using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace MLAgents { /// /// Monitor is used to display information about the Agent within the Unity /// scene. Use the log function to add information to your monitor. /// public class Monitor : MonoBehaviour { /// /// The type of monitor the information must be displayed in. /// corresponds to a single rectangle whose width is given /// by a float between -1 and 1. (green is positive, red is negative) /// corresponds to n vertical sliders. /// is a text field. /// is a rectangle of fixed length to represent the proportions /// of a list of floats. /// public enum DisplayType { INDEPENDENT, PROPORTION } /// /// Represents how high above the target the monitors will be. /// [HideInInspector] static public float verticalOffset = 3f; static bool isInstantiated; static GameObject canvas; static Dictionary> displayTransformValues; /// /// Camera used to calculate GUI screen position relative to the target /// transform. /// static Dictionary transformCamera; static Color[] barColors; struct DisplayValue { public float time; public string stringValue; public float floatValue; public float[] floatArrayValues; public enum ValueType { FLOAT, FLOATARRAY_INDEPENDENT, FLOATARRAY_PROPORTION, STRING } public ValueType valueType; } static GUIStyle keyStyle; static GUIStyle valueStyle; static GUIStyle greenStyle; static GUIStyle redStyle; static GUIStyle[] colorStyle; static bool initialized; /// /// Use the Monitor.Log static function to attach information to a transform. /// /// The log. /// The name of the information you wish to Log. /// The string value you want to display. /// The transform you want to attach the information to. /// /// Camera used to calculate GUI position relative to /// the target. If null, `Camera.main` will be used. public static void Log( string key, string value, Transform target = null, Camera camera = null) { if (!isInstantiated) { InstantiateCanvas(); isInstantiated = true; } if (target == null) { target = canvas.transform; } transformCamera[target] = camera; if (!displayTransformValues.Keys.Contains(target)) { displayTransformValues[target] = new Dictionary(); } Dictionary displayValues = displayTransformValues[target]; if (value == null) { RemoveValue(target, key); return; } if (!displayValues.ContainsKey(key)) { var dv = new DisplayValue(); dv.time = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; dv.stringValue = value; dv.valueType = DisplayValue.ValueType.STRING; displayValues[key] = dv; while (displayValues.Count > 20) { string max = ( displayValues .Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value.time < r.Value.time ? l : r) .Key ); RemoveValue(target, max); } } else { DisplayValue dv = displayValues[key]; dv.stringValue = value; dv.valueType = DisplayValue.ValueType.STRING; displayValues[key] = dv; } } /// /// Use the Monitor.Log static function to attach information to a transform. /// /// The log. /// The name of the information you wish to Log. /// The float value you want to display. /// The transform you want to attach the information to. /// /// Camera used to calculate GUI position relative to /// the target. If null, `Camera.main` will be used. public static void Log( string key, float value, Transform target = null, Camera camera = null) { if (!isInstantiated) { InstantiateCanvas(); isInstantiated = true; } if (target == null) { target = canvas.transform; } transformCamera[target] = camera; if (!displayTransformValues.Keys.Contains(target)) { displayTransformValues[target] = new Dictionary(); } Dictionary displayValues = displayTransformValues[target]; if (!displayValues.ContainsKey(key)) { var dv = new DisplayValue(); dv.time = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; dv.floatValue = value; dv.valueType = DisplayValue.ValueType.FLOAT; displayValues[key] = dv; while (displayValues.Count > 20) { string max = ( displayValues.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value.time < r.Value.time ? l : r).Key); RemoveValue(target, max); } } else { DisplayValue dv = displayValues[key]; dv.floatValue = value; dv.valueType = DisplayValue.ValueType.FLOAT; displayValues[key] = dv; } } /// /// Use the Monitor.Log static function to attach information to a transform. /// /// The log. /// The name of the information you wish to Log. /// The array of float you want to display. /// The type of display. /// The transform you want to attach the information to. /// /// Camera used to calculate GUI position relative to /// the target. If null, `Camera.main` will be used. public static void Log( string key, float[] value, Transform target = null, DisplayType displayType = DisplayType.INDEPENDENT, Camera camera = null ) { if (!isInstantiated) { InstantiateCanvas(); isInstantiated = true; } if (target == null) { target = canvas.transform; } transformCamera[target] = camera; if (!displayTransformValues.Keys.Contains(target)) { displayTransformValues[target] = new Dictionary(); } Dictionary displayValues = displayTransformValues[target]; if (!displayValues.ContainsKey(key)) { var dv = new DisplayValue(); dv.time = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; dv.floatArrayValues = value; if (displayType == DisplayType.INDEPENDENT) { dv.valueType = DisplayValue.ValueType.FLOATARRAY_INDEPENDENT; } else { dv.valueType = DisplayValue.ValueType.FLOATARRAY_PROPORTION; } displayValues[key] = dv; while (displayValues.Count > 20) { string max = ( displayValues.