#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import json import sys from typing import Dict, Optional import argparse VERSION_LINE_START = "__version__ = " DIRECTORIES = [ "ml-agents/mlagents/trainers", "ml-agents-envs/mlagents_envs", "gym-unity/gym_unity", ] MLAGENTS_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH = "com.unity.ml-agents/package.json" MLAGENTS_EXTENSIONS_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH = "com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/package.json" ACADEMY_PATH = "com.unity.ml-agents/Runtime/Academy.cs" PYTHON_VERSION_FILE_TEMPLATE = """# Version of the library that will be used to upload to pypi __version__ = {version} # Git tag that will be checked to determine whether to trigger upload to pypi __release_tag__ = {release_tag} """ def _escape_non_none(s: Optional[str]) -> str: """ Returns s escaped in quotes if it is non-None, else "None" :param s: :return: """ if s is not None: return f'"{s}"' else: return "None" def extract_version_string(filename): with open(filename) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith(VERSION_LINE_START): return line.replace(VERSION_LINE_START, "").strip() return None def check_versions() -> bool: version_by_dir: Dict[str, str] = {} for directory in DIRECTORIES: path = os.path.join(directory, "__init__.py") version = extract_version_string(path) print(f"Found version {version} for {directory}") version_by_dir[directory] = version # Make sure we have exactly one version, and it's not none versions = set(version_by_dir.values()) if len(versions) != 1 or None in versions: print("Each setup.py must have the same VERSION string.") return False return True def set_version( python_version: str, csharp_version: str, release_tag: Optional[str] ) -> None: # Sanity check - make sure test tags have a test or dev version if release_tag and "test" in release_tag: if not ("dev" in python_version or "test" in python_version): raise RuntimeError('Test tags must use a "test" or "dev" version.') new_contents = PYTHON_VERSION_FILE_TEMPLATE.format( version=_escape_non_none(python_version), release_tag=_escape_non_none(release_tag), ) for directory in DIRECTORIES: path = os.path.join(directory, "__init__.py") print(f"Setting {path} to version {python_version}") with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(new_contents) if csharp_version is not None: package_version = csharp_version + "-preview" print( f"Setting package version to {package_version} in {MLAGENTS_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH}" f" and {MLAGENTS_EXTENSIONS_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH}" ) set_package_version(package_version) set_extension_package_version(package_version) print(f"Setting package version to {package_version} in {ACADEMY_PATH}") set_academy_version_string(package_version) def set_package_version(new_version: str) -> None: with open(MLAGENTS_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH) as f: package_json = json.load(f) if "version" in package_json: package_json["version"] = new_version with open(MLAGENTS_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH, "w") as f: json.dump(package_json, f, indent=2) f.write("\n") def set_extension_package_version(new_version: str) -> None: with open(MLAGENTS_EXTENSIONS_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH) as f: package_json = json.load(f) package_json["dependencies"]["com.unity.ml-agents"] = new_version with open(MLAGENTS_EXTENSIONS_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH, "w") as f: json.dump(package_json, f, indent=2) f.write("\n") def set_academy_version_string(new_version): needle = "internal const string k_PackageVersion" found = 0 with open(ACADEMY_PATH) as f: lines = f.readlines() for i, l in enumerate(lines): if needle in l: left, right = l.split(" = ") right = f' = "{new_version}";\n' lines[i] = left + right found += 1 if found != 1: raise RuntimeError( f'Expected to find search string "{needle}" exactly once, but found it {found} times' ) with open(ACADEMY_PATH, "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) def print_release_tag_commands( python_version: str, csharp_version: str, release_tag: str ): python_tag = f"python-packages_{python_version}" csharp_tag = f"com.unity.ml-agents_{csharp_version}" docs_tag = f"{release_tag}_docs" print( f""" ### Use these commands to create the tags after the release: ### git checkout {release_tag} git tag -f latest_release git push -f origin latest_release git tag -f {docs_tag} git push -f origin {docs_tag} git tag {python_tag} git push -f origin {python_tag} git tag {csharp_tag} git push -f origin {csharp_tag} """ ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--python-version", default=None) parser.add_argument("--csharp-version", default=None) parser.add_argument("--release-tag", default=None) # unused, but allows precommit to pass filenames parser.add_argument("files", nargs="*") args = parser.parse_args() if args.python_version: print(f"Updating python library to version {args.python_version}") if args.csharp_version: print(f"Updating C# package to version {args.csharp_version}") set_version(args.python_version, args.csharp_version, args.release_tag) if args.release_tag is not None: print_release_tag_commands( args.python_version, args.csharp_version, args.release_tag ) else: ok = check_versions() return_code = 0 if ok else 1 sys.exit(return_code)