using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.MLAgents.Actuators;
using Unity.MLAgents.Policies;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities;
using UnityEditor;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Input
/// Component class that handles the parsing of the and translates that into
/// s.
[RequireComponent(typeof(PlayerInput), typeof(IInputActionAssetProvider))]
[AddComponentMenu("ML Agents/Input Actuator", (int)MenuGroup.Actuators)]
public class InputActuatorComponent : ActuatorComponent
InputActionAsset m_InputAsset;
IInputActionCollection2 m_AssetCollection;
PlayerInput m_PlayerInput;
BehaviorParameters m_BehaviorParameters;
IActuator[] m_Actuators;
InputDevice m_Device;
/// Mapping of types to types of concrete classes.
public static Dictionary controlTypeToAdaptorType = new Dictionary
{ typeof(Vector2Control), typeof(Vector2InputActionAdaptor) },
{ typeof(ButtonControl), typeof(ButtonInputActionAdaptor) },
{ typeof(IntegerControl), typeof(IntegerInputActionAdaptor) },
{ typeof(AxisControl), typeof(FloatInputActionAdaptor) },
{ typeof(DoubleControl), typeof(DoubleInputActionAdaptor) }
string m_LayoutName;
ActionSpec m_ActionSpec;
InputControlScheme m_ControlScheme;
public const string mlAgentsLayoutFormat = "MLAT";
public const string mlAgentsLayoutName = "MLAgentsLayout";
public const string mlAgentsControlSchemeName = "ml-agents";
public override ActionSpec ActionSpec
var actuators = CreateActuatorsFromMap(m_InputAsset.FindActionMap(m_PlayerInput.defaultActionMap), m_BehaviorParameters, null);
m_ActionSpec = CombineActuatorActionSpecs(actuators);
return m_ActionSpec;
void OnDisable()
/// This method is where the gets parsed and translated into
/// s that communicate with the via a
/// virtual .
/// The flow of this method is as follows:
/// -
/// Ensure that our custom s are registered with
/// the InputSystem.
/// -
/// Look for the components that are needed by this class in order to retrieve the
/// . It first looks for , if that
/// is not found, it will get the asset from the component.
/// -
/// Create the list s, one for each action in the default
/// as set by the component. Within the method
/// where the actuators are being created, an is also being built based
/// on the number and types of s. This will be used to create a virtual
/// with a that is specific to the
/// specified by
/// -
/// Create our device based on the layout that was generated and registered during
/// actuator creation.
/// -
/// Create an ml-agents control scheme and add it to the so
/// our virtual devices can be used.
/// -
/// Add our virtual to the input system.
/// A list of
public override IActuator[] CreateActuators()
var collection = m_AssetCollection ?? m_InputAsset;
var inputActionMap = m_InputAsset.FindActionMap(m_PlayerInput.defaultActionMap);
RegisterLayoutBuilder(inputActionMap, m_LayoutName);
m_Device = InputSystem.AddDevice(m_LayoutName);
m_Actuators = CreateActuatorsFromMap(inputActionMap, m_BehaviorParameters, m_Device);
m_ActionSpec = CombineActuatorActionSpecs(m_Actuators);
return m_Actuators;
static ActionSpec CombineActuatorActionSpecs(IActuator[] actuators)
var specs = new ActionSpec[actuators.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < actuators.Length; i++)
specs[i] = actuators[i].ActionSpec;
return ActionSpec.Combine(specs);
internal static IActuator[] CreateActuatorsFromMap(InputActionMap inputActionMap,
BehaviorParameters behaviorParameters,
InputDevice inputDevice)
var actuators = new IActuator[inputActionMap.actions.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < inputActionMap.actions.Count; i++)
var action = inputActionMap.actions[i];
var actionLayout = InputSystem.LoadLayout(action.expectedControlType);
var adaptor = (IRLActionInputAdaptor)Activator.CreateInstance(controlTypeToAdaptorType[actionLayout.type]);
actuators[i] = new InputActionActuator(inputDevice, behaviorParameters, action, adaptor);
// Reasonably, the input system starts adding numbers after the first none numbered name
// is added. So for device ID of 0, we use the empty string in the path.
var path = $"{inputDevice?.path}{InputControlPath.Separator}{action.name}";
return actuators;
/// Set up bindings based on whether or not the BehaviorParameters are working in Heuristic mode or not.