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value.time < r.Value.time ? l : r).Key); RemoveValue(target, max); } } else { DisplayValue dv = displayValues[key]; dv.floatArrayValues = value; if (displayType == DisplayType.INDEPENDENT) { dv.valueType = DisplayValue.ValueType.FLOATARRAY_INDEPENDENT; } else { dv.valueType = DisplayValue.ValueType.FLOATARRAY_PROPORTION; } displayValues[key] = dv; } } /// /// Remove a value from a monitor. /// /// /// The transform to which the information is attached. /// /// The key of the information you want to remove. public static void RemoveValue(Transform target, string key) { if (target == null) { target = canvas.transform; } if (displayTransformValues.Keys.Contains(target)) { if (displayTransformValues[target].ContainsKey(key)) { displayTransformValues[target].Remove(key); if (displayTransformValues[target].Keys.Count == 0) { displayTransformValues.Remove(target); } } } } /// /// Remove all information from a monitor. /// /// /// The transform to which the information is attached. /// public static void RemoveAllValues(Transform target) { if (target == null) { target = canvas.transform; } if (displayTransformValues.Keys.Contains(target)) { displayTransformValues.Remove(target); } } /// /// Use SetActive to enable or disable the Monitor via script /// /// Value to set the Monitor's status to. public static void SetActive(bool active) { if (!isInstantiated) { InstantiateCanvas(); isInstantiated = true; } if (canvas != null) { canvas.SetActive(active); } } /// Initializes the canvas. static void InstantiateCanvas() { canvas = GameObject.Find("AgentMonitorCanvas"); if (canvas == null) { canvas = new GameObject(); = "AgentMonitorCanvas"; canvas.AddComponent(); } displayTransformValues = new Dictionary>(); transformCamera = new Dictionary(); } /// void OnGUI() { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); initialized = true; } var toIterate = displayTransformValues.Keys.ToList(); foreach (Transform target in toIterate) { if (target == null) { displayTransformValues.Remove(target); continue; } // get camera Camera cam = transformCamera[target]; if (cam == null) { cam = Camera.main; } float widthScaler = (Screen.width / 1000f); float keyPixelWidth = 100 * widthScaler; float keyPixelHeight = 20 * widthScaler; float paddingwidth = 10 * widthScaler; float scale = 1f; var origin = new Vector3( Screen.width / 2 - keyPixelWidth, Screen.height); if (!(target == canvas.transform)) { Vector3 cam2obj = target.position - cam.transform.position; scale = Mathf.Min( 1, 20f / (Vector3.Dot(cam2obj, cam.transform.forward))); Vector3 worldPosition = cam.WorldToScreenPoint( target.position + new Vector3(0, verticalOffset, 0)); origin = new Vector3( worldPosition.x - keyPixelWidth * scale, Screen.height - worldPosition.y); } keyPixelWidth *= scale; keyPixelHeight *= scale; paddingwidth *= scale; keyStyle.fontSize = (int) (keyPixelHeight * 0.8f); if (keyStyle.fontSize < 2) { continue; } Dictionary displayValues = displayTransformValues[target]; int index = 0; var orderedKeys = displayValues.Keys.OrderBy(x => -displayValues[x].time); float[] vals; GUIStyle s; foreach (string key in orderedKeys) { keyStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; GUI.Label( new Rect( origin.x, origin.y - (index + 1) * keyPixelHeight, keyPixelWidth, keyPixelHeight), key, keyStyle); switch (displayValues[key].valueType) { case DisplayValue.ValueType.STRING: valueStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUI.Label( new Rect( origin.x + paddingwidth + keyPixelWidth, origin.y - (index + 1) * keyPixelHeight, keyPixelWidth, keyPixelHeight), displayValues[key].stringValue, valueStyle); break; case DisplayValue.ValueType.FLOAT: float sliderValue = displayValues[key].floatValue; sliderValue = Mathf.Min(1f, sliderValue); s = greenStyle; if (sliderValue < 0) { sliderValue = Mathf.Min(1f, -sliderValue); s = redStyle; } GUI.Box( new Rect( origin.x + paddingwidth + keyPixelWidth, origin.y - (index + 0.9f) * keyPixelHeight, keyPixelWidth * sliderValue, keyPixelHeight * 0.8f), GUIContent.none, s); break; case DisplayValue.ValueType.FLOATARRAY_INDEPENDENT: float histWidth = 0.15f; vals = displayValues[key].floatArrayValues; for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++) { float value = Mathf.Min(vals[i], 1); s = greenStyle; if (value < 0) { value = Mathf.Min(1f, -value); s = redStyle; } GUI.Box( new Rect( origin.x + paddingwidth + keyPixelWidth + (keyPixelWidth * histWidth + paddingwidth / 2) * i, origin.y - (index + 0.1f) * keyPixelHeight, keyPixelWidth * histWidth, -keyPixelHeight * value), GUIContent.none, s); } break; case DisplayValue.ValueType.FLOATARRAY_PROPORTION: float valsSum = 0f; float valsCum = 0f; vals = displayValues[key].floatArrayValues; foreach (float f in vals) { valsSum += Mathf.Max(f, 0); } if (valsSum < float.Epsilon) { Debug.LogError( string.Format("The Monitor value for key {0} " + "must be a list or array of " + "positive values and cannot " + "be empty.", key)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++) { float value = Mathf.Max(vals[i], 0) / valsSum; GUI.Box( new Rect( origin.x + paddingwidth + keyPixelWidth + keyPixelWidth * valsCum, origin.y - (index + 0.9f) * keyPixelHeight, keyPixelWidth * value, keyPixelHeight * 0.8f), GUIContent.none, colorStyle[i % colorStyle.Length]); valsCum += value; } } break; } index++; } } } /// Helper method used to initialize the GUI. Called once. void Initialize() { keyStyle =; valueStyle =; valueStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Overflow; valueStyle.wordWrap = false; barColors = new Color[6] { Color.magenta,, Color.cyan,, Color.yellow, }; colorStyle = new GUIStyle[barColors.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < barColors.Length; i++) { var texture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); texture.SetPixel(0, 0, barColors[i]); texture.Apply(); var staticRectStyle = new GUIStyle(); staticRectStyle.normal.background = texture; colorStyle[i] = staticRectStyle; } greenStyle = colorStyle[3]; redStyle = colorStyle[5]; } } }