# Basic Guide This guide will show you how to use a pre-trained model in an example Unity environment (3D Ball) and show you how to train the model yourself. If you are not familiar with the [Unity Engine](https://unity3d.com/unity), we highly recommend the [Roll-a-ball tutorial](https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/s/roll-ball-tutorial) to learn all the basic concepts of Unity. ## Setting up the ML-Agents Toolkit within Unity In order to use the ML-Agents toolkit within Unity, you first need to change a few Unity settings. 1. Launch Unity 2. On the Projects dialog, choose the **Open** option at the top of the window. 3. Using the file dialog that opens, locate the `UnitySDK` folder within the ML-Agents toolkit project and click **Open**. 4. Go to **Edit** > **Project Settings** > **Player** 5. For **each** of the platforms you target (**PC, Mac and Linux Standalone**, **iOS** or **Android**): 1. Expand the **Other Settings** section. 2. Select **Scripting Runtime Version** to **Experimental (.NET 4.6 Equivalent or .NET 4.x Equivalent)** 6. Go to **File** > **Save Project** ## Running a Pre-trained Model We include pre-trained models for our agents (`.nn` files) and we use the [Unity Inference Engine](Unity-Inference-Engine.md) to run these models inside Unity. In this section, we will use the pre-trained model for the 3D Ball example. 1. In the **Project** window, go to the `Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/Scenes` folder and open the `3DBall` scene file. 2. In the **Project** window, go to the `Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/Prefabs` folder. Expand `3DBall` and click on the `Agent` prefab. You should see the `Agent` prefab in the **Inspector** window. **Note**: The platforms in the `3DBall` scene were created using the `3DBall` prefab. Instead of updating all 12 platforms individually, you can update the `3DBall` prefab instead. ![Platform Prefab](images/platform_prefab.png) 3. In the **Project** window, drag the **3DBall** Model located in `Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/TFModels` into the `Model` property under `Behavior Parameters (Script)` component in the Agent GameObject **Inspector** window. ![3dball learning brain](images/3dball_learning_brain.png) 4. You should notice that each `Agent` under each `3DBall` in the **Hierarchy** windows now contains **3DBall** as `Model` on the `Behavior Parameters`. __Note__ : You can modify multiple game objects in a scene by selecting them all at once using the search bar in the Scene Hierarchy. 8. Select the **InferenceDevice** to use for this model (CPU or GPU) on the Agent. _Note: CPU is faster for the majority of ML-Agents toolkit generated models_ 9. Click the **Play** button and you will see the platforms balance the balls using the pre-trained model. ![Running a pre-trained model](images/balance.png) ## Using the Basics Jupyter Notebook The `notebooks/getting-started.ipynb` [Jupyter notebook](Background-Jupyter.md) contains a simple walk-through of the functionality of the Python API. It can also serve as a simple test that your environment is configured correctly. Within `Basics`, be sure to set `env_name` to the name of the Unity executable if you want to [use an executable](Learning-Environment-Executable.md) or to `None` if you want to interact with the current scene in the Unity Editor. More information and documentation is provided in the [Python API](Python-API.md) page. ## Training the Model with Reinforcement Learning ### Setting up the environment for training In order to setup the Agents for Training, you will need to edit the `Behavior Name` under `BehaviorParamters` in the Agent Inspector window. The `Behavior Name` is used to group agents per behaviors. Note that Agents sharing the same `Behavior Name` must be agents of the same type using the same `Behavior Parameters`. You can make sure all your agents have the same `Behavior Parameters` using Prefabs. The `Behavior Name` corresponds to the name of the model that will be generated by the training process and is used to select the hyperparameters from the training configuration file. ### Training the environment 1. Open a command or terminal window. 2. Navigate to the folder where you cloned the ML-Agents toolkit repository. **Note**: If you followed the default [installation](Installation.md), then you should be able to run `mlagents-learn` from any directory. 