using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MLAgents.InferenceBrain
/// Tensor - A class to encapsulate a Tensor used for inference.
/// This class contains the Array that holds the data array, the shapes, type and the placeholder in the
/// execution graph. All the fields are editable in the inspector, allowing the user to specify everything
/// but the data in a graphical way.
public class Tensor
public enum TensorType
private static Dictionary m_typeMap = new Dictionary()
{ TensorType.FloatingPoint, typeof(float)},
{TensorType.Integer, typeof(int)}
public string Name;
public TensorType ValueType;
// Since Type is not serializable, we use the DisplayType for the Inspector
public Type DataType
get { return m_typeMap[ValueType]; }
public long[] Shape;
public Array Data;