# Unity ML-Agents Python Interface The `mlagents_envs` Python package is part of the [ML-Agents Toolkit](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents). `mlagents_envs` provides a Python API that allows direct interaction with the Unity game engine. It is used by the trainer implementation in `mlagents` as well as the `gym-unity` package to perform reinforcement learning within Unity. `mlagents_envs` can be used independently of `mlagents` for Python communication. ## Installation Install the `mlagents_envs` package with: ```sh python -m pip install mlagents_envs==0.24.1 ``` ## Usage & More Information See the [Python API Guide](../docs/Python-API.md) for more information on how to use the API to interact with a Unity environment. For more information on the ML-Agents Toolkit and how to instrument a Unity scene with the ML-Agents SDK, check out the main [ML-Agents Toolkit documentation](../docs/Readme.md). ## Limitations - `mlagents_envs` uses localhost ports to exchange data between Unity and Python. As such, multiple instances can have their ports collide, leading to errors. Make sure to use a different port if you are using multiple instances of `UnityEnvironment`. - Communication between Unity and the Python `UnityEnvironment` is not secure. - On Linux, ports are not released immediately after the communication closes. As such, you cannot reuse ports right after closing a `UnityEnvironment`.