from typing import Callable, List, Dict, Tuple, Optional import abc from mlagents.torch_utils import torch, nn from mlagents_envs.base_env import ActionType from mlagents.trainers.torch.distributions import ( GaussianDistribution, MultiCategoricalDistribution, DistInstance, ) from mlagents.trainers.settings import NetworkSettings from mlagents.trainers.torch.utils import ModelUtils from mlagents.trainers.torch.decoders import ValueHeads from mlagents.trainers.torch.layers import LSTM, LinearEncoder from mlagents.trainers.torch.model_serialization import exporting_to_onnx ActivationFunction = Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] EncoderFunction = Callable[ [torch.Tensor, int, ActivationFunction, int, str, bool], torch.Tensor ] EPSILON = 1e-7 class NetworkBody(nn.Module): def __init__( self, observation_shapes: List[Tuple[int, ...]], network_settings: NetworkSettings, encoded_act_size: int = 0, ): super().__init__() self.normalize = network_settings.normalize self.use_lstm = network_settings.memory is not None self.h_size = network_settings.hidden_units self.m_size = ( network_settings.memory.memory_size if network_settings.memory is not None else 0 ) self.visual_processors, self.vector_processors, encoder_input_size = ModelUtils.create_input_processors( observation_shapes, self.h_size, network_settings.vis_encode_type, normalize=self.normalize, ) total_enc_size = encoder_input_size + encoded_act_size self.linear_encoder = LinearEncoder( total_enc_size, network_settings.num_layers, self.h_size ) if self.use_lstm: self.lstm = LSTM(self.h_size, self.m_size) else: self.lstm = None # type: ignore def update_normalization(self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]) -> None: for vec_input, vec_enc in zip(vec_inputs, self.vector_processors): vec_enc.update_normalization(vec_input) def copy_normalization(self, other_network: "NetworkBody") -> None: if self.normalize: for n1, n2 in zip(self.vector_processors, other_network.vector_processors): n1.copy_normalization(n2) @property def memory_size(self) -> int: return self.lstm.memory_size if self.use_lstm else 0 def forward( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], actions: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: encodes = [] for idx, processor in enumerate(self.vector_processors): vec_input = vec_inputs[idx] processed_vec = processor(vec_input) encodes.append(processed_vec) for idx, processor in enumerate(self.visual_processors): vis_input = vis_inputs[idx] if not exporting_to_onnx.is_exporting(): vis_input = vis_input.permute([0, 3, 1, 2]) processed_vis = processor(vis_input) encodes.append(processed_vis) if len(encodes) == 0: raise Exception("No valid inputs to network.") # Constants don't work in Barracuda if actions is not None: inputs = + [actions], dim=-1) else: inputs =, dim=-1) encoding = self.linear_encoder(inputs) if self.use_lstm: # Resize to (batch, sequence length, encoding size) encoding = encoding.reshape([-1, sequence_length, self.h_size]) encoding, memories = self.lstm(encoding, memories) encoding = encoding.reshape([-1, self.m_size // 2]) return encoding, memories class ValueNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__( self, stream_names: List[str], observation_shapes: List[Tuple[int, ...]], network_settings: NetworkSettings, encoded_act_size: int = 0, outputs_per_stream: int = 1, ): # This is not a typo, we want to call __init__ of nn.Module nn.Module.__init__(self) self.network_body = NetworkBody( observation_shapes, network_settings, encoded_act_size=encoded_act_size ) if network_settings.memory is not None: encoding_size = network_settings.memory.memory_size // 2 else: encoding_size = network_settings.hidden_units self.value_heads = ValueHeads(stream_names, encoding_size, outputs_per_stream) @property def memory_size(self) -> int: return self.network_body.memory_size def forward( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], actions: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: encoding, memories = self.network_body( vec_inputs, vis_inputs, actions, memories, sequence_length ) output = self.value_heads(encoding) return output, memories class Actor(abc.ABC): @abc.abstractmethod def update_normalization(self, vector_obs: List[torch.Tensor]) -> None: """ Updates normalization of Actor based on the provided List of vector obs. :param vector_obs: A List of vector obs as tensors. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def sample_action(self, dists: List[DistInstance]) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Takes a List of Distribution iinstances and samples an action from each. