBuffer) -> np.ndarray: with torch.no_grad(): estimates, _ = self._discriminator_network.compute_estimate( mini_batch, use_vail_noise=False ) return ModelUtils.to_numpy( -torch.log( 1.0 - estimates.squeeze(dim=1) * (1.0 - self._discriminator_network.EPSILON) ) ) def update(self, mini_batch: AgentBuffer) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: expert_batch = self._demo_buffer.sample_mini_batch( mini_batch.num_experiences, 1 ) loss, stats_dict = self._discriminator_network.compute_loss( mini_batch, expert_batch ) self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() return stats_dict def get_modules(self): return {f"Module:{}": self._discriminator_network} class DiscriminatorNetwork(torch.nn.Module): gradient_penalty_weight = 10.0 z_size = 128 alpha = 0.0005 mutual_information = 0.5 EPSILON = 1e-7 initial_beta = 0.0 def __init__(self, specs: BehaviorSpec, settings: GAILSettings) -> None: super().__init__() self._use_vail = settings.use_vail self._settings = settings encoder_settings = NetworkSettings( normalize=False, hidden_units=settings.encoding_size, num_layers=2, vis_encode_type=EncoderType.SIMPLE, memory=None, ) self._action_flattener = ActionFlattener(specs.action_spec) unencoded_size = ( self._action_flattener.flattened_size + 1 if settings.use_actions else 0 ) # +1 is for dones self.encoder = NetworkBody( specs.observation_specs, encoder_settings, unencoded_size ) estimator_input_size = settings.encoding_size if settings.use_vail: estimator_input_size = self.z_size self._z_sigma = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.ones((self.z_size), dtype=torch.float), requires_grad=True ) self._z_mu_layer = linear_layer( settings.encoding_size, self.z_size, kernel_init=Initialization.KaimingHeNormal, kernel_gain=0.1, ) self._beta = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.tensor(self.initial_beta, dtype=torch.float), requires_grad=False ) self._estimator = torch.nn.Sequential( linear_layer(estimator_input_size, 1, kernel_gain=0.2), torch.nn.Sigmoid() ) def get_action_input(self, mini_batch: AgentBuffer) -> torch.Tensor: """ Creates the action Tensor. In continuous case, corresponds to the action. In the discrete case, corresponds to the concatenation of one hot action Tensors. """ return self._action_flattener.forward(AgentAction.from_dict(mini_batch)) def get_state_inputs(self, mini_batch: AgentBuffer) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Creates the observation input. """ n_obs = len(self.encoder.processors) np_obs = ObsUtil.from_buffer(mini_batch, n_obs) # Convert to tensors tensor_obs = [ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(obs) for obs in np_obs] return tensor_obs def compute_estimate( self, mini_batch: AgentBuffer, use_vail_noise: bool = False ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Given a mini_batch, computes the estimate (How much the discriminator believes the data was sampled from the demonstration data). :param mini_batch: The AgentBuffer of data :param use_vail_noise: Only when using VAIL : If true, will sample the code, if false, will return the mean of the code. """ inputs = self.get_state_inputs(mini_batch) if self._settings.use_actions: actions = self.get_action_input(mini_batch) dones = torch.as_tensor(mini_batch["done"], dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1) action_inputs =[actions, dones], dim=1) hidden, _ = self.encoder(inputs, action_inputs) else: hidden, _ = self.encoder(inputs) z_mu: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None if self._settings.use_vail: z_mu = self._z_mu_layer(hidden) hidden = torch.normal(z_mu, self._z_sigma * use_vail_noise) estimate = self._estimator(hidden) return estimate, z_mu def compute_loss( self, policy_batch: AgentBuffer, expert_batch: AgentBuffer ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Given a policy mini_batch and an expert mini_batch, computes the loss of the discriminator. """ total_loss = torch.zeros(1) stats_dict: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {} policy_estimate, policy_mu = self.compute_estimate( policy_batch, use_vail_noise=True ) expert_estimate, expert_mu = self.compute_estimate( expert_batch, use_vail_noise=True ) stats_dict["Policy/GAIL Policy Estimate"] = policy_estimate.mean().item() stats_dict["Policy/GAIL Expert Estimate"] = expert_estimate.mean().item() discriminator_loss = -( torch.log(expert_estimate + self.EPSILON) + torch.log(1.0 - policy_estimate + self.EPSILON) ).mean() stats_dict["Losses/GAIL Loss"] = discriminator_loss.item() total_loss += discriminator_loss if self._settings.use_vail: # KL divergence loss (encourage latent representation to be normal) kl_loss = torch.mean( -torch.sum( 1 + (self._z_sigma ** 2).log() - 0.5 * expert_mu ** 2 - 0.5 * policy_mu ** 2 - (self._z_sigma ** 2), dim=1, ) ) vail_loss = self._beta * (kl_loss - self.mutual_information) with torch.no_grad(): = torch.max( self._beta + self.alpha * (kl_loss - self.mutual_information), torch.tensor(0.0), ) total_loss += vail_loss stats_dict["Policy/GAIL Beta"] = self._beta.item() stats_dict["Losses/GAIL KL Loss"] = kl_loss.item() if self.gradient_penalty_weight > 0.0: gradient_magnitude_loss = ( self.gradient_penalty_weight * self.compute_gradient_magnitude(policy_batch, expert_batch) ) stats_dict["Policy/GAIL Grad Mag Loss"] = gradient_magnitude_loss.item() total_loss += gradient_magnitude_loss return total_loss, stats_dict def compute_gradient_magnitude( self, policy_batch: AgentBuffer, expert_batch: AgentBuffer ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Gradient penalty from Adds stability esp. for off-policy. Compute gradients w.r.t randomly interpolated input. """ policy_inputs = self.get_state_inputs(policy_batch) expert_inputs = self.get_state_inputs(expert_batch) interp_inputs = [] for policy_input, expert_input in zip(policy_inputs, expert_inputs): obs_epsilon = torch.rand(policy_input.shape) interp_input = obs_epsilon * policy_input + (1 - obs_epsilon) * expert_input interp_input.requires_grad = True # For gradient calculation interp_inputs.append(interp_input) if self._settings.use_actions: policy_action = self.get_action_input(policy_batch) expert_action = self.get_action_input(expert_batch) action_epsilon = torch.rand(policy_action.shape) policy_dones = torch.as_tensor( policy_batch["done"], dtype=torch.float ).unsqueeze(1) expert_dones = torch.as_tensor( expert_batch["done"], dtype=torch.float ).unsqueeze(1) dones_epsilon = torch.rand(policy_dones.shape) action_inputs = [ action_epsilon * policy_action + (1 - action_epsilon) * expert_action, dones_epsilon * policy_dones + (1 - dones_epsilon) * expert_dones, ], dim=1, ) action_inputs.requires_grad = True hidden, _ = self.encoder(interp_inputs, action_inputs) encoder_input = tuple(interp_inputs + [action_inputs]) else: hidden, _ = self.encoder(interp_inputs) encoder_input = tuple(interp_inputs) if self._settings.use_vail: use_vail_noise = True z_mu = self._z_mu_layer(hidden) hidden = torch.normal(z_mu, self._z_sigma * use_vail_noise) estimate = self._estimator(hidden).squeeze(1).sum() gradient = torch.autograd.grad(estimate, encoder_input, create_graph=True)[0] # Norm's gradient could be NaN at 0. Use our own safe_norm safe_norm = (torch.sum(gradient ** 2, dim=1) + self.EPSILON).sqrt() gradient_mag = torch.mean((safe_norm - 1) ** 2) return gradient_mag