/// If we are working in Heuristic mode, we want the input system to handle everything. If not, we
/// want the neural network to send input from virtual devices.
/// true if the Agent connected to this GameObject is working in
/// Heuristic mode.
internal void UpdateDeviceBinding(bool isInHeuristicMode)
if (ReferenceEquals(m_Device, null))
var collection = m_AssetCollection ?? m_InputAsset;
m_ControlScheme = CreateControlScheme(m_Device, isInHeuristicMode, m_InputAsset);
if (m_InputAsset.FindControlSchemeIndex(m_ControlScheme.name) != -1)
if (!isInHeuristicMode)
var inputActionMap = m_InputAsset.FindActionMap(m_PlayerInput.defaultActionMap);
collection.bindingMask = InputBinding.MaskByGroup(m_ControlScheme.bindingGroup);
collection.devices = new ReadOnlyArray(new[] { m_Device });
inputActionMap.bindingMask = collection.bindingMask;
inputActionMap.devices = collection.devices;
var inputActionMap = m_InputAsset.FindActionMap(m_PlayerInput.defaultActionMap);
collection.bindingMask = null;
collection.devices = InputSystem.devices;
inputActionMap.devices = InputSystem.devices;
inputActionMap.bindingMask = null;
/// This method creates a control scheme and adds it to the passed in so
/// we can add our device to in order for it to be discovered by the .
/// The virtual device to add to our custom control scheme.
/// if we are in heuristic mode, we need to add other other device requirements.
/// The InputActionAsset to get the device requirements from
internal static InputControlScheme CreateControlScheme(InputControl device,
bool isInHeuristicMode,
InputActionAsset asset)
var deviceRequirements = new List
new InputControlScheme.DeviceRequirement
controlPath = InputBinding.Separator + mlAgentsLayoutName
if (isInHeuristicMode)
for (var i = 0; i < asset.controlSchemes.Count; i++)
var scheme = asset.controlSchemes[i];
for (var ii = 0; ii < scheme.deviceRequirements.Count; ii++)
var inputControlScheme = new InputControlScheme(
return inputControlScheme;
internal static void RegisterLayoutBuilder(InputActionMap defaultMap, string layoutName)
if (InputSystem.LoadLayout(layoutName) == null)
InputSystem.RegisterLayoutBuilder(() =>
// TODO does this need to change based on the action map we use?
var builder = new InputControlLayout.Builder()
for (var i = 0; i < defaultMap.actions.Count; i++)
var action = defaultMap.actions[i];
return builder.Build();
}, layoutName);
internal void FindNeededComponents()
if (m_InputAsset == null)
var assetProvider = GetComponent();
(m_InputAsset, m_AssetCollection) = assetProvider.GetInputActionAsset();
Assert.IsNotNull(m_InputAsset, "An InputActionAsset could not be found on IInputActionAssetProvider or PlayerInput.");
if (m_PlayerInput == null)
m_PlayerInput = GetComponent();
Assert.IsNotNull(m_PlayerInput, "PlayerInput component could not be found on this GameObject.");
if (m_BehaviorParameters == null)
m_BehaviorParameters = GetComponent();
Assert.IsNotNull(m_BehaviorParameters, "BehaviorParameters were not on the current GameObject.");
m_BehaviorParameters.OnPolicyUpdated += UpdateDeviceBinding;
m_LayoutName = mlAgentsLayoutName + m_BehaviorParameters.BehaviorName;
internal void CleanupActionAsset()
if (!ReferenceEquals(m_Device, null))
if (!ReferenceEquals(m_InputAsset, null)
&& m_InputAsset.FindControlSchemeIndex(mlAgentsControlSchemeName) != -1)
if (m_Actuators != null)
Array.Clear(m_Actuators, 0, m_Actuators.Length);
if (!ReferenceEquals(m_BehaviorParameters, null))
m_BehaviorParameters.OnPolicyUpdated -= UpdateDeviceBinding;
m_InputAsset = null;
m_PlayerInput = null;
m_BehaviorParameters = null;
m_Device = null;