from typing import Dict, cast, List, Tuple, Optional from mlagents.trainers.torch.components.reward_providers.extrinsic_reward_provider import ( ExtrinsicRewardProvider, ) import numpy as np import math from mlagents.torch_utils import torch from mlagents.trainers.buffer import ( AgentBuffer, BufferKey, RewardSignalUtil, AgentBufferField, ) from mlagents_envs.timers import timed from mlagents_envs.base_env import ObservationSpec, ActionSpec from mlagents.trainers.policy.torch_policy import TorchPolicy from mlagents.trainers.optimizer.torch_optimizer import TorchOptimizer from mlagents.trainers.settings import ( RewardSignalSettings, RewardSignalType, TrainerSettings, POCASettings, ) from mlagents.trainers.torch.networks import Critic, MultiAgentNetworkBody from mlagents.trainers.torch.decoders import ValueHeads from mlagents.trainers.torch.agent_action import AgentAction from mlagents.trainers.torch.action_log_probs import ActionLogProbs from mlagents.trainers.torch.utils import ModelUtils from mlagents.trainers.trajectory import ObsUtil, GroupObsUtil from mlagents.trainers.settings import NetworkSettings from mlagents_envs.logging_util import get_logger logger = get_logger(__name__) class TorchPOCAOptimizer(TorchOptimizer): class POCAValueNetwork(torch.nn.Module, Critic): """ The POCAValueNetwork uses the MultiAgentNetworkBody to compute the value and POCA baseline for a variable number of agents in a group that all share the same observation and action space. """ def __init__( self, stream_names: List[str], observation_specs: List[ObservationSpec], network_settings: NetworkSettings, action_spec: ActionSpec, ): torch.nn.Module.__init__(self) self.network_body = MultiAgentNetworkBody( observation_specs, network_settings, action_spec ) if network_settings.memory is not None: encoding_size = network_settings.memory.memory_size // 2 else: encoding_size = network_settings.hidden_units self.value_heads = ValueHeads(stream_names, encoding_size, 1) @property def memory_size(self) -> int: return self.network_body.memory_size def update_normalization(self, buffer: AgentBuffer) -> None: self.network_body.update_normalization(buffer) def baseline( self, obs_without_actions: List[torch.Tensor], obs_with_actions: Tuple[List[List[torch.Tensor]], List[AgentAction]], memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """ The POCA baseline marginalizes the action of the agent associated with self_obs. It calls the forward pass of the MultiAgentNetworkBody with the state action pairs of groupmates but just the state of the agent in question. :param obs_without_actions: The obs of the agent for which to compute the baseline. :param obs_with_actions: Tuple of observations and actions for all groupmates. :param memories: If using memory, a Tensor of initial memories. :param sequence_length: If using memory, the sequence length. :return: A Tuple of Dict of reward stream to tensor and critic memories. """ (obs, actions) = obs_with_actions encoding, memories = self.network_body( obs_only=[obs_without_actions], obs=obs, actions=actions, memories=memories, sequence_length=sequence_length, ) value_outputs, critic_mem_out = self.forward( encoding, memories, sequence_length ) return value_outputs, critic_mem_out def critic_pass( self, obs: List[List[torch.Tensor]], memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """ A centralized value function. It calls the forward pass of MultiAgentNetworkBody with just the states of all agents. :param obs: List of observations for all agents in group :param memories: If using memory, a Tensor of initial memories. :param sequence_length: If using memory, the sequence length. :return: A Tuple of Dict of reward stream to tensor and critic memories. """ encoding, memories = self.network_body( obs_only=obs, obs=[], actions=[], memories=memories, sequence_length=sequence_length, ) value_outputs, critic_mem_out = self.forward( encoding, memories, sequence_length ) return value_outputs, critic_mem_out def forward( self, encoding: torch.Tensor, memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: output = self.value_heads(encoding) return output, memories def __init__(self, policy: TorchPolicy, trainer_settings: TrainerSettings): """ Takes a Policy and a Dict of trainer parameters and creates an Optimizer around the policy. :param policy: A TorchPolicy object that will be updated by this POCA Optimizer. :param trainer_params: Trainer parameters dictionary that specifies the properties of the trainer. """ # Create the graph here to give more granular control of the TF graph to the Optimizer. super().