from typing import Dict, Iterator, Any, List from import Mapping from mlagents_envs.registry.base_registry_entry import BaseRegistryEntry from mlagents_envs.registry.binary_utils import ( load_local_manifest, load_remote_manifest, ) from mlagents_envs.registry.remote_registry_entry import RemoteRegistryEntry class UnityEnvRegistry(Mapping): """ ### UnityEnvRegistry Provides a library of Unity environments that can be launched without the need of downloading the Unity Editor. The UnityEnvRegistry implements a Map, to access an entry of the Registry, use: ```python registry = UnityEnvRegistry() entry = registry[] ``` An entry has the following properties : * `identifier` : Uniquely identifies this environment * `expected_reward` : Corresponds to the reward an agent must obtained for the task to be considered completed. * `description` : A human readable description of the environment. To launch a Unity environment from a registry entry, use the `make` method: ```python registry = UnityEnvRegistry() env = registry[].make() ``` """ def __init__(self): self._REGISTERED_ENVS: Dict[str, BaseRegistryEntry] = {} self._manifests: List[str] = [] self._sync = True def register(self, new_entry: BaseRegistryEntry) -> None: """ Registers a new BaseRegistryEntry to the registry. The BaseRegistryEntry.identifier value will be used as indexing key. If two are more environments are registered under the same key, the most recentry added will replace the others. """ self._REGISTERED_ENVS[new_entry.identifier] = new_entry def register_from_yaml(self, path_to_yaml: str) -> None: """ Registers the environments listed in a yaml file (either local or remote). Note that the entries are registered lazily: the registration will only happen when an environment is accessed. The yaml file must have the following format : ```yaml environments: - : expected_reward: description: | linux_url: darwin_url: win_url: - : expected_reward: description: | linux_url: darwin_url: win_url: - ... ``` :param path_to_yaml: A local path or url to the yaml file """ self._manifests.append(path_to_yaml) self._sync = False def _load_all_manifests(self) -> None: if not self._sync: for path_to_yaml in self._manifests: if path_to_yaml[:4] == "http": manifest = load_remote_manifest(path_to_yaml) else: manifest = load_local_manifest(path_to_yaml) for env in manifest["environments"]: remote_entry_args = list(env.values())[0] remote_entry_args["identifier"] = list(env.keys())[0] self.register(RemoteRegistryEntry(**remote_entry_args)) self._manifests = [] self._sync = True def clear(self) -> None: """ Deletes all entries in the registry. """ self._REGISTERED_ENVS.clear() self._manifests = [] self._sync = True def __getitem__(self, identifier: str) -> BaseRegistryEntry: """ Returns the BaseRegistryEntry with the provided identifier. BaseRegistryEntry can then be used to make a Unity Environment. :param identifier: The identifier of the BaseRegistryEntry :returns: The associated BaseRegistryEntry """ self._load_all_manifests() if identifier not in self._REGISTERED_ENVS: raise KeyError(f"The entry {identifier} is not present in the registry.") return self._REGISTERED_ENVS[identifier] def __len__(self) -> int: self._load_all_manifests() return len(self._REGISTERED_ENVS) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]: self._load_all_manifests() yield from self._REGISTERED_ENVS default_registry = UnityEnvRegistry() default_registry.register_from_yaml( "" ) # noqa E501