# Example Learning Environments Unity ML-Agents contains an expanding set of example environments which demonstrate various features of the platform. Environments are located in `unity-environment/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples` and summarised below. Additionally, our [first ML Challenge](https://connect.unity.com/challenges/ml-agents-1) contains environments created by the community. This page only overviews the example environments we provide. To learn more on how to design and build your own environments see our [Making a new Learning Environment](Learning-Environment-Create-New.md) page. If you would like to contribute environments, please see our [contribution guidelines](Contribution-Guidelines.md) page. ## Basic ![Basic](images/basic.png) * Set-up: A linear movement task where the agent must move left or right to rewarding states. * Goal: Move to the most reward state. * Agents: The environment contains one agent linked to a single brain. * Agent Reward Function: * +0.1 for arriving at suboptimal state. * +1.0 for arriving at optimal state. * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space. * Vector Observation space: (Discrete) One variable corresponding to current state. * Vector Action space: (Discrete) Two possible actions (Move left, move right). * Visual Observations: 0 * Reset Parameters: None ## 3DBall ![Balance Ball](images/balance.png) * Set-up: A balance-ball task, where the agent controls the platform. * Goal: The agent must balance the platform in order to keep the ball on it for as long as possible. * Agents: The environment contains 12 agents of the same kind, all linked to a single brain. * Agent Reward Function: * +0.1 for every step the ball remains on the platform. * -1.0 if the ball falls from the platform. * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space. * Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 8 variables corresponding to rotation of platform, and position, rotation, and velocity of ball. * Vector Observation space (Hard Version): (Continuous) 5 variables corresponding to rotation of platform and position and rotation of ball. * Vector Action space: (Continuous) Size of 2, with one value corresponding to X-rotation, and the other to Z-rotation. * Visual Observations: 0 * Reset Parameters: None ## GridWorld ![GridWorld](images/gridworld.png) * Set-up: A version of the classic grid-world task. Scene contains agent, goal, and obstacles. * Goal: The agent must navigate the grid to the goal while avoiding the obstacles. * Agents: The environment contains one agent linked to a single brain. * Agent Reward Function: * -0.01 for every step. * +1.0 if the agent navigates to the goal position of the grid (episode ends). * -1.0 if the agent navigates to an obstacle (episode ends). * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space. * Vector Observation space: None * Vector Action space: (Discrete) Size of 4, corresponding to movement in cardinal directions. * Visual Observations: One corresponding to top-down view of GridWorld. * Reset Parameters: Three, corresponding to grid size, number of obstacles, and number of goals. ## Tennis ![Tennis](images/tennis.png) * Set-up: Two-player game where agents control rackets to bounce ball over a net. * Goal: The agents must bounce ball between one another while not dropping or sending ball out of bounds. * Agents: The environment contains two agent linked to a single brain named TennisBrain. After training you can attach another brain named MyBrain to one of the agent to play against your trained model. * Agent Reward Function (independent): * +0.1 To agent when hitting ball over net. * -0.1 To agent who let ball hit their ground, or hit ball out of bounds. * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space. * Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 8 variables corresponding to position and velocity of ball and racket. * Vector Action space: (Continuous) Size of 2, corresponding to movement toward net or away from net, and jumping. * Visual Observations: None * Reset Parameters: One, corresponding to size of ball. ## Push Block ![Push](images/push.png) * Set-up: A platforming environment where the agent can push a block around. * Goal: The agent must push the block to the goal. * Agents: The environment contains one agent linked to a single brain. * Agent Reward Function: * -0.0025 for every step. * +1.0 if the block touches the goal. * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space. * Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 15 variables corresponding to position and velocities of agent, block, and goal. * Vector Action space: (Continuous) Size of 2, corresponding to movement in X and Z directions. * Visual Observations: None. * Reset Parameters: None. ## Wall Jump ![Wall](images/wall.png) * Set-up: A platforming environment where the agent can jump over a wall. * Goal: The