from typing import List import struct from mlagents_envs.logging_util import get_logger logger = get_logger(__name__) class OutgoingMessage: """ Utility class for forming the message that is written to a SideChannel. All data is written in little-endian format using the struct module. """ def __init__(self): """ Create an OutgoingMessage with an empty buffer. """ self.buffer = bytearray() def write_bool(self, b: bool) -> None: """ Append a boolean value. """ self.buffer += struct.pack(" None: """ Append an integer value. """ self.buffer += struct.pack(" None: """ Append a float value. It will be truncated to 32-bit precision. """ self.buffer += struct.pack(" None: """ Append a list of float values. They will be truncated to 32-bit precision. """ self.write_int32(len(float_list)) for f in float_list: self.write_float32(f) def write_string(self, s: str) -> None: """ Append a string value. Internally, it will be encoded to ascii, and the encoded length will also be written to the message. """ encoded_key = s.encode("ascii") self.write_int32(len(encoded_key)) self.buffer += encoded_key def set_raw_bytes(self, buffer: bytearray) -> None: """ Set the internal buffer to a new bytearray. This will overwrite any existing data. :param buffer: :return: """ if self.buffer: logger.warning( "Called set_raw_bytes but the message already has been written to. This will overwrite data." ) self.buffer = bytearray(buffer)