__init__(policy, trainer_settings) reward_signal_configs = trainer_settings.reward_signals reward_signal_names = [key.value for key, _ in reward_signal_configs.items()] self._critic = TorchPOCAOptimizer.POCAValueNetwork( reward_signal_names, policy.behavior_spec.observation_specs, network_settings=trainer_settings.network_settings, action_spec=policy.behavior_spec.action_spec, ) params = list( + list(self.critic.parameters()) self.hyperparameters: POCASettings = cast( POCASettings, trainer_settings.hyperparameters ) self.decay_learning_rate = ModelUtils.DecayedValue( self.hyperparameters.learning_rate_schedule, self.hyperparameters.learning_rate, 1e-10, self.trainer_settings.max_steps, ) self.decay_epsilon = ModelUtils.DecayedValue( self.hyperparameters.learning_rate_schedule, self.hyperparameters.epsilon, 0.1, self.trainer_settings.max_steps, ) self.decay_beta = ModelUtils.DecayedValue( self.hyperparameters.learning_rate_schedule, self.hyperparameters.beta, 1e-5, self.trainer_settings.max_steps, ) self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( params, lr=self.trainer_settings.hyperparameters.learning_rate ) self.stats_name_to_update_name = { "Losses/Value Loss": "value_loss", "Losses/Policy Loss": "policy_loss", } self.stream_names = list(self.reward_signals.keys()) self.value_memory_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {} self.baseline_memory_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {} def create_reward_signals( self, reward_signal_configs: Dict[RewardSignalType, RewardSignalSettings] ) -> None: """ Create reward signals. Override default to provide warnings for Curiosity and GAIL, and make sure Extrinsic adds team rewards. :param reward_signal_configs: Reward signal config. """ for reward_signal in reward_signal_configs.keys(): if reward_signal != RewardSignalType.EXTRINSIC: logger.warning( f"Reward signal {reward_signal.value.capitalize()} is not supported with the POCA trainer; " "results may be unexpected." ) super().create_reward_signals(reward_signal_configs) # Make sure we add the groupmate rewards in POCA, so agents learn how to help each # other achieve individual rewards as well for reward_provider in self.reward_signals.values(): if isinstance(reward_provider, ExtrinsicRewardProvider): reward_provider.add_groupmate_rewards = True @property def critic(self): return self._critic @timed def update(self, batch: AgentBuffer, num_sequences: int) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Performs update on model. :param batch: Batch of experiences. :param num_sequences: Number of sequences to process. :return: Results of update. """ # Get decayed parameters decay_lr = self.decay_learning_rate.get_value(self.policy.get_current_step()) decay_eps = self.decay_epsilon.get_value(self.policy.get_current_step()) decay_bet = self.decay_beta.get_value(self.policy.get_current_step()) returns = {} old_values = {} old_baseline_values = {} for name in self.reward_signals: old_values[name] = ModelUtils.list_to_tensor( batch[RewardSignalUtil.value_estimates_key(name)] ) returns[name] = ModelUtils.list_to_tensor( batch[RewardSignalUtil.returns_key(name)] ) old_baseline_values[name] = ModelUtils.list_to_tensor( batch[RewardSignalUtil.baseline_estimates_key(name)] ) n_obs = len(self.policy.behavior_spec.observation_specs) current_obs = ObsUtil.from_buffer(batch, n_obs) # Convert to tensors current_obs = [ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(obs) for obs in current_obs] groupmate_obs = GroupObsUtil.from_buffer(batch, n_obs) groupmate_obs = [ [ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(obs) for obs in _groupmate_obs] for _groupmate_obs in groupmate_obs ] act_masks = ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(batch[BufferKey.ACTION_MASK]) actions = AgentAction.from_buffer(batch) groupmate_actions = AgentAction.group_from_buffer(batch) memories = [ ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(batch[BufferKey.MEMORY][i]) for i in range(0, len(batch[BufferKey.MEMORY]), self.policy.sequence_length) ] if len(memories) > 0: memories = torch.stack(memories).unsqueeze(0) value_memories = [ ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(batch[BufferKey.CRITIC_MEMORY][i]) for i in range( 0, len(batch[BufferKey.CRITIC_MEMORY]), self.policy.sequence_length ) ] baseline_memories = [ ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(batch[BufferKey.BASELINE_MEMORY][i]) for i in range( 0, len(batch[BufferKey.BASELINE_MEMORY]), self.policy.sequence_length ) ] if len(value_memories) > 0: value_memories = torch.stack(value_memories).unsqueeze(0) baseline_memories = torch.stack(baseline_memories).unsqueeze(0) log_probs, entropy = self.policy.evaluate_actions( current_obs, masks=act_masks, actions=actions, memories=memories, seq_len=self.policy.sequence_length, ) all_obs = [current_obs] + groupmate_obs values, _ = self.critic.critic_pass( all_obs, memories=value_memories, sequence_length=self.policy.sequence_length, ) groupmate_obs_and_actions = (groupmate_obs, groupmate_actions) baselines, _ = self.critic.baseline( current_obs, groupmate_obs_and_actions, memories=baseline_memories, sequence_length=self.policy.sequence_length, ) old_log_probs = ActionLogProbs.from_buffer(batch).flatten() log_probs = log_probs.flatten() loss_masks = ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(batch[BufferKey.MASKS], dtype=torch.bool) baseline_loss = ModelUtils.trust_region_value_loss( baselines, old_baseline_values, returns, decay_eps, loss_masks ) value_loss = ModelUtils.trust_region_value_loss( values, old_values, returns, decay_eps, loss_masks ) policy_loss = ModelUtils.trust_region_policy_loss( ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(batch[BufferKey.ADVANTAGES]), log_probs, old_log_probs, loss_masks, decay_eps, ) loss = ( policy_loss + 0.5 * (value_loss + 0.5 * baseline_loss) - decay_bet * ModelUtils.masked_mean(entropy, loss_masks) ) # Set optimizer learning rate ModelUtils.update_learning_rate(self.optimizer, decay_lr) self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() update_stats = { # NOTE: abs() is not technically correct, but matches the behavior in TensorFlow. # TODO: After PyTorch is default, change to something more correct. "Losses/Policy Loss": torch.abs(policy_loss).item(), "Losses/Value Loss": value_loss.item(), "Losses/Baseline Loss": baseline_loss.item(), "Policy/Learning Rate": decay_lr, "Policy/Epsilon": decay_eps, "Policy/Beta": decay_bet, } for reward_provider in self.reward_signals.values(): update_stats.update(reward_provider.update(batch)) return update_stats def get_modules(self): modules = {"Optimizer:adam": self.optimizer, "Optimizer:critic": self._critic} for reward_provider in self.reward_signals.values(): modules.update(reward_provider.get_modules()) return modules def _evaluate_by_sequence_team( self, self_obs: List[torch.Tensor], obs: List[List[torch.Tensor]], actions: List[AgentAction], init_value_mem: torch.Tensor, init_baseline_mem: torch.Tensor, ) -> Tuple[ Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Dict[str, torch.Tensor], AgentBufferField, AgentBufferField, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, ]: """ Evaluate a trajectory sequence-by-sequence, assembling the result. This enables us to get the intermediate memories for the critic. :param tensor_obs: A List of tensors of shape (trajectory_len, ) that are the agent's observations for this trajectory. :param initial_memory: The memory that preceeds this trajectory. Of shape (1,1,), i.e. what is returned as the output of a MemoryModules. :return: A Tuple of the value estimates as a Dict of [name, tensor], an AgentBufferField of the initial memories to be used during value function update, and the final memory at the end of the trajectory. """ num_experiences = self_obs[0].shape[0] all_next_value_mem = AgentBufferField() all_next_baseline_mem = AgentBufferField() # In the buffer, the 1st sequence are the ones that are padded. So if seq_len = 3 and # trajectory is of length 10, the 1st sequence is [pad,pad,obs]. # Compute the number of elements in this padded seq. leftover = num_experiences % self.policy.sequence_length # Compute values for the potentially truncated initial sequence first_seq_len = leftover if leftover > 0 else self.policy.sequence_length self_seq_obs = [] groupmate_seq_obs = [] groupmate_seq_act = [] seq_obs = [] for _self_obs in self_obs: first_seq_obs = _self_obs[0:first_seq_len] seq_obs.append(first_seq_obs) self_seq_obs.append(seq_obs) for groupmate_obs, groupmate_action in zip(obs, actions): seq_obs = [] for _obs in groupmate_obs: first_seq_obs = _obs[0:first_seq_len] seq_obs.append(first_seq_obs) groupmate_seq_obs.append(seq_obs) _act = groupmate_action.slice(0, first_seq_len) groupmate_seq_act.append(_act) # For the first sequence, the initial memory should be the one at the # beginning of this trajectory. for _ in range(first_seq_len): all_next_value_mem.append(ModelUtils.to_numpy(init_value_mem.squeeze())) all_next_baseline_mem.append( ModelUtils.to_numpy(init_baseline_mem.squeeze()) ) all_seq_obs = self_seq_obs + groupmate_seq_obs init_values, _value_mem = self.critic.critic_pass( all_seq_obs, init_value_mem, sequence_length=first_seq_len ) all_values = { signal_name: [init_values[signal_name]] for signal_name in init_values.keys() } groupmate_obs_and_actions = (groupmate_seq_obs, groupmate_seq_act) init_baseline, _baseline_mem = self.critic.baseline( self_seq_obs[0], groupmate_obs_and_actions, init_baseline_mem, sequence_length=first_seq_len, ) all_baseline = { signal_name: [init_baseline[signal_name]] for signal_name in init_baseline.keys() } # Evaluate other trajectories, carrying over _mem after each # trajectory for seq_num in range( 1, math.ceil((num_experiences) / (self.policy.sequence_length)) ): for _ in range(self.policy.sequence_length): all_next_value_mem.append(ModelUtils.to_numpy(_value_mem.squeeze())) all_next_baseline_mem.append( ModelUtils.to_numpy(_baseline_mem.squeeze()) ) start = seq_num * self.policy.sequence_length - ( self.policy.sequence_length - leftover ) end = (seq_num + 1) * self.policy.sequence_length - ( self.policy.sequence_length - leftover ) self_seq_obs = [] groupmate_seq_obs = [] groupmate_seq_act = [] seq_obs = [] for _self_obs in self_obs: seq_obs.append(_obs[start:end]) self_seq_obs.append(seq_obs) for groupmate_obs, team_action in zip(obs, actions): seq_obs = [] for (_obs,) in groupmate_obs: first_seq_obs = _obs[start:end] seq_obs.append(first_seq_obs) groupmate_seq_obs.append(seq_obs) _act = team_action.slice(start, end) groupmate_seq_act.append(_act) all_seq_obs = self_seq_obs + groupmate_seq_obs values, _value_mem = self.critic.critic_pass( all_seq_obs, _value_mem, sequence_length=self.policy.sequence_length ) all_values = { signal_name: [init_values[signal_name]] for signal_name in values.keys() } groupmate_obs_and_actions = (groupmate_seq_obs, groupmate_seq_act) baselines, _baseline_mem = self.critic.baseline( self_seq_obs[0], groupmate_obs_and_actions, _baseline_mem, sequence_length=first_seq_len, ) all_baseline = { signal_name: [baselines[signal_name]] for signal_name in baselines.keys() } # Create one tensor per reward signal all_value_tensors = { signal_name:, dim=0) for signal_name, value_list in all_values.items() } all_baseline_tensors = { signal_name:, dim=0) for signal_name, baseline_list in all_baseline.items() } next_value_mem = _value_mem next_baseline_mem = _baseline_mem return ( all_value_tensors, all_baseline_tensors, all_next_value_mem, all_next_baseline_mem, next_value_mem, next_baseline_mem, ) def get_trajectory_value_estimates( self, batch: AgentBuffer, next_obs: List[np.ndarray], done: bool, agent_id: str = "", ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, float], Optional[AgentBufferField]]: """ Override base class method. Unused in the trainer, but needed to make sure class heirarchy is maintained. Assume that there are no group obs. """ ( value_estimates, _, next_value_estimates, all_next_value_mem, _, ) = self.get_trajectory_and_baseline_value_estimates( batch, next_obs, [], done, agent_id ) return value_estimates, next_value_estimates, all_next_value_mem