3. Run `mlagents-learn --run-id= --train` where: - `` is the relative or absolute filepath of the trainer configuration. The defaults used by example environments included in `MLAgentsSDK` can be found in `config/trainer_config.yaml`. - `` is a string used to separate the results of different training runs - `--train` tells `mlagents-learn` to run a training session (rather than inference) 4. If you cloned the ML-Agents repo, then you can simply run ```sh mlagents-learn config/trainer_config.yaml --run-id=firstRun --train ``` 5. When the message _"Start training by pressing the Play button in the Unity Editor"_ is displayed on the screen, you can press the :arrow_forward: button in Unity to start training in the Editor. **Note**: Alternatively, you can use an executable rather than the Editor to perform training. Please refer to [this page](Learning-Environment-Executable.md) for instructions on how to build and use an executable. **Note**: If you're using Anaconda, don't forget to activate the ml-agents environment first. If `mlagents-learn` runs correctly and starts training, you should see something like this: ```console INFO:mlagents_envs: 'Ball3DAcademy' started successfully! Unity Academy name: Ball3DAcademy INFO:mlagents_envs:Connected new brain: Unity brain name: 3DBallLearning Number of Visual Observations (per agent): 0 Vector Observation space size (per agent): 8 Number of stacked Vector Observation: 1 Vector Action space type: continuous Vector Action space size (per agent): [2] Vector Action descriptions: , INFO:mlagents_envs:Hyperparameters for the PPO Trainer of brain 3DBallLearning: batch_size: 64 beta: 0.001 buffer_size: 12000 epsilon: 0.2 gamma: 0.995 hidden_units: 128 lambd: 0.99 learning_rate: 0.0003 max_steps: 5.0e4 normalize: True num_epoch: 3 num_layers: 2 time_horizon: 1000 sequence_length: 64 summary_freq: 1000 use_recurrent: False summary_path: ./summaries/first-run-0 memory_size: 256 use_curiosity: False curiosity_strength: 0.01 curiosity_enc_size: 128 model_path: ./models/first-run-0/3DBallLearning INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 1000. Mean Reward: 1.242. Std of Reward: 0.746. Training. INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 2000. Mean Reward: 1.319. Std of Reward: 0.693. Training. INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 3000. Mean Reward: 1.804. Std of Reward: 1.056. Training. INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 4000. Mean Reward: 2.151. Std of Reward: 1.432. Training. INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 5000. Mean Reward: 3.175. Std of Reward: 2.250. Training. INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 6000. Mean Reward: 4.898. Std of Reward: 4.019. Training. INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 7000. Mean Reward: 6.716. Std of Reward: 5.125. Training. INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 8000. Mean Reward: 12.124. Std of Reward: 11.929. Training. INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 9000. Mean Reward: 18.151. Std of Reward: 16.871. Training. INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 10000. Mean Reward: 27.284. Std of Reward: 28.667. Training. ``` ### After training You can press Ctrl+C to stop the training, and your trained model will be at `models//.nn` where `` is the name of the `Behavior Name` of the agents corresponding to the model. (**Note:** There is a known bug on Windows that causes the saving of the model to fail when you early terminate the training, it's recommended to wait until Step has reached the max_steps parameter you set in trainer_config.yaml.) This file corresponds to your model's latest checkpoint. You can now embed this trained model into your Agents by following the steps below, which is similar to the steps described [above](#running-a-pre-trained-model). 1. Move your model file into `UnitySDK/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/TFModels/`. 2. Open the Unity Editor, and select the **3DBall** scene as described above. 3. Select the **3DBall** prefab Agent object. 4. Drag the `.nn` file from the Project window of the Editor to the **Model** placeholder in the **Ball3DAgent** inspector window. 5. Press the :arrow_forward: button at the top of the Editor. ## Next Steps - For more information on the ML-Agents toolkit, in addition to helpful background, check out the [ML-Agents Toolkit Overview](ML-Agents-Overview.md) page. - For a more detailed walk-through of our 3D Balance Ball environment, check out the [Getting Started](Getting-Started-with-Balance-Ball.md) page. - For a "Hello World" introduction to creating your own Learning Environment, check out the [Making a New Learning Environment](Learning-Environment-Create-New.md) page. - For a series of YouTube video tutorials, checkout the [Machine Learning Agents PlayList](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX2vGYjWbI0R08eWQkO7nQkGiicHAX7IX) page.