agent must use the block to scale the wall and reach the goal. * Agents: The environment contains one agent linked to a single brain. * Agent Reward Function: * -0.01 for every step. * +1.0 if the agent touches the goal. * -1.0 if the agent falls off the platform. * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space. * Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 16 variables corresponding to position and velocities of agent, block, and goal, plus the height of the wall. * Vector Action space: (Discrete) Size of 6, corresponding to movement in cardinal directions, jumping, and no movement. * Visual Observations: None. * Reset Parameters: One, corresponding to number of steps in training. Used to adjust size of the wall for Curriculum Learning. ## Reacher ![Tennis](images/reacher.png) * Set-up: Double-jointed arm which can move to target locations. * Goal: The agents must move it's hand to the goal location, and keep it there. * Agents: The environment contains 32 agent linked to a single brain. * Agent Reward Function (independent): * +0.1 Each step agent's hand is in goal location. * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space. * Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 26 variables corresponding to position, rotation, velocity, and angular velocities of the two arm rigidbodies. * Vector Action space: (Continuous) Size of 4, corresponding to torque applicable to two joints. * Visual Observations: None * Reset Parameters: Two, corresponding to goal size, and goal movement speed. ## Crawler ![Crawler](images/crawler.png) * Set-up: A creature with 4 arms and 4 forearms. * Goal: The agents must move its body along the x axis without falling. * Agents: The environment contains 3 agent linked to a single brain. * Agent Reward Function (independent): * +1 times velocity in the x direction * -1 for falling. * -0.01 times the action squared * -0.05 times y position change * -0.05 times velocity in the z direction * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space. * Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 117 variables corresponding to position, rotation, velocity, and angular velocities of each limb plus the acceleration and angular acceleration of the body. * Vector Action space: (Continuous) Size of 12, corresponding to torque applicable to 12 joints. * Visual Observations: None * Reset Parameters: None ## Banana Collector ![Banana](images/banana.png) * Set-up: A multi-agent environment where agents compete to collect bananas. * Goal: The agents must learn to move to as many yellow bananas as possible while avoiding red bananas. * Agents: The environment contains 10 agents linked to a single brain. * Agent Reward Function (independent): * +1 for interaction with yellow banana * -1 for interaction with red banana. * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space. * Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 51 corresponding to velocity of agent, plus ray-based perception of objects around agent's forward direction. * Vector Action space: (Continuous) Size of 3, corresponding to forward movement, y-axis rotation, and whether to use laser to disable other agents. * Visual Observations (Optional): First-person view for each agent. * Reset Parameters: None ## Hallway ![Hallway](images/hallway.png) * Set-up: Environment where the agent needs to find information in a room, remember it, and use it to move to the correct goal. * Goal: Move to the goal which corresponds to the color of the block in the room. * Agents: The environment contains one agent linked to a single brain. * Agent Reward Function (independent): * +1 For moving to correct goal. * -0.1 For moving to incorrect goal. * -0.0003 Existential penalty. * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space: * Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 30 corresponding to local ray-casts detecting objects, goals, and walls. * Vector Action space: (Discrete) 4 corresponding to agent rotation and forward/backward movement. * Visual Observations (Optional): First-person view for the agent. * Reset Parameters: None ## Bouncer ![Bouncer](images/bouncer.png) * Set-up: Environment where the agent needs on-demand decision making. The agent must decide how perform its next bounce only when it touches the ground. * Goal: Catch the floating banana. Only has a limited number of jumps. * Agents: The environment contains one agent linked to a single brain. * Agent Reward Function (independent): * +1 For catching the banana. * -1 For bouncing out of bounds. * -0.05 Times the action squared. Energy expenditure penalty. * Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space: * Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 6 corresponding to local position of agent and banana. * Vector Action space: (Continuous) 3 corresponding to agent force applied for the jump. * Visual Observations: None * Reset Parameters: None