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_dists( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[List[DistInstance], Optional[torch.Tensor]]: """ Returns distributions from this Actor, from which actions can be sampled. If memory is enabled, return the memories as well. :param vec_inputs: A List of vector inputs as tensors. :param vis_inputs: A List of visual inputs as tensors. :param masks: If using discrete actions, a Tensor of action masks. :param memories: If using memory, a Tensor of initial memories. :param sequence_length: If using memory, the sequence length. :return: A Tuple of a List of action distribution instances, and memories. Memories will be None if not using memory. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def forward( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, int, int, int, int]: """ Forward pass of the Actor for inference. This is required for export to ONNX, and the inputs and outputs of this method should not be changed without a respective change in the ONNX export code. """ pass class ActorCritic(Actor): @abc.abstractmethod def critic_pass( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """ Get value outputs for the given obs. :param vec_inputs: List of vector inputs as tensors. :param vis_inputs: List of visual inputs as tensors. :param memories: Tensor of memories, if using memory. Otherwise, None. :returns: Dict of reward stream to output tensor for values. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_dist_and_value( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[List[DistInstance], Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """ Returns distributions, from which actions can be sampled, and value estimates. If memory is enabled, return the memories as well. :param vec_inputs: A List of vector inputs as tensors. :param vis_inputs: A List of visual inputs as tensors. :param masks: If using discrete actions, a Tensor of action masks. :param memories: If using memory, a Tensor of initial memories. :param sequence_length: If using memory, the sequence length. :return: A Tuple of a List of action distribution instances, a Dict of reward signal name to value estimate, and memories. Memories will be None if not using memory. """ pass @abc.abstractproperty def memory_size(self): """ Returns the size of the memory (same size used as input and output in the other methods) used by this Actor. """ pass class SimpleActor(nn.Module, Actor): def __init__( self, observation_shapes: List[Tuple[int, ...]], network_settings: NetworkSettings, act_type: ActionType, act_size: List[int], conditional_sigma: bool = False, tanh_squash: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self.act_type = act_type self.act_size = act_size self.version_number = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([2.0])) self.is_continuous_int = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor([int(act_type == ActionType.CONTINUOUS)]) ) self.act_size_vector = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor([sum(act_size)]), requires_grad=False ) self.network_body = NetworkBody(observation_shapes, network_settings) if network_settings.memory is not None: self.encoding_size = network_settings.memory.memory_size // 2 else: self.encoding_size = network_settings.hidden_units if self.act_type == ActionType.CONTINUOUS: self.distribution = GaussianDistribution( self.encoding_size, act_size[0], conditional_sigma=conditional_sigma, tanh_squash=tanh_squash, ) else: self.distribution = MultiCategoricalDistribution( self.encoding_size, act_size ) @property def memory_size(self) -> int: return self.network_body.memory_size def update_normalization(self, vector_obs: List[torch.Tensor]) -> None: self.network_body.update_normalization(vector_obs) def sample_action(self, dists: List[DistInstance]) -> List[torch.Tensor]: actions = [] for action_dist in dists: action = action_dist.sample() actions.append(action) return actions def get_dists( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[List[DistInstance], Optional[torch.Tensor]]: encoding, memories = self.network_body( vec_inputs, vis_inputs, memories=memories, sequence_length=sequence_length ) if self.act_type == ActionType.CONTINUOUS: dists = self.distribution(encoding) else: dists = self.distribution(encoding, masks) return dists, memories def forward( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, int, int, int, int]: """ Note: This forward() method is required for exporting to ONNX. Don't modify the inputs and outputs. """ dists, _ = self.get_dists(vec_inputs, vis_inputs, masks, memories, 1) if self.act_type == ActionType.CONTINUOUS: action_list = self.sample_action(dists) action_out = torch.stack(action_list, dim=-1) else: action_out =[dist.all_log_prob() for dist in dists], dim=1) return ( action_out, self.version_number, torch.Tensor([self.network_body.memory_size]), self.is_continuous_int, self.act_size_vector, ) class SharedActorCritic(SimpleActor, ActorCritic): def __init__( self, observation_shapes: List[Tuple[int, ...]], network_settings: NetworkSettings, act_type: ActionType, act_size: List[int], stream_names: List[str], conditional_sigma: bool = False, tanh_squash: bool = False, ): super().