from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional from mlagents.trainers.settings import ( EnvironmentParameterSettings, ParameterRandomizationSettings, ) from collections import defaultdict from mlagents.trainers.training_status import GlobalTrainingStatus, StatusType from mlagents_envs.logging_util import get_logger logger = get_logger(__name__) class EnvironmentParameterManager: def __init__( self, settings: Optional[Dict[str, EnvironmentParameterSettings]] = None, run_seed: int = -1, restore: bool = False, ): """ EnvironmentParameterManager manages all the environment parameters of a training session. It determines when parameters should change and gives access to the current sampler of each parameter. :param settings: A dictionary from environment parameter to EnvironmentParameterSettings. :param run_seed: When the seed is not provided for an environment parameter, this seed will be used instead. :param restore: If true, the EnvironmentParameterManager will use the GlobalTrainingStatus to try and reload the lesson status of each environment parameter. """ if settings is None: settings = {} self._dict_settings = settings for parameter_name in self._dict_settings.keys(): initial_lesson = GlobalTrainingStatus.get_parameter_state( parameter_name, StatusType.LESSON_NUM ) if initial_lesson is None or not restore: GlobalTrainingStatus.set_parameter_state( parameter_name, StatusType.LESSON_NUM, 0 ) self._smoothed_values: Dict[str, float] = defaultdict(float) for key in self._dict_settings.keys(): self._smoothed_values[key] = 0.0 # Update the seeds of the samplers self._set_sampler_seeds(run_seed) def _set_sampler_seeds(self, seed): """ Sets the seeds for the samplers (if no seed was already present). Note that using the provided seed. """ offset = 0 for settings in self._dict_settings.values(): for lesson in settings.curriculum: if lesson.value.seed == -1: lesson.value.seed = seed + offset offset += 1 def get_minimum_reward_buffer_size(self, behavior_name: str) -> int: """ Calculates the minimum size of the reward buffer a behavior must use. This method uses the 'min_lesson_length' sampler_parameter to determine this value. :param behavior_name: The name of the behavior the minimum reward buffer size corresponds to. """ result = 1 for settings in self._dict_settings.values(): for lesson in settings.curriculum: if lesson.completion_criteria is not None: if lesson.completion_criteria.behavior == behavior_name: result = max( result, lesson.completion_criteria.min_lesson_length ) return result def get_current_samplers(self) -> Dict[str, ParameterRandomizationSettings]: """ Creates a dictionary from environment parameter name to their corresponding ParameterRandomizationSettings. If curriculum is used, the ParameterRandomizationSettings corresponds to the sampler of the current lesson. """ samplers: Dict[str, ParameterRandomizationSettings] = {} for param_name, settings in self._dict_settings.items(): lesson_num = GlobalTrainingStatus.get_parameter_state( param_name, StatusType.LESSON_NUM ) lesson = settings.curriculum[lesson_num] samplers[param_name] = lesson.value return samplers def get_current_lesson_number(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Creates a dictionary from environment parameter to the current lesson number. If not using curriculum, this number is always 0 for that environment parameter. """ result: Dict[str, int] = {} for parameter_name in self._dict_settings.keys(): result[parameter_name] = GlobalTrainingStatus.get_parameter_state( parameter_name, StatusType.LESSON_NUM ) return result def update_lessons( self, trainer_steps: Dict[str, int], trainer_max_steps: Dict[str, int], trainer_reward_buffer: Dict[str, List[float]], ) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """ Given progress metrics, calculates if at least one environment parameter is in a new lesson and if at least one environment parameter requires the env to reset. :param trainer_steps: A dictionary from behavior_name to the number of training steps this behavior's trainer has performed. :param trainer_max_steps: A dictionary from behavior_name to the maximum number of training steps this behavior's trainer has performed. :param trainer_reward_buffer: A dictionary from behavior_name to the list of the most recent episode returns for this behavior's trainer. :returns: A tuple of two booleans : (True if any lesson has changed, True if environment needs to reset) """ must_reset = False updated = False for param_name, settings in self._dict_settings.items(): lesson_num = GlobalTrainingStatus.get_parameter_state( param_name, StatusType.LESSON_NUM ) next_lesson_num = lesson_num + 1 lesson = settings.curriculum[lesson_num] if ( lesson.completion_criteria is not None and len(settings.curriculum) > next_lesson_num ): behavior_to_consider = lesson.completion_criteria.behavior if behavior_to_consider in trainer_steps: must_increment, new_smoothing = lesson.completion_criteria.need_increment( float(trainer_steps[behavior_to_consider]) / float(trainer_max_steps[behavior_to_consider]), trainer_reward_buffer[behavior_to_consider], self._smoothed_values[param_name], ) self._smoothed_values[param_name] = new_smoothing if must_increment: GlobalTrainingStatus.set_parameter_state( param_name, StatusType.LESSON_NUM, next_lesson_num ) new_lesson_name = settings.curriculum[next_lesson_num].name new_lesson_value = settings.curriculum[next_lesson_num].value f"Parameter '{param_name}' has been updated to {new_lesson_value}." + f" Now in lesson '{new_lesson_name}'" ) updated = True if lesson.completion_criteria.require_reset: must_reset = True return updated, must_reset