from __future__ import print_function from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np import json import struct # convert from Python values and C structs import re import argparse import os.path BARRACUDA_VERSION = 16 # Definition of Barracuda model class Model: def __init__(self): self.layers = [] self.tensors = {} self.inputs = {} self.outputs = [] self.globals = [] self.memories = [] class Struct: "A structure that can have any fields defined." def __init__(self, **entries): self.__dict__.update(entries) # Parse command line argumengts def parse_args(description, source_extension, help): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("source_file", help=help) parser.add_argument("target_file", help="output Barracuda binary file") parser.add_argument("-trim", "--trim-unused-by-output") parser.add_argument("--print-layers", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--print-source-json", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-json", "--print-barracuda-json", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--print-layer-links", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--print-patterns", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--print-tensors", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--print-supported-ops", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() args.compress_f16 = ( False ) # TEMP: disabled, until properly implemented parser.add_argument('-f16', '--compress-f16', action='store_true') output_extension = ".bc" if not args.compress_f16 else ".f16.bc" if not os.path.exists(args.source_file): args.source_file = args.source_file + source_extension if not os.path.exists(args.source_file): print("File", args.source_file, "does not exist.") exit(-1) def replaceFilenameExtension(filename, newExtenstion): return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] + newExtenstion if os.path.isdir(args.target_file): args.target_file = os.path.join( args.target_file, replaceFilenameExtension(args.source_file, output_extension), ) if args.verbose: print(args) return args # Fuse training time BatchNorm tensors into Scale & Bias def fuse_batchnorm_weights(gamma, beta, mean, var, epsilon): # """ float sqrt_var = sqrt(var_data[i]); a_data[i] = bias_data[i] - slope_data[i] * mean_data[i] / sqrt_var; b_data[i] = slope_data[i] / sqrt_var; ... ptr[i] = b * ptr[i] + a; """ scale = gamma / np.sqrt(var + epsilon) bias = beta - gamma * mean / np.sqrt(var + epsilon) return [scale, bias] # Resort layers so that all inputs are satisfied for every layer beforehand def sort(model, inputs, memories, verbose): if hasattr(model, "layers"): model = model.layers inputs_and_memories = set(list(inputs) + list(memories[1::3])) def find_missing_inputs(model, inputs): missing = set() ready = set(inputs) for l in model: for i in l.inputs: if i not in ready: missing.add(i) ready.add( return missing # Class to represent a graph # Taken from: class Graph: def __init__(self, vertices): self.graph = defaultdict(list) # dictionary containing adjacency List self.V = vertices # No. of vertices # function to add an edge to graph def addEdge(self, u, v): self.graph[u].append(v) # A recursive function used by topologicalSort def topologicalSortUtil(self, v, visited, stack): # Mark the current node as visited. visited[v] = True # Recur for all the vertices adjacent to this vertex for i in self.graph[v]: if not visited[i]: self.topologicalSortUtil(i, visited, stack) # Push current vertex to stack which stores result stack.insert(0, v) # The function to do Topological Sort. It uses recursive # topologicalSortUtil() def topologicalSort(self): # Mark all the vertices as not visited visited = [False] * self.V stack = [] # Call the recursive helper function to store Topological # Sort starting from all vertices one by one for i in range(self.V): if not visited[i]: self.topologicalSortUtil(i, visited, stack) # print(stack) return stack if len(find_missing_inputs(model, inputs_and_memories)) == 0: return model g = Graph(len(model)) layers = {} id = 0 for l in model: layers[] = id id += 1 for layer in model: for i in layer.inputs: if i not in inputs_and_memories: g.addEdge(layers[i], layers[]) sorted_layer_indices = g.topologicalSort() print("SORTED:", sorted_layer_indices) new_model = [model[idx] for idx in sorted_layer_indices] assert