__init__( observation_shapes, network_settings, act_type, act_size, conditional_sigma, tanh_squash, ) self.stream_names = stream_names self.value_heads = ValueHeads(stream_names, self.encoding_size) def critic_pass( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: encoding, memories_out = self.network_body( vec_inputs, vis_inputs, memories=memories, sequence_length=sequence_length ) return self.value_heads(encoding), memories_out def get_dist_and_value( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[List[DistInstance], Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: encoding, memories = self.network_body( vec_inputs, vis_inputs, memories=memories, sequence_length=sequence_length ) if self.act_type == ActionType.CONTINUOUS: dists = self.distribution(encoding) else: dists = self.distribution(encoding, masks=masks) value_outputs = self.value_heads(encoding) return dists, value_outputs, memories class SeparateActorCritic(SimpleActor, ActorCritic): def __init__( self, observation_shapes: List[Tuple[int, ...]], network_settings: NetworkSettings, act_type: ActionType, act_size: List[int], stream_names: List[str], conditional_sigma: bool = False, tanh_squash: bool = False, ): # Give the Actor only half the memories. Note we previously validate # that memory_size must be a multiple of 4. self.use_lstm = network_settings.memory is not None super().__init__( observation_shapes, network_settings, act_type, act_size, conditional_sigma, tanh_squash, ) self.stream_names = stream_names self.critic = ValueNetwork(stream_names, observation_shapes, network_settings) @property def memory_size(self) -> int: return self.network_body.memory_size + self.critic.memory_size def critic_pass( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: actor_mem, critic_mem = None, None if self.use_lstm: # Use only the back half of memories for critic actor_mem, critic_mem = torch.split(memories, self.memory_size // 2, -1) value_outputs, critic_mem_out = self.critic( vec_inputs, vis_inputs, memories=critic_mem, sequence_length=sequence_length ) if actor_mem is not None: # Make memories with the actor mem unchanged memories_out =[actor_mem, critic_mem_out], dim=-1) else: memories_out = None return value_outputs, memories_out def get_dist_and_value( self, vec_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], vis_inputs: List[torch.Tensor], masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, memories: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sequence_length: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[List[DistInstance], Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: if self.use_lstm: # Use only the back half of memories for critic and actor actor_mem, critic_mem = torch.split(memories, self.memory_size // 2, dim=-1) else: critic_mem = None actor_mem = None dists, actor_mem_outs = self.get_dists( vec_inputs, vis_inputs, memories=actor_mem, sequence_length=sequence_length, masks=masks, ) value_outputs, critic_mem_outs = self.critic( vec_inputs, vis_inputs, memories=critic_mem, sequence_length=sequence_length ) if self.use_lstm: mem_out =[actor_mem_outs, critic_mem_outs], dim=-1) else: mem_out = None return dists, value_outputs, mem_out def update_normalization(self, vector_obs: List[torch.Tensor]) -> None: super().update_normalization(vector_obs) self.critic.network_body.update_normalization(vector_obs) class GlobalSteps(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__global_step = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([0]), requires_grad=False) @property def current_step(self): return int(self.__global_step.item()) @current_step.setter def current_step(self, value): self.__global_step[:] = value def increment(self, value): self.__global_step += value class LearningRate(nn.Module): def __init__(self, lr): # Todo: add learning rate decay super().__init__() self.learning_rate = torch.Tensor([lr])