# # Unity ML-Agents Toolkit # ## ML-Agent Learning (Ghost Trainer) # import logging from typing import Deque, Dict, List, Any, cast import numpy as np import logging from mlagents.trainers.brain import BrainParameters from mlagents.trainers.policy import Policy from mlagents.trainers.tf_policy import TFPolicy from mlagents.trainers.trainer import Trainer from mlagents.trainers.trajectory import Trajectory from mlagents.trainers.agent_processor import AgentManagerQueue LOGGER = logging.getLogger("mlagents.trainers") class GhostTrainer(Trainer): def __init__( self, trainer, brain_name, reward_buff_cap, trainer_parameters, training, run_id ): """ Responsible for collecting experiences and training trainer model via self_play. :param trainer: The trainer of the policy/policies being trained with self_play :param brain_name: The name of the brain associated with trainer config :param reward_buff_cap: Max reward history to track in the reward buffer :param trainer_parameters: The parameters for the trainer (dictionary). :param training: Whether the trainer is set for training. :param run_id: The identifier of the current run """ super(GhostTrainer, self).__init__( brain_name, trainer_parameters, training, run_id, reward_buff_cap ) self.trainer = trainer self.internal_policy_queues: List[AgentManagerQueue[Policy]] = [] self.internal_trajectory_queues: List[AgentManagerQueue[Trajectory]] = [] self.learning_policy_queues: Dict[str, AgentManagerQueue[Policy]] = {} # assign ghost's stats collection to wrapped trainer's self.stats_reporter = self.trainer.stats_reporter self_play_parameters = trainer_parameters["self_play"] self.window = self_play_parameters.get("window", 10) self.play_against_current_self_ratio = self_play_parameters.get( "play_against_current_self_ratio", 0.5 ) self.steps_between_save = self_play_parameters.get("save_steps", 20000) self.steps_between_swap = self_play_parameters.get("swap_steps", 20000) self.policies: Dict[str, TFPolicy] = {} self.policy_snapshots: List[Any] = [] self.snapshot_counter: int = 0 self.learning_behavior_name: str = None self.current_policy_snapshot = None self.last_save = 0 self.last_swap = 0 # Chosen because it is the initial ELO in Chess self.initial_elo: float = self_play_parameters.get("initial_elo", 1200.0) self.current_elo: float = self.initial_elo self.policy_elos: List[float] = [self.initial_elo] * ( self.window + 1 ) # for learning policy self.current_opponent: int = 0 @property def get_step(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of steps the trainer has performed :return: the step count of the trainer """ return self.trainer.get_step @property def reward_buffer(self) -> Deque[float]: """ Returns the reward buffer. The reward buffer contains the cumulative rewards of the most recent episodes completed by agents using this trainer. :return: the reward buffer. """ return self.trainer.reward_buffer def _write_summary(self, step: int) -> None: """ Saves training statistics to Tensorboard. """ opponents = np.array(self.policy_elos, dtype=np.float32) LOGGER.info( " Learning brain {} ELO: {:0.3f}\n" "Mean Opponent ELO: {:0.3f}" " Std Opponent ELO: {:0.3f}".format( self.learning_behavior_name, self.current_elo, opponents.mean(), opponents.std(), ) ) self.stats_reporter.add_stat("ELO", self.current_elo) def _process_trajectory(self, trajectory: Trajectory) -> None: if trajectory.done_reached and not trajectory.max_step_reached: # Assumption is that final reward is 1/.5/0 for win/draw/loss final_reward = trajectory.steps[-1].reward result = 0.5 if final_reward > 0: result = 1.0 elif final_reward < 0: result = 0.0 change = compute_elo_rating_changes( self.current_elo, self.policy_elos[self.current_opponent], result ) self.current_elo += change self.policy_elos[self.current_opponent] -= change def _is_ready_update(self) -> bool: return False def _update_policy(self) -> None: pass def advance(self) -> None: """ Steps the trainer, passing trajectories to wrapped trainer and calling trainer advance """ for traj_queue, internal_traj_queue in zip( self.trajectory_queues, self.internal_trajectory_queues ): try: t = traj_queue.get_nowait() # adds to wrapped trainers queue internal_traj_queue.put(t) self._process_trajectory(t) except AgentManagerQueue.Empty: pass self.next_summary_step = self.trainer.next_summary_step self.trainer.advance() self._maybe_write_summary(self.get_step) for internal_q in self.internal_policy_queues: # Get policies that correspond to the policy queue in question try: policy = cast(TFPolicy, internal_q.get_nowait()) self.current_policy_snapshot = policy.get_weights() self.learning_policy_queues[internal_q.behavior_id].put(policy) except AgentManagerQueue.Empty: pass if self.get_step - self.last_save > self.steps_between_save: self._save_snapshot(self.trainer.policy) self.last_save = self.get_step if self.get_step - self.last_swap > self.steps_between_swap: self._swap_snapshots() self.last_swap = self.get_step def end_episode(self): self.trainer.end_episode() def save_model(self, name_behavior_id: str) -> None: self.trainer.save_model(name_behavior_id) def export_model(self, name_behavior_id: str) -> None: self.trainer.export_model(name_behavior_id) def create_policy(self, brain_parameters: BrainParameters) -> TFPolicy: return self.trainer.create_policy(brain_parameters) def add_policy(self, name_behavior_id: str, policy: TFPolicy) -> None: # for saving/swapping snapshots policy.init_load_weights() self.policies[name_behavior_id] = policy # First policy encountered if not self.learning_behavior_name: weights = policy.get_weights() self.current_policy_snapshot = weights self._save_snapshot(policy) self.trainer.add_policy(name_behavior_id, policy) self.learning_behavior_name = name_behavior_id def get_policy(self, name_behavior_id: str) -> TFPolicy: return self.policies[name_behavior_id] def _save_snapshot(self, policy: TFPolicy) -> None: weights = policy.get_weights() try: self.policy_snapshots[self.snapshot_counter] = weights except IndexError: self.policy_snapshots.append(weights) self.policy_elos[self.snapshot_counter] = self.current_elo self.snapshot_counter = (self.snapshot_counter + 1) % self.window def _swap_snapshots(self) -> None: for q in self.policy_queues: name_behavior_id = q.behavior_id # here is the place for a sampling protocol if name_behavior_id == self.learning_behavior_name: continue elif np.random.uniform() < (1 - self.play_against_current_self_ratio): x = np.random.randint(len(self.policy_snapshots)) snapshot = self.policy_snapshots[x] else: snapshot = self.current_policy_snapshot x = "current" self.policy_elos[-1] = self.current_elo self.current_opponent = -1 if x == "current" else x LOGGER.debug( "Step {}: Swapping snapshot {} to id {} with {} learning".format( self.get_step, x, name_behavior_id, self.learning_behavior_name ) ) policy = self.get_policy(name_behavior_id) policy.load_weights(snapshot) q.put(policy) def publish_policy_queue(self, policy_queue: AgentManagerQueue[Policy]) -> None: """ Adds a policy queue to the list of queues to publish to when this Trainer makes a policy update :param queue: Policy queue to publish to. """ super().publish_policy_queue(policy_queue) if policy_queue.behavior_id == self.learning_behavior_name: internal_policy_queue: AgentManagerQueue[Policy] = AgentManagerQueue( policy_queue.behavior_id ) self.internal_policy_queues.append(internal_policy_queue) self.learning_policy_queues[policy_queue.behavior_id] = policy_queue self.trainer.publish_policy_queue(internal_policy_queue) def subscribe_trajectory_queue( self, trajectory_queue: AgentManagerQueue[Trajectory] ) -> None: """ Adds a trajectory queue to the list of queues for the trainer to ingest Trajectories from. :param queue: Trajectory queue to publish to. """ if trajectory_queue.behavior_id == self.learning_behavior_name: super().subscribe_trajectory_queue(trajectory_queue) internal_trajectory_queue: AgentManagerQueue[ Trajectory ] = AgentManagerQueue(trajectory_queue.behavior_id) self.internal_trajectory_queues.append(internal_trajectory_queue) self.trainer.subscribe_trajectory_queue(internal_trajectory_queue) # Taken from https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/pull/1975 and # https://metinmediamath.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/how-to-calculate-the-elo-rating-including-example/ # ELO calculation def compute_elo_rating_changes(rating1: float, rating2: float, result: float) -> float: r1 = pow(10, rating1 / 400) r2 = pow(10, rating2 / 400) summed = r1 + r2 e1 = r1 / summed change = result - e1 return change