using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace MLAgents
public class ActionMasker
/// When using discrete control, is the starting indices of the actions
/// when all the branches are concatenated with each other.
int[] m_StartingActionIndices;
bool[] m_CurrentMask;
readonly BrainParameters m_BrainParameters;
public ActionMasker(BrainParameters brainParameters)
m_BrainParameters = brainParameters;
/// Modifies an action mask for discrete control agents. When used, the agent will not be
/// able to perform the action passed as argument at the next decision. If no branch is
/// specified, the default branch will be 0. The actionIndex or actionIndices correspond
/// to the action the agent will be unable to perform.
/// The branch for which the actions will be masked
/// The indices of the masked actions
public void SetActionMask(int branch, IEnumerable actionIndices)
// If the branch does not exist, raise an error
if (branch >= m_BrainParameters.vectorActionSize.Length)
throw new UnityAgentsException(
"Invalid Action Masking : Branch " + branch + " does not exist.");
var totalNumberActions = m_BrainParameters.vectorActionSize.Sum();
// By default, the masks are null. If we want to specify a new mask, we initialize
// the actionMasks with trues.
if (m_CurrentMask == null)
m_CurrentMask = new bool[totalNumberActions];
// If this is the first time the masked actions are used, we generate the starting
// indices for each branch.
if (m_StartingActionIndices == null)
m_StartingActionIndices = Utilities.CumSum(m_BrainParameters.vectorActionSize);
// Perform the masking
foreach (var actionIndex in actionIndices)
if (actionIndex >= m_BrainParameters.vectorActionSize[branch])
throw new UnityAgentsException(
"Invalid Action Masking: Action Mask is too large for specified branch.");
m_CurrentMask[actionIndex + m_StartingActionIndices[branch]] = true;
/// Get the current mask for an agent
/// A mask for the agent. A boolean array of length equal to the total number of
/// actions.
public bool[] GetMask()
if (m_CurrentMask != null)
return m_CurrentMask;
/// Makes sure that the current mask is usable.
void AssertMask()
// Action Masks can only be used in Discrete Control.
if (m_BrainParameters.vectorActionSpaceType != SpaceType.Discrete)
throw new UnityAgentsException(
"Invalid Action Masking : Can only set action mask for Discrete Control.");
var numBranches = m_BrainParameters.vectorActionSize.Length;
for (var branchIndex = 0; branchIndex < numBranches; branchIndex++)
if (AreAllActionsMasked(branchIndex))
throw new UnityAgentsException(
"Invalid Action Masking : All the actions of branch " + branchIndex +
" are masked.");
/// Resets the current mask for an agent
public void ResetMask()
if (m_CurrentMask != null)
Array.Clear(m_CurrentMask, 0, m_CurrentMask.Length);
/// Checks if all the actions in the input branch are masked
/// The index of the branch to check
/// True if all the actions of the branch are masked
bool AreAllActionsMasked(int branch)
if (m_CurrentMask == null)
return false;
var start = m_StartingActionIndices[branch];
var end = m_StartingActionIndices[branch + 1];
for (var i = start; i < end; i++)
if (!m_CurrentMask[i])
return false;
return true;