def get_trajectory_and_baseline_value_estimates( self, batch: AgentBuffer, next_obs: List[np.ndarray], next_groupmate_obs: List[List[np.ndarray]], done: bool, agent_id: str = "", ) -> Tuple[ Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, float], Optional[AgentBufferField], Optional[AgentBufferField], ]: """ Get value estimates, baseline estimates, and memories for a trajectory, in batch form. :param batch: An AgentBuffer that consists of a trajectory. :param next_obs: the next observation (after the trajectory). Used for boostrapping if this is not a termiinal trajectory. :param next_groupmate_obs: the next observations from other members of the group. :param done: Set true if this is a terminal trajectory. :param agent_id: Agent ID of the agent that this trajectory belongs to. :returns: A Tuple of the Value Estimates as a Dict of [name, np.ndarray(trajectory_len)], the baseline estimates as a Dict, the final value estimate as a Dict of [name, float], and optionally (if using memories) an AgentBufferField of initial critic and baseline memories to be used during update. """ n_obs = len(self.policy.behavior_spec.observation_specs) current_obs = ObsUtil.from_buffer(batch, n_obs) groupmate_obs = GroupObsUtil.from_buffer(batch, n_obs) current_obs = [ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(obs) for obs in current_obs] groupmate_obs = [ [ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(obs) for obs in _groupmate_obs] for _groupmate_obs in groupmate_obs ] groupmate_actions = AgentAction.group_from_buffer(batch) next_obs = [ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(obs) for obs in next_obs] next_obs = [obs.unsqueeze(0) for obs in next_obs] next_groupmate_obs = [ ModelUtils.list_to_tensor_list(_list_obs) for _list_obs in next_groupmate_obs ] # Expand dimensions of next critic obs next_groupmate_obs = [ [_obs.unsqueeze(0) for _obs in _list_obs] for _list_obs in next_groupmate_obs ] if agent_id in self.value_memory_dict: # The agent_id should always be in both since they are added together _init_value_mem = self.value_memory_dict[agent_id] _init_baseline_mem = self.baseline_memory_dict[agent_id] else: _init_value_mem = ( torch.zeros((1, 1, self.critic.memory_size)) if self.policy.use_recurrent else None ) _init_baseline_mem = ( torch.zeros((1, 1, self.critic.memory_size)) if self.policy.use_recurrent else None ) all_obs = ( [current_obs] + groupmate_obs if groupmate_obs is not None else [current_obs] ) all_next_value_mem: Optional[AgentBufferField] = None all_next_baseline_mem: Optional[AgentBufferField] = None with torch.no_grad(): if self.policy.use_recurrent: ( value_estimates, baseline_estimates, all_next_value_mem, all_next_baseline_mem, next_value_mem, next_baseline_mem, ) = self._evaluate_by_sequence_team( current_obs, groupmate_obs, groupmate_actions, _init_value_mem, _init_baseline_mem, ) else: value_estimates, next_value_mem = self.critic.critic_pass( all_obs, _init_value_mem, sequence_length=batch.num_experiences ) groupmate_obs_and_actions = (groupmate_obs, groupmate_actions) baseline_estimates, next_baseline_mem = self.critic.baseline( current_obs, groupmate_obs_and_actions, _init_baseline_mem, sequence_length=batch.num_experiences, ) # Store the memory for the next trajectory self.value_memory_dict[agent_id] = next_value_mem self.baseline_memory_dict[agent_id] = next_baseline_mem all_next_obs = ( [next_obs] + next_groupmate_obs if next_groupmate_obs is not None else [next_obs] ) next_value_estimates, _ = self.critic.critic_pass( all_next_obs, next_value_mem, sequence_length=1 ) for name, estimate in baseline_estimates.items(): baseline_estimates[name] = ModelUtils.to_numpy(estimate) for name, estimate in value_estimates.items(): value_estimates[name] = ModelUtils.to_numpy(estimate) # the base line and V shpuld not be on the same done flag for name, estimate in next_value_estimates.items(): next_value_estimates[name] = ModelUtils.to_numpy(estimate) if done: for k in next_value_estimates: if not self.reward_signals[k].ignore_done: next_value_estimates[k][-1] = 0.0 return ( value_estimates, baseline_estimates, next_value_estimates, all_next_value_mem, all_next_baseline_mem, )