syntax = "proto3"; import "mlagents_envs/communicator_objects/capabilities.proto"; import "mlagents_envs/communicator_objects/brain_parameters.proto"; option csharp_namespace = "Unity.MLAgents.CommunicatorObjects"; package communicator_objects; // The request message containing the academy's parameters. message UnityRLInitializationOutputProto { string name = 1; // Communication protocol version that the responding side (typically the C# environment) is using. string communication_version = 2; string log_path = 3; repeated BrainParametersProto brain_parameters = 5; reserved 6; //environment parameters // Package/library version that the responding side (typically the C# environment) is using. string package_version = 7; // The RL Capabilities of the C# package. UnityRLCapabilitiesProto capabilities = 8; }