len(find_missing_inputs(new_model, inputs_and_memories)) == 0 return new_model # Trim def trim(model, criteria_regexp_string, verbose): if hasattr(model, "layers"): model = model.layers def flatten(items, enter=lambda x: isinstance(x, list)): # # """Yield items from any nested iterable; see REF.""" for x in items: if enter(x): yield from flatten(x) else: yield x def trim_model(model, outputs): layers = { l for l in model} connected = {o for o in outputs} while len(outputs) > 0: outputs = set(flatten([layers[o].inputs for o in outputs if o in layers])) if verbose and len(outputs) > 0: print(outputs) for o in outputs: connected.add(o) trimmed = [ for l in model if not in connected] def array_without_brackets(arr): return str(arr)[1:-1] # array to string without brackets print("TRIMMED:", array_without_brackets(trimmed)) return [l for l in model if in connected] layer_names = { for l in model} criteria = re.compile(criteria_regexp_string) preserve_outputs = list(filter(criteria.match, layer_names)) if preserve_outputs: print("Trimming model given outputs to preserve:", preserve_outputs) model = trim_model(model, preserve_outputs) else: print( "WARNING: Trim couldn't find any layers to match:", criteria_regexp_string ) return model # Fuse def fuse(model, verbose): i = 0 while i < len(model) - 1: if model[i].type == model[i + 1].type and model[i].type == 255: # Load model[i].tensors += model[i + 1].tensors del model[i + 1] else: i += 1 return model def compress(model): compress_classes = {"Dense"} for l in model.layers: if l.class_name in compress_classes: print( "Compressing %s layer '%s' weights to float16" % (l.class_name, ) for x in l.tensors: = np.float16( return model # Verbose def to_json(model): class StructEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, np.ndarray): # skip binary data packed inside ndarray return "" if getattr(o, "__dict__", None): return o.__dict__ return str(o) s = json.dumps(model.layers, cls=StructEncoder, separators=(", ", ":")) # custom formatting s = s.replace("]}, {", "]},\n{") s = s.replace(":[{", ":[\n\t{") s = s.replace("}, {", "},\n\t{") s = s.replace('"', "'") return s def summary(model, print_layer_links, print_barracuda_json, print_tensors): def array_without_brackets(arr): return str(arr)[1:-1] # array to string without brackets if print_layer_links: for l in model.layers: print(, " <= ", l.inputs) if print_barracuda_json: print(to_json(model)) if model.globals: if isinstance(model.globals, dict): model.globals = { x.shape for x in model.globals} print("GLOBALS:", array_without_brackets(model.globals)) for l in model.layers: if isinstance(model.inputs, dict): ins = {i: model.inputs[i] for i in l.inputs if i in model.inputs} else: ins = [i for i in l.inputs if i in model.inputs] if ins: print("IN: %s => '%s'" % (array_without_brackets(ins), for mem_in, mem_out in zip(model.memories[1::3], model.memories[2::3]): print("MEM: '%s' => '%s'" % (mem_in, mem_out)) print("OUT:", array_without_brackets(model.outputs)) if print_tensors: for l in model.layers: for x in l.tensors: print(, x.shape,, class Build: def __init__(self, scope=""): self.scope = scope self.layers = [] self.names_taken = set() def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr == "_": return self.layers[-1].name if len(self.layer) > 0 else self.scope raise AttributeError(attr) def _patch_last_layer_name_and_return(self): if self.layers[-1].name: return self.layers[-1].name # generate unique name based on op and increasing id name = self.layers[-1].op i = 1 while name in self.names_taken: name = self.layers[-1].op + "_" + str(i) i += 1 self.names_taken.add(name) self.layers[-1].name = self.scope + ("/" if self.scope else "") + name return self.layers[-1].name def concat(self, a, b, axis=-1, out=""): self.layers += [Struct(name=out, op="Concat", axis=axis, input=[a, b])] return self._patch_last_layer_name_and_return() def mad(self, x, kernel, bias, out=""): self.layers += [Struct(name=out, op="Dense", input=[x, kernel, bias])] return self._patch_last_layer_name_and_return() def mul(self, a, b, out=""): self.layers += [Struct(name=out, op="Mul", input=[a, b])] return self._patch_last_layer_name_and_return() def add(self, a, b, out=""): self.layers += [Struct(name=out, op="Add", input=[a, b])] return self._patch_last_layer_name_and_return() def sub(self, a, b, out=""): self.layers += [Struct(name=out, op="Sub", input=[a, b])] return self._patch_last_layer_name_and_return() def sigmoid(self, x, out=""): self.layers += [Struct(name=out, op="Sigmoid", input=[x])] return self._patch_last_layer_name_and_return() def tanh(self, x, out=""): self.layers += [Struct(name=out, op="Tanh", input=[x])] return self._patch_last_layer_name_and_return() def reduce(self, op, x, axis=-1, out=""): self.layers += [Struct(name=out, op="Reduce" + op, axis=axis, input=[x])] return self._patch_last_layer_name_and_return() def pool(self, op, x, out=""): self.layers += [Struct(name=out, op=op + "Pool", input=[x])] return self._patch_last_layer_name_and_return() def strided_slice(self, x, begin, end, strides, rank, out=""): self.layers += [ Struct( name=out, op="StridedSlice", rank=rank, starts=begin, ends=end, slice_strides=strides, input=[x], ) ] return self._patch_last_layer_name_and_return() def mean(name, input, axis=-1): """ combines mean operation out of several simpler ops """ nn = Build(name) if np.array_equal(axis, [1, 2]): nn.pool("GlobalAvg", input, out=name) elif np.array_equal(axis, [1, 2, 3]): nn.reduce( "Mean", # over channels nn.pool("GlobalAvg", input), # over height & width out=name, ) elif ( np.array_equal(axis, [3]) or np.array_equal(axis, [-1]) or np.array_equal(axis, 3) or np.array_equal(axis, -1) ): nn.reduce("Mean", input, out=name) return nn.layers def rnn(name, input, state, kernel, bias, new_state, number_of_gates=2): """ - Ht = f(Xt*Wi + Ht_1*Ri + Wbi + Rbi) """ nn = Build(name) nn.tanh(nn.mad(kernel=kernel, bias=bias, x=nn.concat(input, state)), out=new_state) return nn.layers def gru( name, input, state, kernel_r, kernel_u, kernel_c, bias_r, bias_u, bias_c, new_state, number_of_gates=2, ): """ - zt = f(Xt*Wz + Ht_1*Rz + Wbz + Rbz) - rt = f(Xt*Wr + Ht_1*Rr + Wbr + Rbr) - ht = g(Xt*Wh + (rt . Ht_1)*Rh + Rbh + Wbh) - Ht = (1-zt).ht + zt.Ht_1 """ nn = Build(name) inputs = nn.concat(input, state) u = nn.sigmoid(nn.mad(inputs, kernel_u, bias_u)) r = nn.sigmoid(nn.mad(inputs, kernel_r, bias_r)) r_state = nn.mul(r, state) c = nn.tanh(nn.mad(kernel=kernel_c, bias=bias_c, x=nn.concat(input, r_state))) # new_h = u' * state + (1 - u') * c' # = u' * state + c' - u' * c' # u' * state + c' nn.add(nn.mul(u, state), c) # - u' * c' nn.sub(nn._, nn.mul(u, c), out=new_state) return nn.layers def lstm( name, input, state_c, state_h, kernel_i, kernel_j, kernel_f, kernel_o, bias_i, bias_j, bias_f, bias_o, new_state_c, new_state_h, ): """ Full: - it = f(Xt*Wi + Ht_1*Ri + Pi . Ct_1 + Wbi + Rbi) - ft = f(Xt*Wf + Ht_1*Rf + Pf . Ct_1 + Wbf + Rbf) - ct = g(Xt*Wc + Ht_1*Rc + Wbc + Rbc) - Ct = ft . Ct_1 + it . ct - ot = f(Xt*Wo + Ht_1*Ro + Po . Ct + Wbo + Rbo) - Ht = ot . h(Ct) """ """ No peephole: - it = f(Xt*Wi + Ht_1*Ri + Wbi + Rbi) - ft = f(Xt*Wf + Ht_1*Rf + Wbf + Rbf) - ct = g(Xt*Wc + Ht_1*Rc + Wbc + Rbc) - Ct = ft . Ct_ + it . ct - ot = f(Xt*Wo + Ht_1*Ro + Wbo + Rbo) - Ht = ot . h(Ct) """ nn = Build(name) inputs = nn.concat(input, state_h) i = nn.sigmoid(nn.mad(x=inputs, kernel=kernel_i, bias=bias_i)) j = nn.tanh(nn.mad(inputs, kernel_j, bias_j)) f = nn.sigmoid(nn.mad(inputs, kernel_f, bias_f)) o = nn.sigmoid(nn.mad(inputs, kernel_o, bias_o)) # new_c = state_c * f' + i' * j' nn.add(nn.mul(state_c, f), nn.mul(i, j), out=new_state_c) # new_h = nn.mul(o, nn.tanh(new_state_c), out=new_state_h) return nn.layers # Serialize class BarracudaWriter: f = None def __init__(self, filename): self.f = open(filename, "wb+") def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self.f.close() def write_array(self, arr): arr.tofile(self.f) def write_str_array(self, array_of_strigs): self.write_int32(len(array_of_strigs)) for s in array_of_strigs: self.write_str(s) def write_str(self, s): self.write_int32(len(s)) self.f.write(s.encode("ascii")) def write_float(self, d): self.f.write(struct.pack("> 2 ) # length is measured in float32s (at least for now) w.write_str( w.write_shape(x.shape) w.write_int64(offset) w.write_int32( w.write_int32(length) offset += length all_tensors.append(x) for x in all_tensors: w.write_array( def print_known_operations(known_classes, known_activations): print("OPS supported by the converter:") for key in sorted(known_classes.keys()): print(key) print("ACTIVATIONS supported by the converter:") for key in sorted(known_activations.keys()): print(key)