using UnityEngine; using MLAgents; using MLAgents.Sensors; using MLAgents.SideChannels; public class SmallCubeAgent : Agent { CubeWarSettings m_CubeWarSettings; public GameObject area; CubeWarArea m_MyArea; public GameObject largeAgent; LargeCubeAgent m_LargeAgent; bool m_Dead; bool m_Shoot; float m_ShootTime; Rigidbody m_AgentRb; float m_LaserLength; float m_HitPoints; // Speed of agent rotation. public float turnSpeed; float m_Bonus; // Speed of agent movement. public float moveSpeed; public Material normalMaterial; public Material weakMaterial; public Material deadMaterial; public Laser myLaser; public GameObject myBody; public override void Initialize() { m_AgentRb = GetComponent(); m_MyArea = area.GetComponent(); m_LargeAgent = largeAgent.GetComponent(); m_CubeWarSettings = FindObjectOfType(); SetResetParameters(); } public override void CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor) { sensor.AddObservation(System.Convert.ToInt32(m_Shoot)); sensor.AddObservation(System.Convert.ToInt32(m_Dead)); sensor.AddObservation(m_HitPoints); // Direction big agent is looking Vector3 dirToSelf = transform.position - m_LargeAgent.transform.position; float angle = Vector3.Dot(m_LargeAgent.transform.forward.normalized, dirToSelf.normalized); sensor.AddObservation(angle); if (m_Dead) { AddReward(-.001f * m_Bonus); } } public Color32 ToColor(int hexVal) { var r = (byte)((hexVal >> 16) & 0xFF); var g = (byte)((hexVal >> 8) & 0xFF); var b = (byte)(hexVal & 0xFF); return new Color32(r, g, b, 255); } public void MoveAgent(float[] act) { m_Shoot = false; var dirToGo =; var rotateDir =; if (!m_Dead) { var shootCommand = false; var forwardAxis = (int)act[0]; var rightAxis = (int)act[1]; var rotateAxis = (int)act[2]; var shootAxis = (int)act[3]; switch (forwardAxis) { case 1: dirToGo = transform.forward; break; case 2: dirToGo = -transform.forward; break; } switch (rightAxis) { case 1: dirToGo = transform.right; break; case 2: dirToGo = -transform.right; break; } switch (rotateAxis) { case 1: rotateDir = -transform.up; break; case 2: rotateDir = transform.up; break; } switch (shootAxis) { case 1: shootCommand = true; break; } if (shootCommand) { if (Time.time > m_ShootTime + .4f) { m_Shoot = true; dirToGo *= 0.5f; m_AgentRb.velocity *= 0.9f; m_ShootTime = Time.time; } } transform.Rotate(rotateDir, Time.fixedDeltaTime * turnSpeed); m_AgentRb.AddForce(dirToGo * moveSpeed, ForceMode.VelocityChange); } //if (m_AgentRb.velocity.sqrMagnitude > 25f) // slow it down //{ // m_AgentRb.velocity *= 0.95f; //} if (m_Shoot) { var myTransform = transform; var rayDir = 25.0f * myTransform.forward; Debug.DrawRay(myTransform.position, rayDir,, 0f, true); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.SphereCast(transform.position, 2f, rayDir, out hit, 28f)) { if (hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("StrongSmallAgent") || hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("WeakSmallAgent")) { hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent().HealAgent(); } else if (hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("StrongLargeAgent") || hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("WeakLargeAgent")) { hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent().HitAgent(.02f); AddReward(.1f + .4f * m_Bonus); } myLaser.isFired = true; } } else if (Time.time > m_ShootTime + .25f) { myLaser.isFired = false; } } public void HitAgent(float damage) { if (!m_Dead) { m_HitPoints -= damage; HealthStatus(); } } public void HealAgent() { if (m_HitPoints < 1f) { m_HitPoints = Mathf.Min(m_HitPoints + .25f, 1f); HealthStatus(); } } void HealthStatus() { if (m_HitPoints <= 1f && m_HitPoints > .5f) { gameObject.tag = "StrongSmallAgent"; myBody.GetComponentInChildren().material = normalMaterial; } else if (m_HitPoints <= .5f && m_HitPoints > 0.0f) { gameObject.tag = "WeakSmallAgent"; myBody.GetComponentInChildren().material = weakMaterial; } else // Dead { AddReward(-.1f * m_Bonus); m_Dead = true; gameObject.tag = "DeadSmallAgent"; myBody.GetComponentInChildren().material = deadMaterial; m_MyArea.AgentDied(); } } public override void OnActionReceived(float[] vectorAction) { MoveAgent(vectorAction); } public override float[] Heuristic() { var action = new float[4]; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { action[2] = 2f; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) { action[0] = 1f; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) { action[1] = 1f; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q)) { action[1] = 2f; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { action[2] = 1f; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) { action[0] = 2f; } action[3] = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; return action; } public override void OnEpisodeBegin() { m_HitPoints = 1f; HealthStatus(); m_Dead = false; m_Shoot = false; m_ShootTime = -.5f; //m_Bonus = Academy.Instance.FloatProperties.GetPropertyWithDefault("bonus", 0); m_Bonus = SideChannelUtils.GetSideChannel().GetPropertyWithDefault("bonus", 0); m_AgentRb.velocity =; float smallRange = 50f * m_MyArea.range; transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(-smallRange, smallRange), 2f,Random.Range(-smallRange, smallRange)) + area.transform.position; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, Random.Range(0, 360))); SetResetParameters(); } public bool IsDead() { return m_Dead; } public void SetLaserLengths() { m_LaserLength = 1f; } public void SetAgentScale() { float agentScale = 1f; gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(agentScale, agentScale, agentScale); } public void SetResetParameters() { SetLaserLengths(); SetAgentScale(); } }