using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; namespace MLAgents { /// /// CustomEditor for the PlayerBrain class. Defines the default Inspector view for a /// PlayerBrain. /// Shows the BrainParameters of the Brain and expose a tool to deep copy BrainParameters /// between brains. Also exposes the key mappings for either continuous or discrete control /// depending on the Vector Action Space Type of the Brain Parameter. These mappings are the /// ones that will be used by the PlayerBrain. /// [CustomEditor(typeof(PlayerBrain))] public class PlayerBrainEditor : BrainEditor { private const string k_KeyContinuousPropName = "keyContinuousPlayerActions"; private const string k_KeyDiscretePropName = "discretePlayerActions"; private const string k_AxisContinuousPropName = "axisContinuousPlayerActions"; public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Player Brain", EditorStyles.boldLabel); var brain = (PlayerBrain)target; var serializedBrain = serializedObject; base.OnInspectorGUI(); serializedBrain.Update(); if (brain.brainParameters.vectorActionSpaceType == SpaceType.Continuous) { DrawContinuousKeyMapping(serializedBrain, brain); } else { DrawDiscreteKeyMapping(serializedBrain); } serializedBrain.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } /// /// Draws the UI for continuous control key mapping to actions. /// /// The SerializedObject corresponding to the brain. /// The Brain of which properties are displayed. private static void DrawContinuousKeyMapping( SerializedObject serializedBrain, PlayerBrain brain) { GUILayout.Label("Edit the continuous inputs for your actions", EditorStyles.boldLabel); var keyActionsProp = serializedBrain.FindProperty(k_KeyContinuousPropName); var axisActionsProp = serializedBrain.FindProperty(k_AxisContinuousPropName); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(keyActionsProp , true); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(axisActionsProp, true); var keyContinuous = brain.keyContinuousPlayerActions; var axisContinuous = brain.axisContinuousPlayerActions; var brainParams = brain.brainParameters; if (keyContinuous == null) { keyContinuous = new PlayerBrain.KeyContinuousPlayerAction[0]; } if (axisContinuous == null) { axisContinuous = new PlayerBrain.AxisContinuousPlayerAction[0]; } foreach (var action in keyContinuous) { if (action.index >= brainParams.vectorActionSize[0]) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( $"Key {action.key.ToString()} is assigned to index " + $"{action.index.ToString()} but the action size is only of size " + $"{brainParams.vectorActionSize}", MessageType.Error); } } foreach (var action in axisContinuous) { if (action.index >= brainParams.vectorActionSize[0]) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( $"Axis {action.axis} is assigned to index {action.index.ToString()} " + $"but the action size is only of size {brainParams.vectorActionSize}", MessageType.Error); } } GUILayout.Label("You can change axis settings from Edit->Project Settings->Input", EditorStyles.helpBox); } /// /// Draws the UI for discrete control key mapping to actions. /// /// The SerializedObject corresponding to the brain. private static void DrawDiscreteKeyMapping(SerializedObject serializedBrain) { GUILayout.Label("Edit the discrete inputs for your actions", EditorStyles.boldLabel); var dhas = serializedBrain.FindProperty(k_KeyDiscretePropName); serializedBrain.Update(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(dhas, true); } } }