import pytest from mlagents.torch_utils import torch from mlagents.trainers.torch.networks import ( NetworkBody, ValueNetwork, SimpleActor, SharedActorCritic, ) from mlagents.trainers.settings import NetworkSettings from mlagents_envs.base_env import ActionSpec from mlagents.trainers.tests.dummy_config import create_observation_specs_with_shapes def test_networkbody_vector(): torch.manual_seed(0) obs_size = 4 network_settings = NetworkSettings() obs_shapes = [(obs_size,)] networkbody = NetworkBody( create_observation_specs_with_shapes(obs_shapes), network_settings, encoded_act_size=2, ) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(networkbody.parameters(), lr=3e-3) sample_obs = 0.1 * torch.ones((1, obs_size)) sample_act = 0.1 * torch.ones((1, 2)) for _ in range(300): encoded, _ = networkbody([sample_obs], sample_act) assert encoded.shape == (1, network_settings.hidden_units) # Try to force output to 1 loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(encoded, torch.ones(encoded.shape)) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # In the last step, values should be close to 1 for _enc in encoded.flatten().tolist(): assert _enc == pytest.approx(1.0, abs=0.1) def test_networkbody_lstm(): torch.manual_seed(0) obs_size = 4 seq_len = 16 network_settings = NetworkSettings( memory=NetworkSettings.MemorySettings(sequence_length=seq_len, memory_size=12) ) obs_shapes = [(obs_size,)] networkbody = NetworkBody( create_observation_specs_with_shapes(obs_shapes), network_settings ) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(networkbody.parameters(), lr=3e-4) sample_obs = torch.ones((1, seq_len, obs_size)) for _ in range(200): encoded, _ = networkbody([sample_obs], memories=torch.ones(1, seq_len, 12)) # Try to force output to 1 loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(encoded, torch.ones(encoded.shape)) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # In the last step, values should be close to 1 for _enc in encoded.flatten().tolist(): assert _enc == pytest.approx(1.0, abs=0.1) def test_networkbody_visual(): torch.manual_seed(0) vec_obs_size = 4 obs_size = (84, 84, 3) network_settings = NetworkSettings() obs_shapes = [(vec_obs_size,), obs_size] networkbody = NetworkBody( create_observation_specs_with_shapes(obs_shapes), network_settings ) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(networkbody.parameters(), lr=3e-3) sample_obs = 0.1 * torch.ones((1, 84, 84, 3)) sample_vec_obs = torch.ones((1, vec_obs_size)) obs = [sample_vec_obs] + [sample_obs] for _ in range(150): encoded, _ = networkbody(obs) assert encoded.shape == (1, network_settings.hidden_units) # Try to force output to 1 loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(encoded, torch.ones(encoded.shape)) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # In the last step, values should be close to 1 for _enc in encoded.flatten().tolist(): assert _enc == pytest.approx(1.0, abs=0.1) def test_valuenetwork(): torch.manual_seed(0) obs_size = 4 num_outputs = 2 network_settings = NetworkSettings() obs_spec = create_observation_specs_with_shapes([(obs_size,)]) stream_names = [f"stream_name{n}" for n in range(4)] value_net = ValueNetwork( stream_names, obs_spec, network_settings, outputs_per_stream=num_outputs ) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(value_net.parameters(), lr=3e-3) for _ in range(50): sample_obs = torch.ones((1, obs_size)) values, _ = value_net([sample_obs]) loss = 0 for s_name in stream_names: assert values[s_name].shape == (1, num_outputs) # Try to force output to 1 loss += torch.nn.functional.mse_loss( values[s_name], torch.ones((1, num_outputs)) ) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # In the last step, values should be close to 1 for value in values.values(): for _out in value.tolist(): assert _out[0] == pytest.approx(1.0, abs=0.1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shared", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("lstm", [True, False]) def test_actor_critic(lstm, shared): obs_size = 4 network_settings = NetworkSettings( memory=NetworkSettings.MemorySettings() if lstm else None, normalize=True ) obs_spec = create_observation_specs_with_shapes([(obs_size,)]) act_size = 2 mask = torch.ones([1, act_size * 2]) stream_names = [f"stream_name{n}" for n in range(4)] # action_spec = ActionSpec.create_continuous(act_size[0]) action_spec = ActionSpec(act_size, tuple(act_size for _ in range(act_size))) if shared: actor = critic = SharedActorCritic( obs_spec, network_settings, action_spec, stream_names, network_settings ) else: actor = SimpleActor(obs_spec, network_settings, action_spec) critic = ValueNetwork(stream_names, obs_spec, network_settings) if lstm: sample_obs = torch.ones((1, network_settings.memory.sequence_length, obs_size)) memories = torch.ones( (1, network_settings.memory.sequence_length, actor.memory_size) ) else: sample_obs = torch.ones((1, obs_size)) memories = torch.tensor([]) # memories isn't always set to None, the network should be able to # deal with that. # Test critic pass value_out, memories_out = critic.critic_pass([sample_obs], memories=memories) for stream in stream_names: if lstm: assert value_out[stream].shape == (network_settings.memory.sequence_length,) assert memories_out.shape == memories.shape else: assert value_out[stream].shape == (1,) # Test get action stats and_value action, log_probs, entropies, mem_out = actor.get_action_and_stats( [sample_obs], memories=memories, masks=mask ) if lstm: assert action.continuous_tensor.shape == (64, 2) else: assert action.continuous_tensor.shape == (1, 2) assert len(action.discrete_list) == 2 for _disc in action.discrete_list: if lstm: assert _disc.shape == (64, 1) else: assert _disc.shape == (1, 1) if mem_out is not None: assert mem_out.shape == memories.shape