# NOTE: This upgrade script is a temporary measure for the transition between the old-format # configuration file and the new format. It will be marked for deprecation once the # Python CLI and configuration files are finalized, and removed the following release. import attr import cattr import yaml from typing import Dict, Any import argparse from mlagents.trainers.settings import TrainerSettings, NetworkSettings, TrainerType from mlagents.trainers.cli_utils import load_config from mlagents.trainers.exception import TrainerConfigError # Take an existing trainer config (e.g. trainer_config.yaml) and turn it into the new format. def convert_behaviors(old_trainer_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: all_behavior_config_dict = {} default_config = old_trainer_config.get("default", {}) for behavior_name, config in old_trainer_config.items(): if behavior_name != "default": config = default_config.copy() config.update(old_trainer_config[behavior_name]) # Convert to split TrainerSettings, Hyperparameters, NetworkSettings # Set trainer_type and get appropriate hyperparameter settings try: trainer_type = config["trainer"] except KeyError: raise TrainerConfigError( "Config doesn't specify a trainer type. " "Please specify trainer: in your config." ) new_config = {} new_config["trainer_type"] = trainer_type hyperparam_cls = TrainerType(trainer_type).to_settings() # Try to absorb as much as possible into the hyperparam_cls new_config["hyperparameters"] = cattr.structure(config, hyperparam_cls) # Try to absorb as much as possible into the network settings new_config["network_settings"] = cattr.structure(config, NetworkSettings) # Deal with recurrent try: if config["use_recurrent"]: new_config[ "network_settings" ].memory = NetworkSettings.MemorySettings( sequence_length=config["sequence_length"], memory_size=config["memory_size"], ) except KeyError: raise TrainerConfigError( "Config doesn't specify use_recurrent. " "Please specify true or false for use_recurrent in your config." ) # Absorb the rest into the base TrainerSettings for key, val in config.items(): if key in attr.fields_dict(TrainerSettings): new_config[key] = val # Structure the whole thing all_behavior_config_dict[behavior_name] = cattr.structure( new_config, TrainerSettings ) return all_behavior_config_dict def write_to_yaml_file(unstructed_config: Dict[str, Any], output_config: str) -> None: with open(output_config, "w") as f: try: yaml.dump(unstructed_config, f, sort_keys=False) except TypeError: # Older versions of pyyaml don't support sort_keys yaml.dump(unstructed_config, f) def remove_nones(config: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: new_config = {} for key, val in config.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): new_config[key] = remove_nones(val) elif val is not None: new_config[key] = val return new_config def parse_args(): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) argparser.add_argument( "trainer_config_path", help="Path to old format (<=0.16.X) trainer configuration YAML.", ) argparser.add_argument( "--curriculum", help="Path to old format (<=0.16.X) curriculum configuration YAML.", default=None, ) argparser.add_argument( "--sampler", help="Path to old format (<=0.16.X) parameter randomization configuration YAML.", default=None, ) argparser.add_argument( "output_config_path", help="Path to write converted YAML file." ) args = argparser.parse_args() return args def main() -> None: args = parse_args() print( f"Converting {args.trainer_config_path} and saving to {args.output_config_path}." ) old_config = load_config(args.trainer_config_path) behavior_config_dict = convert_behaviors(old_config) full_config = {"behaviors": behavior_config_dict} # Convert curriculum and sampler. note that we don't validate these; if it was correct # before it should be correct now. if args.curriculum is not None: curriculum_config_dict = load_config(args.curriculum) full_config["curriculum"] = curriculum_config_dict if args.sampler is not None: sampler_config_dict = load_config(args.sampler) full_config["parameter_randomization"] = sampler_config_dict # Convert config to dict unstructed_config = cattr.unstructure(full_config) unstructed_config = remove_nones(unstructed_config) write_to_yaml_file(unstructed_config, args.output_config_path) if __name__ == "__main__": main()